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I work for myself. But I do what I need to survive.

–Counterfeiter Cassie

Counterfeiter Cassie is a mental figure in Cassie's Collection. She represents Cassie O'Pia's "tough" personality.

Psychonauts 2[]

Counterfeiter Cassie is found in her book in Literature Lane in Cassie's Collection. Raz and Teacher Cassie approach her to propose their plan to overthrow Librarian Cassie. Counterfeiter Cassie joins them after Raz finds three pieces of evidence to incriminate Fannie Flats.

Librarian Cassie captures them and transforms into the Die-Brarian. With Raz's help, the three archetypes reintegrate and overpower the Die-Brarian.

Afterwards, all four archetypes merge together to form Cassie O'Pia as a whole person in her mind.


Counterfeiter Cassie is an anthropomorphic paper cutout resembling Cassie O'Pia. She wears a blue color scheme. Her hair is blue, she wears a blue qipao, sports green jewerly, and has money bills in her hair.


Counterfeiter Cassie is the archetype Cassie O'Pia adopted to survive after being abandoned by her parents. She reflects Cassie's time working under the crime boss Fannie Flats as a counterfeiter. She has a cautious disposition in enacting her plan to incriminate Fannie, and will not trust Raz or Teacher Cassie until they give her the three pieces of evidence she needs. She is streetwise from her experiences during her life of crime.



(First dialogue at Fannie Flats's) Teacher Cassie: "She works in here, but be careful. This is the shop of Fannie Flats, the famous counterfeiter."

Raz: "Cassie works for a counterfeiter?"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "I work for myself. But I do what I need to survive."

Teacher Cassie: "After our parents dumped us here, we needed an archetype that was a little more... thick skinned."

Raz: "Cassie, we've come to bust you out!"

Accountant: "Did someone say bust?"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Shhh! Never say "bust" in here too loudly."

Teacher Cassie: "But it's true! We have a plan!"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Oh, hey, Teach. Listen, now's not a really good time. Flats has a big deal coming up, and she's really on edge. And I'm working on my ticket out of here."

Raz: "Can we help?"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Listen, don't tell anyone, but the cops are closing in on this place. The boss' days are numbered. I cut an immunity deal myself. I just need to get them some evidence they can use against the big gal. But she's watching everybody like a hawk these days and I can't get away."

Raz: "We'll do it! I'll get the evidence you need and we'll b- We'll BRISKLY walk out of here together. Okay?"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Deal. But remember - never double cross a double crosser!"

(Raz brings the evidence) Raz: "That's all the evidence we could get. Think it's enough?"

Snake Cop: "Let me be the judge of that. Oh yeah. This is some hot dirt right here! We'll be able to blackmail her with this for years!"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Blackmail? I thought you were going to arrest her!?"

Snake Cop: "What? How's she gonna make the money she needs to pay us from jail?"

Counterfeiter Cassie: "But, if she's not locked up, and she finds out I was the one who sent her up the river..."

Snake Cop: "Hey, don't worry. We'll, uh, protect you or something."

Counterfeiter Cassie: "Let's beat it. This was a bust."

Accountant: "What? Bust? Bust! It's a bust!"


  • Counterfeiter Cassie is known as "Gangster Cassie" in Psychonauts 2's filename system.


