Psychonauts Wiki
Bulb Bobs

Breath from above! (laughs)

–Bulb Bob

Bulb Bobs are mental figures in Bob's Bottles. There are several Bulb Bobs, each a large plant bulb that resembles Bob Zanotto's head. All of them speak in a slurred manner, and may be permanently inebriated. Their breath is apparently so unpleasant that it causes even the water to part around them.


Bulb Bobs are large sentient plant bulbs, each about the same size as Razputin. They resemble a big brown tuber that has Bob's face, their roots forming Bob's beard. They wear the same worn glasses as Bob, and have a single green sprout coming out of their top.


Bulb Bobs seem to represent Bob Zanotto's own personality while drunk. They try to ignore and downplay any discomfort they might be in, often making silly remarks in a slurred voice and generally coming across as rather washed-up.

Psychonauts 2[]

While exploring Bob's Bottles, Razputin comes across several Bulb Bobs. Their noxious breath parts the water around them when they burp, which helps him to get across large bodies of water he wouldn't otherwise be able to cross. Since the Bulb Bobs can't walk by themselves, some are carried around by large crows residing in the area or straight up hanging from large vines. Inside Truman and Helmut Bottles, Raz himself carries a Bulb Bob around to proceed, and sets each one down in a nearby plant pot afterwards.

By revisiting the mind, most of them will still appear; with only exceptions being the ones in Truman and Helmut Bottles that were carried.


  • Among the lines repeated by the flying Bulb Bobs is one where they sing: "Up in the Air, Junior -burp-Man!". This is a reference to "Up in the Air, Junior Birdmen", a classic American camp/boy scout song that refers to an organization for young aviation enthusiasts.
  • In very few occasions, the bulb bobs will sing the well known "Drunken Sailor" song specifically the iconic sentence: "What will we do with a drunken sailor?".
    • Ironically this very same song is also used while using the Psycho-Portal to move across the ocean.
  • Through the entire of Bob’s bottles, a total of 13 Bulb Bobs are spotted: 8 in Tia’s bottle, 2 on Truman’s bottle and 3 in Helmut’s bottle.