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Oh, good. You’re finally here. Let me know when you’re prepared to learn something.

Hollis Forsythe

The classroom is one of the many wings the Motherlobe has. The area is characterized as the educational section for interns, being managed by Hollis Forsythe. Her office is next door to the Think Tank.


The area seems to be exclusively for educational purpose, since only interns are seen around this place. The area itself is under the management of Hollis and she even features her own office where she can talk to interns (presumably their parents as well) and even other workers of any type from the Motherlobe just like Oleander seen at early points of Psychonauts 2.

Raz initially heads towards here in order to meet his classmates which the later pranks him by locking him on the Storage room and telling him to take off his clothes since they "needed to wear uniforms". After making his way out of room and entering the office-lab of Sasha, Sasha gives him some new clothes since the current location of his original clothes are unknown. He returns to the classroom wing in order to get tasked by Hollis with a mentor, none other than Nick Johnsmith. The last time Raz ends up heading towards this location is after finding the brainless body of Nick and having to take on one of the lessons of Hollis in her classroom about Mental Connection which leads to Raz exploring unintended portions of the mind of Hollis.

Points of Interest[]

  • Classroom Hall: This includes the entrance to this section which has an Otto-Matic, long vines covering good portion of the right side of the hall and a small lobby with blue lockers nearby the think tank and plenty of other things.
  • Think Tank: The classroom itself, the area is quite big and features different elements like bookshelves, a window with a view to the outside, a set of 10 beds used for the interns to rest in there while using their Astral Projections into the teacher to enter their real classroom, and of course a few posters and a small chalkboard near the window.
  • Office of the Second Head: A small room with a style similar to the underground lab of Sasha in Whispering Rock. The area consists of bookshelves, some pots and a desk along three seats which, one of them (the one for Hollis of course) has some buttons on the left armrest.
  • Artifact Storage: near the think tank, the storage room makes its presence thanks to a white door with a plate engraving the name of this room. The place has multiple lockers and other typical artifacts that one might encounter in a storage like boxes and more. The area seems small at first glance but is much bigger than what i looks; mostly because the beginning point has a poster of Cassie and her iconic book blocking the entrance to the rest of this location.

Mission Critical Asset Request Form[]

  • Enemy Surveillance Device: Enter into the storage room, burn the cassie poster to get deep inside into the storage room and search for the wooden door (requires Mental Projection to open the door from the inside). This collectible is only unlockable until the post-game.

PSI Cards[]

All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open)
1.– Go down the hall where the Classroom is and you'll see the card on top of some ivy across from the Otto vendor.

2.– After the cutscene where Raz loses his clothes and gets locked in the storage room, look immediately to your left and the PSI card will be on top of the file cabinets.

3.– It's on top of the lockers outside of Hollis Forsythe's office that's also next to the classroom.

4.– When you go into the Classroom (think tank), jump over to the right next to the bookshelves, and the PSI card will be in the corner.

Information obtained from this IGN page.

PSI Challenge Marker[]

  • Literally, beneath the stairs that leads into the classroom’s entrance, the challenge marker can be spot.

Supply Chest[]

  • Found in the Storage Locker where you get your clothes stolen, near the exit. Nearly impossible to miss.[1]
Classroom Wing

The hall of the Classroom.

Supply Chest Key[]

  • Found in the Storage Locker, opposite from the exit on top of a vent.
  • Found in Hollis Forsythe's office, on top of a shelf.


  1. Information comes from the guide of