Cassie's Escape Plan is a Memory Vault in Cassie's Collection in Psychonauts 2.
Cassie was an unwilling worker for Fannie Flats, master of a notorious counterfeiting ring...
Which effectively led to her getting arrested as a scapegoat.
The police questioned her for information about Fannie and the counterfeiting ring...
But she could not bear to see the consequences of keeping her mouth shut or snitching.
So she began writing her very own book, Mindswarm...
Hijacked the presses at the counterfeiting place to print the book...
Sent the script off to be published...
And soon enough, Mindswarm would be mass-printed...
The locals would line up to buy her self-help guidebook...
And she used the funds gained from selling the books to purchase a boat ticket out of Shanghai...
- The police offers in Cassie's Escape Plan resemble the paper animal cops from Cassie's Collection.