Dalmatian |
“Look, I'm sorry, but eating lunch every day in the art teacher's room does not make you a famous painter.”
Dalmatian is one of the dog painters in Black Velvetopia. He sells the vine painting for 75 arrowheads and the window painting for 55 arrowheads.
Dalmatian has white fur with black spots. He wears a yellow, black, and blue sombrero. He has matching pants, shoes and a poncho.
Dalmation is a very self-deprecating artist. He represents Edgar's self-doubt as an artist.
- "Famous painter? Edgar? Pffft! Yeah, right!"
- "Oh, you got a problem with me now?"
- "Hey, I got some original Picassos over here if you're interested, by the way."
- "Yes, run! Run from the horror!"
- "Hey, we can't all be St. Bernards and Bulldogs, you know."
- "This stuff reeks."
- (Raz purchases the vine painting) "Well, maybe you can write it off on your taxes as a loss. A catastrophic loss, even."
- (Raz purchases window painting) "Enjoy that, heeeheeheehee."
- "Don't tell anyone who painted these, okay?"
- "Look man, are you gonna buy something or what?"
- (Raz is surrounded by censors) "Get outta here, ya punks! Leave my customer alone!"
- Clairvoyance shows that the Dalmatian sees Raz as a judge.
- Dalmatian's name is incorrectly spelled as "Dalmation" in the game credits.