Psychonauts Wiki

Bad Mood

Note: Not to be confused with Bad Ideas.

Need to find its source

–Raz's notes

My favorite aspect was how you had to really reflect to get through a battle with this baddie. We could all use a bit of reflection when we feel that bad mood swing, though life isn’t quite as simple as it is for Raz with Clairvoyance.

–PsyD Sarah Hays description in The Art of Psychonauts 2

Bad Moods are an enemy that works as a mini-boss (and the final one) introduced in Psychonauts 2. It is a meta-physical manifestation of a literal clouds of negative emotions that, upon reaching it, attacks aggressively until Razputin "the obstacle" moves out of its way. It’s one of the fewer mental enemies that requires a 'forcefully needed' PSI-Power to defeat, the other being Nightmare with Telekinesis.


Inside the ruined greenhouse in an attempt to stop Raz from collecting his first seed to help Bob, the Moth throws the seed into a drain located in the middle of the area and once Razputin PSI-Floats his way into the area to look for a way to get inside the drain, from it a large mass of darkness arrives revealing itself as a Bad Mood. Presents in general a large, spherically cloud shape with scrawling black energy around it and two pairs of glowing lime-green eyes and mouth, the arms as well as the hands and fingers are all scrawny, and finally, the Bad Mood seems to be surrounded by a pulsing green aura that increases its size when coming out of its body. When using one of its power to cast dark energy; its eyes, including the energy sparks moving around its body features a 'Light Aqua' color, and on the other hand once its source is found and freed, the Bad Mood switches to completely white colorized eyes and mouth with a glowing 'Rose Pink' color on the borders (this color is more noticeable on the hearts that come out of its body once becoming into positive energy).

When revealing its source with Clairvoyance, it is revealed to be a big 'Rose Pink' heart all caged up. Said cage and heart have the same scrawling yet scrawny texture as the Bad Mood’s body. By revealing said source two wavy stripes are seen attached to the heart, moving randomly and slowly back once its source is freed.

Psychonauts 2[]

Early it was mentioned that the first encounter is fought at the end of Tia's memory bottle at the ruined greenhouse, right after taking this hostile down, the drain’s cover falls off letting Razputin enter into the area where the seed went through. By exploring the rest of the memory bottles, Raz encounters two more Bad Moods in specific spots with other mob enemies alongside: at the sunken motherlobe censors will appear and if Cassie's Collection is done before an Enabler will appear too, on viking reception two pairs of censors and bad ideas will spawn in. Defeating those enemy hordes and specially the Bad Moods are essential in order to progress further more into the memories and in any case help Bulb Bob reach his resting spot.

During the fight with Truheltia Memonstria after reaching Bob Zanotto and thanks to the situation occurring in his mind he starts to get mad and a Bad Mood spawns to cause more problems, shortly after defeating it, Razputin gets dumped into the Psycho-Portal that is floating in the ocean and continues the battle against the big bosses. In the post-game by revisiting the sunken motherlobe new enemies will be spawned; starting off with a horde of 6 censors, an enabler and a now included Judgement, in the second horde the Bad Mood reveals itself along 5 doubts and a heavy censor. This is one of the few segments that by revisiting it can spawn new hordes of enemies.


Initially, Bad Moods are completely invincible, deflecting any attack from every single PSI-Power and requiring Razputin to find its source to defeat it. While in this state, Raz must be careful on not approaching the bad mood so closely and when being somewhat far, be aware of its 'Exclaiming Tornados' that can bounce by touching the floor but move and keeps track of him at a quick speed. Once the Bad Mood casts a spot of darkness where Razputin is currently standing, the latter must use Clairvoyance to find the source of this grumpy foe. This state of casting darkness to blind Raz will stay for 6 seconds before returning back to its normal state and keep sending attacks to him. If the source is found, it will reveal a caged heart that needs to be broken to set it free and make it merge back into the Bad Mood’s body.

Destroying the source will free the heart within and reunite it with the Bad Mood, defeating it in the process.

Attacks and Health[]

  • Grawlix Punch: By getting near the Bad Mood, this one will charge some of its energy to combine multiple of its arm and release a big punch with obscenicons around it. Getting hit by this attack does only 1 hit point to the mental health but also can cancel any power that requires keeping pressed a button like Pyrokinesis or even the levitation ball if it’s being used.
  • Exclaiming Tornados: Bad Mood has a range attack that consists of launching slim tornados with the form of exclamation symbols that can bounce upon impacting into the floor or any wall depending the area. Since it moves at a high speed it’s recommended to dodge or more from side to side because Raz cannot outrun it, even while using the levitation ball. If getting hurt by this attack deals a total of 4 hit points (1 whole brain).
  • The Dark Zone: After charging some of its energy, the Bad Mood channels a large spot of darkness with a white depressed face inside of it that lasts for 3 seconds before vanishing. Raz must move out of the way right away because even if being high above the spot, Raz will be consumed by the darkness and big part of his view will be blocked for 5 seconds. Will deals no damage, it makes him vulnerable to some of the Bad Moods attacks more easily.
  • Invincibility: Besides the cage that keeps the Bad Mood’s heart caged up, the body of this enemy is invulnerable to any sort of attacks no matter how powerful they are. This is pointed out by Raz too which through his dialogues questions and keeps trying to look up for the source that is making the Bad Mood act the way it does.
  • Host’s Point of View Only: Like some of the NPCs seen in the game, there are certain objects that only specific beings can see, so the only way to see them as well is by using Clairvoyance. Since this is the main gimmick of the mini-boss is safe to say the Bad Mood has the ability to only see other objects that no others can.

Since the health system for enemies and bosses is much different from Psychonauts 2 to the one to Psychonauts 1 it is quite difficult to come up with an specific amount of health for this boss fight. Or more specifically the cage that contains the source exactly.


  • The Bad Mood is referred to as "Wendy" in the game's filename system.
  • While using Clairvoyance on a Bad Mood, Raz is seen as a therapist.
    • Raz as a therapist bears a resemblance to Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist.
  • The model of the Bad Mood consist of many effects to give impression of being made up of scrawls but in reality it only consists of a type of circular square.
  • Despite not being able to harm in any way directly the first encounter has the Bad Mood with a boss health bar like other bosses and mid-bosses.
    • Meanwhile the Heavy Censor in his first encounter already uses the established enemy health bar.

Video Battle Walkthrough[]


Psychonauts 2 - All Bosses -No Damage-

Gameplay by Gellot. (37:40 for the fight)


Psychonauts 2 - All Mini Boss Rush -No Damage- HD

Gameplay by CondeMarengo. (0:00 and 10:18 for the fights)
