Psychonauts Wiki

Chloe Barge

Chloe Barge is a 7-year-old psychic camper at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp.


Chloe is very short. She has orange skin, green eyes, and four fingers on each hand. She is bald. She wears an astronaut's helmet, a pink bow, faded purple shorts, purple shoes, and white socks. She wears the standard Whispering Rock camp T-shirt.


You know, Earthling violence is why we haven't been asked to join the greater galactic community.

–Chloe Barge

Chloe acts very curious about "earthling" technology and social norms. She likes flying RC planes and listening to radios in attempts to contact extraterrestrial life.


Chloe is convinced she comes from another planet, and spends most of the game trying to contact her extraterrestrial family in outer space. She seems uninterested by most "earthling" attempts to communicate verbally. Her interests revolve around space and hardcore rap.


Chloe likes to spend her time at high elevations around camp to be as close to outer space as possible.

She can first be found flying a model airplane on top of a hill in the wilderness near the GPC, claiming she is not having fun but running crucial flight tests. Later, she tries to extend the reach of the Main Lodge's antenna to be able to send messages past the Earth's moon. She can later be found at Milla's Dance Party.

Bobby Zilch has a crush on her, and at one point chases off Nils trying to make a move on her. She is unimpressed by his romantic affections. According to the extra content on the Double Fine website, she eventually agrees to go out with Bobby in exchange for his not bullying anyone anymore.

After being re-brained, Chloe is the first person who tries to help Razputin stop Coach Oleander by using the Coach's radio to try and get outside help. If Raz tries to talk to her in Oleander's classroom, however, she confesses she is only trying to contact her fellow extraterrestrials to get her off the doomed planet.

Psychonauts 2[]

Chloe appears in the Psychonauts recap animation in Psychonauts 2.

Psychic Powers[]


  • "I don't wear this helmet because I have asthma. I wear it because I look damn good in it! Someday when we all live in space, your helmets are all going to feel awkward and uncomfortable, but mine will feel nice an cozy!"


  • Clairvoyance reveals Chloe sees Raz as a green-skinned alien.
  • Chloe is one of the youngest campers at Whispering Rock, (age 7)
  • Chloe's alleged home planet is apparently called Cygnus A
  • Using the crow feather on her results in her saying "Hmm. Interesting sensation." rather than laughing.
  • Chloe is, aside from Clem and Crystal (who agree to everything), the only camper to reply positively to Razputin's request to dance in Milla's Dance Party. She wants Raz to "teach her of their Earth rhythms"
  • Psychic Specialty: Intergalactic telepathy (in progress)
  • Psychadet rank: Tender Brain
  • Chloe's PSI color is violet
  • When Raz recovers her brain, he quips that no one will ever know how Chloe sneezed her brain through her helmet.
  • According to her old Myspace page, Chloe's zodiac sign is Libra
  • Chloe is missing her eye texture on her polaroid portrait and campster profile.

