Aquato family |
The Aquato family, also called the "Flying Aquatos", are a family of circus performers who were originally from Grulovia. They now reside in the Questionable Area near the Motherlobe.
The Aquatos used to be successful water acrobat performers. According to Augustus, they were once revered in their homeland of Grulovia, and even preformed for the Gzar in the Grulovian royal palace. Desite their apparent rivalry of the Galochios, one head of the family, Lazarus Aquato, married a member of the Galochios named Marona, and had a son named Augustus.
Eventually, the Aquatos fell out of favor with the then current Gzar, Gzar Theodore Malik, as they began protesting against his regime with the rest of the poor Grulovian citizens. This prompted Theodore to order his Minister of War, Lucrecia Mux, Marona's sister, to deal with them. One fateful day, Lucrecia used her Hydrokinesis to make it rain, trying to dispel that days protest, and accidentally overflowed the dam, resulting in most of the Aquatos drowning. This event resulted in Lucrecia becoming Maligula.
After Maligula was defeated, Ford Cruller used a device called the Astralathe to seal Lucrecia's Maligula persona away and replace it with a persona of her dead sister, as well as giving her a fear of water to prevent her from remembering who she actually was. Ford then took Augustus out of the orphanage he was in, and used the Astralathe to make him forget about his mother's death and implanted the idea that Lucrecia was his mother. He then left the two in their family's circus, where Lucrecia continuously told the false narrative that Ford implanted in her that Maligula was from a family of fortune telling psychics from a rival circus, who cursed them to die in water, a story he perpetuated by telling it to his own children.
The only Aquato members to physically appear in Psychonauts are Razputin and his father, Augustus, who forbids his children from practicing their psychic powers. Raz defiantly runs away to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp to hone his abilities. Upon Raz's arrival, camp counselor Milla Vodello calls Augustus to come pick up Raz. Augustus arrives the next day and aids Raz in his battle against the two-headed dad monster. With convincing from Raz, Augustus lets his son join the Psychonauts as an intern.
Psychonauts 2[]
The Aquato family camps in The Questionable Area to keep an eye on Razputin during this time at the Motherlobe, and try to convince him to return to the family circus.
Aquato Members[]
Zalto Galochio[]
Zalto Galochio is the husband of Mithra Galochio and great-grandfather to the Aquato children. His current status is unknown.
Mithra Galochio[]
Mithra Galochio is the wife of Zalto Galochio and great-grandmother to the Aquato children. Her current status is unknown.
Lucrecia Mux/Maligula Galochio[]
Sister to Marona Galochio.
Lazarus Aquato[]
Father to Augustus Aquato. Grandfather to the Aquato children and father-in-law to Donatella Aquato. Husband to Marona Aquato.
Marona Galochio[]
Mother to Augustus Aquato. Grandmother to the Aquato children and mother-in-law to Donatella Aquato. Wife of Lazarus Aquato.
Augustus Aquato[]
Father to Raz, Frazie, Mirtala, Queepie, and Dion. Husband to Donatella Aquato.
Donatella Aquato[]
Mother to Raz, Frazie, Mirtala, Queepie, and Dion. Wife to Augustus Aquato.
Dion Aquato[]
Augustus' and Donatella's eldest son.
Frazie Aquato[]
Augustus' and Donatella's eldest daughter.
Razputin Aquato[]
Augustus' and Donatella's middle son.
Mirtala Aquato[]
Augustus' and Donatella's youngest daughter.
Queepie Aquato[]
Augustus' and Donatella's youngest son.
"Aquato" means water in Latin.
- A poster in Meat Circus shows the Flying Aquatos labeled "alive". A twin poster shows the Galochio family, labeled "dead".
- Strangely, the poster shows eight members in the Flying Aquatos, clearly showing Augustus, Donatella, and six younger members, even though they only have five children as of Psychonauts. All other art of the Aquatos only show the five children. This may be an art mistake on the poster, or one of them may represent Nona.