Asylum Upper Floors |
The Asylum Upper Floors are an area in Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed in Psychonauts. The higher floors are twisted and warped; showing architecture that is breaking down and tilting. Rocks constantly fall from the ceiling and the walls are caving in.
As a whole the upper floors were meant to be the higher areas feature on each tower from the building; each one of them based on the hairstyle of the founder Houston Thorney. Thanks to the passing of time and side factors. the place has been slowly falling apart, being the middle tower the only one mildly stable while the other two that are on each side have lose their tops. These towers consist of multiple floors that features a hallway with two rooms per floor and a set of stairs: they also feature two big metal doors on each side and in one of the hallways it demonstrates that the place had an elevator out of its time (contrasting a lot with the ancient elevator that Crispin was guarding).
The more Raz climbs his way into the top, the more the young psychic notices how the structure and architecture of the place twists, shatters and more importantly express an unconditional sense of madness with the bizarre staircases, merged rooms with large pieces of debris and the switching between walls turning into floor and roofs turning into walls. Through this allegorical ascent to madness, Raz encounters a big plague of rats that crawls, self-destructs and comes from everywhere, and how to forget the mysterious hunchback lady that stalks from the corners of the entire upper floors while simultaneously wanting Razputin to scram away.
Unsuccessfully, retreats to the lab while Raz heads to the same exact place through the elevator. Of course during this process the missing brains located in this area were retrieved, leaving only three left that are being kept at the very end of the tower.
PSI Cards[]
All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open) |
1.– Go through the first hall and jump over the pile of beds to find this card.
3.– On the second floor, cross the large gap in the floor using the pipes, and go into the elevator shaft to the left. The card is in there. 4.– After jumping down the elevator shaft, grind the pipe to cross the gap. Jump on top of the mound on the right side and through the hole in the ceiling. The card is on the ledge. 5.– This card is in the same spot as the last, just check the ledge. 6.– After climbing the second set of stairs, go through the room on the right and out the window. In the next room this card is waiting on the outer ledge. 7.– Turn around and levitate up to the top outer ledge in the first room. The card is up here. 8.– Continue to levitate up around the outer ledge, and you will see this card on the next floor up. 9.– Climb around the spiraling steps, and go into the room on the left. This card is behind the bed. 10.– Continue up the path, and you will get swarmed by rats. Shortly after this will be a room partially filled with radioactive waste. On the far side of the room in the corner is this card. 11.– In the room with the radioactive waste, climb up the ladder on the side to find this card. 12.– In the same room, there is a card on a high platform. You can levitate around the outer edge near the top and jump over to it to reach the card. 13.– At the top of the room with the radioactive waste, there is a platform with the card resting on it. 14.– Near the top of the same room, there is a grating with a pole jutting near it. Levitate to the platform above it to find a card there. 15.– Levitate up and climb the grating from the previous card. You need to get around to the outside and climb up from there eventually. At the top, levitate up to a platform with the card on it. 16.– At the very top of the radioactive room, you'll find a rail you can grind to the outer edge. The card is on this ledge. Information obtained from this GameFAQs page. |
PSI Challenge Marker[]
- Near the very top of this area, you will notice the challenge marker floating in the air. Jump and psi float over to it, and make sure to land on a nearby platform or else you'll be scaling the area again.[1]
Jarred Brains[]
- Benny Fideleo - At the second floor, inside a patient’s room and notoriously inside the bathroom, in front of a toilet.
- Bobby Zilch - Right after exiting the elevator and climbing the fallen floor with the gas pipe to slide: Raz must move to the left to enter a patient’s room that has this jarred brain behind the door.
- Elka Doom - On the floors that has a big part of the wall blown out, Elka’s brain is on the edge of the fifth floor near a psi card.
- Quentin Hedgemouse - In the middle point of the climb with the huge hunk of building missing, the brain is located on an inverted arch-like entrance or window that is next to two other similar structures.
- Dogen Boole - At the ledge of the outside of the tower, Raz can drop himself into this part since it’s located in the same segment where Raz has to climb the rebar. Or from the high platform which Raz can reach via climbing a long pole; look out for the small bit of edge with two square-shaped holes. that’s where it is.
- Phoebe Love - Near Dogen’s brain location except above: the brain is literally behind the climbable rebar.
- Crystal Flowers Snagrash - Upon reaching the end of the rebar and arriving to an area with most of its floor missing; check in for the small bit of floor that can be spotted at the right side of the place. For a better picture, guide yourself with the small edge that has a washbasin, a psi card and the brain itself.
- Clem Foote - Past the bed that leads to a set of two upper rooms, use TK to move the chair that is blocking the door. After entering and reaching the roof of the two rooms, watch out for the hole that leads to the room: the brain itself is behind a flipped bed.
- Nils Lutefisk - At the very end of this entire level, the brain is past some rebars, laying around above a thick wooden platform.
- From the real world sections of Psychonauts, this is the second biggest section of the entire game. Only beaten by Whispering Rock if all of its maps were merged together.
- If looking from some of the edges that leads to the outside of the tower, by paying enough attention the Boathouse and Beach can be seen.
- This location is one of the few places with no soundtrack but only ambience instead.
- By revisiting the area, Sheegor wouldn’t reappear.
- On the other hand, the Confusion Rats will respawn as how they used to on the first run of this section.
- ↑ Information comes from the guide of GameFAQs.