Psychonauts Wiki

This is not my kind of party! (screams)

Milla? Milla, I'm coming! (no response) Milla? Where are you? (no response) Sasha, I can't reach Milla. I think she's been dementistrated!

–Milla Vodello and Razputin

Dementistration is what occurs when a psychic's astral form is forcibly ejected from another person's mind. The term comes from "defenestration", a term with the formal meaning: "the action of throwing someone out of a window".


On his first journey in astral form during Coach Oleander's Basic Braining, Raz watches Elton Fir suddenly blow up when he steps on a landmine. While Raz, at first, believes that Elton has died, Coach Oleander informs him that - after taking sufficient mental damage - he will be ejected from the mental realm.

Raz strengthens his ability to inhibit this forcible ejection by increasing his Astral Projection Layer.

Main Characters exiting mind reactions
General Info: The animation of exiting the mind varies from using smelling salts and losing all projection layers, to completing the mind normally.

Coach Oleander's Basic Braining

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. No dialogue is said afterwards though during this cutscene Oleander facial expression looks disappointed.

Victory Cutscene

Right after the first merit badge cutscene, another cutscene displays with Oleander talking to Raz about being glad that the latter made it through the obstacle.

Sasha's Shooting Gallery

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. During the close-up to Sasha’s face he has an amused expression but doesn’t say anything afterwards.

Victory Cutscene

The cutscene is fairly similar to the fail one with the bigger difference that Raz instead of falling, catches his astral projection and smiles happily afterwards. Right after, there’s the conversation between Sasha and Raz concluding with Sasha telling him to stay out of his mind for a while and return to Raz’s own.

Milla's Dance Party

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. Similar to Sasha, in the close-up to Milla’s face; presents a surprised reaction but says nothing afterwards.

Victory Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind, catching it in the process and smiling happily afterwards. Then there’s a conversation between the two where Raz tells her that he’s now ready to save Dogen from his vision of the Brain Tumbler Experiment.


Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. During and after the cutscene, Linda stays in the same defeated pose from the fight.

Victory Cutscene

The cutscene opens with Raz in a sort of trance state that gets abruptly interrupted by Linda’s voice. At the end she swallows him to make it easier for Raz to reach the other side of the lake where Thorney Towers remains.

Note: Alternatively, there’s an unused cutscene that is similar to the past victory cutscenes with Raz catching his own astral projection and smiling happily afterwards.

Milkman Conspiracy

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. Afterwards Boyd Cooper tells Razputin "You, you’re part of it! Stay away!", indirectly implying that Raz has become part of Body’s conspiracy theories.

Neutral Cutscene

During the rampage of the Milkman it seems one of the molotov cocktail’s explosions knocks Raz out of Body’s mind. Back in the real world, the persona of the milkman takes control of Body’s body and prepares another cocktail to burn down the asylum.

Victory Cutscene

There’s an unused cutscene that is similar to the past victory cutscenes with Raz catching his own astral projection and smiling happily afterwards.

Gloria's Theater

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. Afterwards Gloria Von Gouton tells Razputin "You can walk away from the stage young man, but show business will always be a part of you."

Victory Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind, catching it in the process and smiling happily afterwards. Right after, Gloria moves out of the garden and the spotlight, telling him that, she can now retire from her acting and at last, Raz can now pick up the her trophy for the custom.

Waterloo World

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. Afterwards Fred Bonaparte tells Razputin with his Napoleon and normal voice "Ha ha! Back to Russia with you, invader!" followed with a "Don’t leave me alone in here!".

Victory Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind, catching it in the process and smiling happily afterwards. Another cutscene follows Fred, glad that its finally over and with the help of Raz takes off his straightjacket, only for Fred to take a nap.

Black Velvetopia

Fail Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind. pushing him in the process and getting up with a frustrated expression. Afterwards Edgar Teglee tells Razputin "Yes, go please. My thoughts are hideous enough to myself. No one should have to suffer them but I."

Note: Alternatively, during boss fights or by exiting his mind multiple times, Edgar can also say a different line "Gahh! Sorry. Another bad flashback.".

Victory Cutscene

Raz astral projection gets thrown towards his mind, catching it in the process and smiling happily afterwards. Back in the real world Edgar finishes from painting the picture of Loboto that Raz needs to make his custom, he also tells Raz that he is officially moving out of the asylum.

Note: Brain Tumbler Experiment and Meat Circus don’t have an specific cutscene by exiting their minds since in the first case, leaving that mind is forcefully needed twice in order to obtain two PSI-Powers and the second case since after saving Lili the point of no return gets activated.

Psychonauts 2[]

While exploring Loboto's Labyrinth, Raz is saved from plummeting by Milla Vodello, who reminds him how to use Levitation to find his way through. However, shortly thereafter, Raz loses contact with his teacher, contacting Sasha Nein to say he thinks Milla has been "dementistrated". By the end of the level, it seems that everyone else excluding Raz (until reaching the top of the mental asylum inside Loboto's mind) was also dementistrated. Across all minds of Psychonauts 2 there are no fail cutscenes by exiting the minds of any of the main characters, only victory cutscenes.

The only two exceptions being Lucrecia's Lament amongst all the other minds. Using the Smelling Salts will make Ford Cruller to arrive and tell Raz that by using them his astral projection will be wrapped around the worm drive of the Astralathe. The completion of the mind is abruptly interrupt by Truman (Gristol Malik using his body) which forces Raz to abandon the mind with some smelling salts he had. The other mental world that doesn’t have a victory cutscene is Fatherland Follies, since Lili and Raz leaves the mind once they find out where was Truman’s brain and who was the mole.
