Merry Christmas folks, and if not celebrating that, wish y’all a wonderful day. (Forget about the 2021, that’s already from the og picture).
Merry Christmas folks, and if not celebrating that, wish y’all a wonderful day. (Forget about the 2021, that’s already from the og picture).
Not gonna lie i think it was more challenging doing this runs more than the editing itself.
24 Votes in Poll
Another New Enemy Type for Psychonauts to share with @Idk my user name and @Neo Thalam
Allergic Reactions are mental figures representing a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive. they come in a group of 2-3 and spin around to spread causing raz to sneeze and temporality stunning him but can hit with confusion or psi blast
More OCs for Psychonauts to share with @Neo Thalam and @Idk my user name ever since the Release of Psychonauts 2
Vega and Juno (Real Names are Unknown) are two psychics who act as Giovanni Silveretti's Bodyguards and are in cahoots with the Silveretti Crime Family as they share many valuables with them. Vega is the Gentleman, cruel and cold, but respectful enough to give his enemies a chance to stand down. But if they refuse, the gloves come off and he is merciless and brutal. He cares for his fellow Psychics to a degree. Juno on the other hand, despite her young age, is a skilled trainer and fighter. She is also nuttier than bunch of Bad Ideas. She skips, sings nursery rhymes and treats everything from stealing to torturing Psychonauts as a game.
Another new Villain OC for Psychonauts after the release of Psychonauts 2 to share with @Idk my user name and @Neo Thalam
Giovanni Silveretti is a psychic who was responsible for stealing information and killing several Psychonauts. He belonged to the Silveretti crime family, criminal psychics who masqueraded as high class citizens interested in the finest things such as fancy cars, wines, classic art, and rare items. They would case a certain location and find out the security and any other obstacle in their way and later on, they'd sneak in and steal it. In the sublevels of the Silveretti Manor, the family hid all of their ill gotten gains and treasures. He chose to replace his missing right arm with a mechanical one made from special gallium, but did not replace his lost eye and vow to make his family proud by eliminating anyone who gets in his way. he also wears a special mask that enhances his psychic powers to full power
I want to thank @Neo Thalam for drawing my newest Psychonauts OC, 0tt0M-Phone
So here what i want to say or atleast ask to @Neo Thalam: hey since you did some of my OCs in your style. i thought why not do more of mine since i just redesigned Two other Psychonauts OCs of Mine
My next Psychonauts OC to share with @Neo Thalam and @Idk my user name is based on Rotom from the Pokemon Series
Gerald Osborne is a tech savvy psychonaut who know for using his psychic powers to create and repair technology who has almost died from a mental figure battling resulting in him transferring his mind into a phone thus becoming 0tt0M-Phone as the Ampsoker Brothers' New Companion. he posses the ability to enter and merge with appliances to upgrade his psychic powers to help with mental problems
A Redesign of a Psychonauts OC i did a year ago after the release of Psychonauts 2 and to share with @Idk my user name and @Neo Thalam
Christopher Fantome (or Chris for Short) is a Psychonaut who studies on paranormal and supernatural activities and was good friends with Raz and the Amspoker Brothers as they enjoyed how they hang out together and discuss about their recent mind exploring and adventures. he is capable of using his psychic powers to summon and control spectral beings and can turn into a ghost along with a ghost tail to become invisible, posses mental figures and to phase through walls but deep down he cares about his cousin and fellow psychonaut, Venus Hanashi
A Redesign and Reimagining of an old Psychonauts OC i did a year ago and to share with @Neo Thalam and @Idk my user name
For his Reimagined History, Edward Mindscape aka Master Mind as he called by many Psychonauts, is a psychic that has massed a fortune through his various schemes involving swindling and counterfeit before his execution where he used most of his psychosis powers to transfer his soul into a skull thus becoming a floating skull spirit that was a serious threat to many Psychonauts. he possess the power to turn good people into bad, staining their innocent hearts, minds with darkness and pure evil as he delve into the depths of their soul revealing and uncovering their secrets, devilities plus their complexes and insecurities, revealing the worst of they, making them cold and insensitive irreversibly, resulting in him corrupting a psychonaut by the name of Hansonaki
Another New Enemy Type for Psychonauts 2 to share with @Idk my user name @Neo Thalam and @Kimochigai
Bad Seeds are mental figures resembling plants that represent bad influence and ill manners of a person's mind. their main way of attacking is firing giant seeds from their mouth and using their thorny vines to encase their victims and squeeze them to death
Continuation of
It's been months and no respond from @Neo Thalam or @Kimochigai except @Idk my user name and i wonder how their artwork is going
Another New Enemy Type for Psychonauts 2 to share with @Idk my user name @Neo Thalam and @Kimochigai
Bad Memories are mental figures that represent horrible memories of a certain person's past of the the faculty of the brain by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed. It is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing future action. they are completely invulnerable to physical attacks except when hit with confusion and pyrokinesis and they attack with 3 of their mantis-like arms
This is a question related to the reply from @Neo Talam's Message Wall as he told me that he has been working on his own stuff
So the Question is: What Kind of Stuff are you working on?
Another New Enemy Type for Psychonauts 2 to share with @Idk my user name and @Neo Talam
These so-called Outbursts are mental figures that represent a sudden outbreak of a particular activity. in the mind. they attack by smashing and punching enemies with their fists. Raz can defeat them with normal attacks, but they can also be pacified when one finds out the source of the outburst (usually other enemies) and deals with them.
Belongs to a DA User named Wobbley
A Revamp/Redesign of an old Psychonauts Villain OC from a year ago and wanted to share with @Idk my user name and @Neo Talam
Info on this OC is found on the old version:
Hi! So as I was going through the pages as usual i noticed... Something really odd about Lucrecia's younger model (which is not an official render by the way, it was made by a miner in the psychonauts datamining discord).
Her skin tone is Really off compared to her texture sheet
I was shown this next image through discord, and it seems like the render used here is MUCH more accurate to her texture sheet, but sadly i dont have a source/actual full model image.
Now, i should say that i personally dont have any experience with render making myself, and I even consideered the possibility that she was lighter as a result of lighting, but you can see thats not the case as her clothes are not lighter than her clothing texture sheet. This is really concerning, and as a psychonauts fan of color its disheartening to see what seems like a whitewashed render being used as an official reference on her wiki. I'd like some thoughts from others, especially if you do rendering and ESPECIALLY if you're also a person of color. Thank you for your time, please share your thoughts!
Edit: i am not accusing the person who made the render of anything btw!! I understand it was most likely an honest mistake, i just thought itd be good to bring up.
Edit 2: YAY! her render has been updated, this is great!
Hello Admins/Community. I've started a Psychonauts 2 figment guide, and have a few questions I'd like to ask.
Is it preferable that this type of content should remain as a guide, or would it be better if it was re-written as a normal page listing information?
Would a single page with all the worlds listed be best, or should it be split into subpages for each world (eg. Loboto's Labyrinth/Figments)?
Any other feedback would also be welcome of course, especially on presentation.