Psychonauts Wiki

Asylum Lower Floors

I’m afraid you lost it years ago, Fred. Now pipe down over there. I am the orderly and I run a quiet, peaceful insane asylum. Understood?

Crispin Whytehead

The Asylum Lower Floors is an area in Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed in Psychonauts. It is the insides of the asylum’s building; and while the entrance through the door is blocked by many rubbles, there’s a second entrance through a hole spotted in the greenhouse where Gloria is/was seen.


This area can be considered as the core of the entire asylum and the original lobby: presumably since the only hints for that is the wooden entrance and the ancient elevator that leads to the upper floors. In a way, thanks to the passing of time, the place has gone down the hill in many aspects such as: some of the upper floors and the roof fall apart into the ground and accumulating tons of space, part of the structure of the towers (also seen from the courtyard point at the asylum grounds) have sink deep enough into the ground, making their position tilt a lot more than what perhaps they might have been back in the past, and the accessibility to more parts of the place that would’ve required to use the elevator like Edgar’s room.

Currently, the area is inhabited by three inmates; Fred Bonaparte (former orderly/turned inmate), Crispin Whytehead (self-proclaimed orderly and guard of the elevator) and Edgar Teglee (current artist and inmate). Other inhabitants (sorta) and one of the more recents being the campers’ brains that are spread all over the place.

Points of Interest[]

  • Asylum Lobby: What distinguishes this area is the deteriorated state which is in; the towers that composes the building are tilted, parts of the roof as well as the upper floors are all piled up with the original floor of the room (a part of said floor has crayoned hexagons which apparently were made by Fred) which makes the normal entrance to this location impossible thanks to the accumulated debris. What distinguishes this area however is the ancient and oxidized-looking elevator.
  • Edgar’s Room: Able to reach through the usage of Levitation or climbing debris, swinging teared poles and tightroping. This small room has various bull and matador paintings; part of the obsession edgar has/had in regards to his past, different types of paint buckets are positioned nearby Edgar which the latter has his leg chained into the ground until the events occuring in The Lab of Dr. Loboto come to an end and all inmates decides to leave the asylum.

PSI Cards[]

All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open)
1.– When you enter this area, go forward and to the left. Jump up on the platform and double jump up to reach this card.

2.– From the previous card, swing across the gap, and then swing across the next. Jump over to the tiny ledge where this card is waiting.

3.– Jump to the tightrope and enter Edgar's art room. After the conversation/cutscene, check out for the card which is around the room.

4.– From Edgar's room, jump over the gazebo to obtain the last card in this area.

Information obtained from this GameFAQs page.

PSI Challenge Marker[]

  • In Edgar's art room, use a levitate jump to reach the rafters. The challenge marker is on them in the center of the room.[1]

Jarred Brains[]

Fred Lower Floors

Fred Bonaparte in the lower floors.

  • Chloe Barge - At the behinds of the elevator, head to the right of the area and levitate to reach the ledge.
  • Maloof Canola - In the same area where Chloe’s brain is, except, this brain is located on a platform that can be reached by swinging on two poles.
  • Milka Phage - The jar is located on a basket (near Fred) which is guarded by crows that, by detecting Raz they’ll lift it high enough. Use Invisibility to have a better grip of it, or if the basket was already lifted; from the shore of Edgar’s room jump with Levitation to perform a midair Palm Bomb close or above the jarred brain.
  • Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind - Directly facing the entrance of Edgar’s room, the jar is located on a ledge (preferably use Palm Bomb since the space of the ledge barely lets Raz to be on top).


  • The paintings on the floor are maps that reflect strategies from Waterloo World.
  • Using Telekinesis on the "game pieces" will result in Fred exclaiming that Raz "ruined everything".
    • After Fred regains his sanity, he will instead comment that Raz moving the debris around is an "interesting strategy".


  1. Information comes from the guide of GameFAQs.