Psychonauts Wiki
Psychonauts Wiki

This is my girl. No body better mess with my girl. She bites!

–Kitty Bubai's comment on Franke Athen's profile

Campster is a small promotional webpage previously hosted on the Double Fine Productions official website. Modeled after a social networking website, Campster is actually an in-universe webpage used by the children attending Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp to keep in touch, not unlike the analog bulletin board that appears in the game proper. The site is notable for including a great deal of supplement information not in the actual game, including character's hometowns, backstories and interests.

The content of the webpage was originally hosted on real-life website Friendster, and was ported over to another real-life website known as Myspace. Unfortunately, due to complications with these websites' functions and polices (not to mention their decreasing relevance) the content of the character's individual pages became more difficult to view over time. Years later, Tim Schafer and the team at Double Fine created their own site to host the pages, giving them more creative and legal control over them.

Due to the Double Fine website going offline for rebuilding as of February 10, 2020, Campster is no longer available at its original link, but is still accessible via the internet archive wayback machine.

Campers With Profiles[]


  • Due to the period in development when the original friendster pages were created, several campers are represented by earlier versions of their character models.
  • According to Lili's page and some of her comments on other camper's profiles, she does not enjoy the site and is only using it because Franke and Kitty made her.
  • Vernon's page is the only one without any comments.
  • Although the game itself is T-rated, the content of the pages is surprisingly crass at times. One of Crystal's posts contains explicit language.
  • Lili's page is the only place where her ability to communicate with plants is directly referenced prior to Psychonauts: In the Rhombus of Ruin.
  • The webpage Elton links Lili on her Campster page leads to a short essay by Robert E. McElwaine, an infamous Usenet personality known for his essays on fringe science topics.

External Links[]
