–Psychonauts 2 description
Barriers are an element seeing in Psychonauts 2 that functions as a type of obstacle which keeps parts of mental worlds blocked off from entry. They seem to be generated for precaution in order to avoid foreign beings of invading the host’s minds, though they can be broken using Marksmanship.
Psychonauts 2[]
This mechanic debuts in Hollis' Classroom. At the end of the classroom there’s a barrier that leads to the inside of a mental version of an ambulance, no other barrier is seen in this mental world, but on the other hand, it makes a bigger presence at Hollis' Hot Streak. In the backrooms of the pharmacy, cardiology and maternity ward they’ve become more prominent since the barriers are placed in there in order to block Razputin from using mental connection in more positive thoughts than the negative ones that were generated thanks to creating a direct connection between "Money" and "Risk".
The barriers are not seen until the very end of the game at Fatherland Follies. One can be spotted at 'The Fall of Grulovia' past a metallic door with a red light, near one of the phonographers a golden barrier blocks the reach of the Duffle Bag Tag. Two more barriers can be seen at 'Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp' inside one of the cabins, behind these a Memory Vault and a Nugget of Wisdom are positioned.