Camp Store |
The Camp Store is found inside the Main Lodge. Ford Cruller's persona here is "Chef" Cruller, and he's often seen grilling hamburgers, among other things. In Psychonauts, Razputin can use arrowheads to purchase items here, although at first, Ford thinks Raz wants a pattie.
Note: Even if you have the required amount of arrowheads by farming them, the player still requires an specific rank to acquire these items.
- PSI Energy Colorizer - Costs 250 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 30
- Cobweb Duster - Costs 800 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 20
- Mental Magnet - Costs 400 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 15
- Dowsing Rod - Costs 50 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 10
- Dream Fluff - Costs 50 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 1
- PSI Core - Costs 10 arrowheads and requires to be at Rank 1
Chef Cruller Items Presentation[]
- (PSI Energy Colorized): "Now with that, you can change the color of some of your PSI powers, like your Levitation Ball, and what have you and whatnot."
- (Following Dialogue): "Well, kind of a vanity thing. In my day PSI powers were all gray and we thought that was grand. We were happy just to HAVE PSI powers. Ah, but you know kids these days."
- (Cobweb Duster): "Oh that’s my last Cobweb Duster."
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Take that into someone’s mind with ya, you can clean up!"
- (Following Dialogue 2): "They’re happy to be rid of the webs, and you can turn them in for PSI Cards!"
- (Mental Magnet): "Ahhm now here’s something every young PSI Cadet needs."
- (Dowsing Rod): "Now that Dowsing Rod will help you find arrowheads that are buried DEEP."
- (Following Dialogue 1): "That’s where all the really valuable ones are, you know."
- (Following Dialogue 2): "Find three or four deep deposits and that baby pays for itself."
- (Following Dialogue 3): "It costs you money because it MAKES you money!"
- (Dream Fluff): "Mmmm. Dream Fluffs! Delicious, nutritious and cheap!"
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Each one is packed with concentrated mental health!"
- (Following Dialogue 2): "You shouldn’t go anywhere without a pocket full of those!"
- (PSI Core): "Now you take that PSI CORE there…"
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Put it together with nine PSI CARDS, and you’ll have yourself a brand new PSI Challenge Marker!"
- (Following Dialogue 2): "Which is worth a whole rank, you know."