–Raz's notes
–Tim Schafer description in The Art of Psychonauts 2
The Die-Brarian is boss form of Librarian Cassie; one of Cassie's archetypes. Working as the third major boss in Cassie's Collection and Psychonauts 2.
To a certain extent retains some of the same features as the real cassie and her archetypes, more evidently the head, the face, shape of her body and the tallness too. However and notoriously has a different hairstyle, looking like a crazy hairdo made of multiple book pages or something of the kind, her glasses seem to be made of cardboard, and after a cassie archetype is introduced through her tongue two separated pairs of glasses float near her actual ones. She wears a mini coat made entirely of a giant green book, also a necklace with the book Mindswarm at the end and lastly her body and dress seem to be made of large quantities of ink.
During the events of Cassie's Collection, Razputin, after an exchange of words with the Librarian, collaborates on bringing back all the books that had each and one of Cassie's archetypes. Once the last archetype (Counterfeiter cassie) hides along the teacher archetype inside Raz's backpack, the latter brings to the librarian all the books she asked for but instead of helping Raz with his ongoing problem with the bees back in the real world, she betrays and locks him up in a part of her desk. Though this double-crossed act was in vain since all of the archetypes were gather up to join forces and face the librarian, unfortunately this was the drop that spilled the glass on the librarian's patience, which forces her to transform into a paper and ink colossal to assert her belief and dominance of being the true Cassie O'pia.
However, she is defeated once Raz beats her up and forces the other three archetypes inside her head, shrinking her back to her normal form.
My turn, Raz! Get that gate open so I can teach her a lesson! Get that gate open, Kid, and I’ll bust this whole crooked operation!”
–Writer Cassie, Teacher Cassie and Counterfeiter Cassie to Raz once he stuns the Die-Brarian.
Despite her appearance she has an incredible strength, though for the most part she will be relying too much on spawning enemies; little and stamping Censors but more conveniently Enablers, specially since these can give her an invincibility shield until they are taken down. Ranged attacks are possible the best option against her, PSI-Blast, Telekinesis and Mental Connection: the first two to bombard her with shots and throws of the multiple objects around the arena, and connection to grapple enemies and damage them; not to mention that pins like "Censory Overload", "Plucky" and "Brain Drain" are tickets to an easier victory. Once stunned using Raz's Archetype with Projection is elemental since Raz cannot active the lever inside her mouth thanks to the cell-shaped teeth the boss has. This is done in all 3 phases so is something to keep in mind.
Attacks and Health[]
- Emergency Call: Die-Brarian is capable of spawning censors and enablers from time to time to defend her or perhaps use some of her other attacks while Raz is focused on taking down all the mental foes. this small hordes can vary from 4 little censors to duos of stamping and little censors, along one and sometimes even two enablers.
- The Shushing of your Life: Periodically, she inhales tons of air to exhale them into a giant shushing that covers the entire arena with a storming wind that can push Raz out of the platform and also drop many objects out of her mouth like: ink bottles, crumpled papers and more. Getting hit by any of the objects can cost 3 hit points for the mental health. During this attack she can cancel the usage of the Levitation ball.
- Wrath of Mindswarm: For the most part, when being boosted with invincibility shields by the enablers; enlargers her necklace mindswarm book and opens it to release 2 sets of literal swarms made of B’s companiend of a big capital letter "B". These have homing properties and sometimes she’ll just shoot 2 "B-swarms" and others 4 or 6. Getting injured by any will deal 3 hit points.
- Library’s Quake: Furiously, the DIe-Brarian moves to one of the book shelves from above and starts smashing and punching it, producing a rumble where multiple objects fall from above, small books, giant books that by impact can knock Razputin out or even big bottles of ink that upon land leaves a large inkblot. If a small book lands on Razputin it can deal 1 hit point, but if a ink bottle or a big book lands on Raz it deals 8 hit points (2 whole brains precisely). Their speed goes from mildly slow (big books), average (Ink bottles) and fast (little books).
- Super Silencer: One of the more dangerous attacks and the most powerful the Die-Brarian can use. By standing near her hands or in front of her way longer than what Raz should, she moves back her right arm and swipes it through the entire platform arena in blink of an eye, destroying everything standing there. If Raz is unlucky to get caught by this attack, not only does he get knock out but also he receives a total of 8 hit points. There are rare possibilities that by dodging at the correct moment, Raz wouldn’t receive the damage. It’s highly recommend to use levitation and specially its "pouncy ball" ability to jump higher.
- Regeneration: Her stunned mode once she gets beaten enough lasts for around 30 seconds. If Raz doesn’t do anything in that period of time the Die-Brarian will restore part of her health back and return into fighting the psychic boy.
- Size Augmentation: Like is seen in the intro and unlike most boss fights where the enemy already is big, the librarian was seen capable of switching into a more powerful form with a huge size that could be twice the size of the library’s central room.

The magical objects from each of Cassie's archetypes.
This is the point where major bosses start to have different health stats for whatever ability is being used against it. For instances having the upgrade for TK (Extra Mustard) deals the same amount of damage as PSI-Blast, but without that upgrade it is much weaker. Using PSI-Blast and the upgraded Telekinesis (without grabbing the magical objects the archetypes hand you) requires 81 hits in total, Telekinesis without the increase of damage upgrade and alone requires a total of 162 hits, being an extremely amount of resistance, using only the magic objects from the archetype varies according on having or not the upgraded TK; 8 hits no upgraded and 5 hits for the upgraded. And lastly using "Overcharge" from PSI-Blast alone against this boss requires 41 hits.
"Die-Brarian" is a combination of the words "die" and "librarian". "B-swarms" is a pun name since Bee sounds like the letter is using.
Before Battle[]
- "There you are. All safe and sound again."
- "Thank you, young man. You were a little loud for my liking, but you got the job done."
- "Ooh, are you scared of bees? Well, I know of one place where you’ll feel COMPLETELY SAFE."
- "Well, that tears it!"
- "I hate to damage a book, of course…"
- "But that last line was too corny, even for a motivational speaker!"
- "Oh, and which one of YOU thinks you should be in charge?"
- "None of you could stop Maligula. None of you could protect your friends."
- "I am the real Cassie O'Pia!"
- "And I’ll show you how we fight off a foreign invader!"
- "Get ready for the shushing of your life!"
During Battle[]
- (Using her Emergency Call Dialogue 1) "What we need here is a little positivity!"
- (Using her Emergency Call Dialogue 2) "Am I doing the right thing here? What do YOU think?"
- (Using her Emergency Call Dialogue 3) "Okay, you. Give me your HONEST opinion on how I’m doing so far."
- (Using her Emergency Call Dialogue 4) "Hey, where’s my PR department? Oh, THERE you are!"
- (Using her Emergency Call Dialogue 5) "Help me out here, will you? I’m having a bad day."
- (After defeating the Enablers Dialogue 1) "How could you hurt that kind, unarmed, and HONEST little creature?"
- (After defeating the Enablers Dialogue 2) "That was uncalled for. And YOU shall pay for it."
- (After defeating the Enablers Dialogue 3) "You only killed them because you were JEALOUS!"
- (After defeating the Enablers Dialogue 4) "Now, what did that poor little thing ever do to YOU?"
- (After defeating the Enablers Dialogue 5) "HUH! I will avenge you, my impartial little critic!"
- (Before Shushing Dialogue 1) "This little boy is TOO LOUD!"
- (Before Shushing Dialogue 2) "I don’t know how to put this any more plainly, but…"
- (Before Shushing Dialogue 3) "Don’t you know the library is a QUIET PLACE"
- (Before Shushing Dialogue 4) "I will silence you once and for all!"
- (After Shushing Dialogue 1) "Any questions?"
- (After Shushing Dialogue 2) "I hope that explains things."
- (After Shushing Dialogue 3) "I should have warned you. I had a lot of garlic at lunch."
- (After Shushing Dialogue 4) "Pray I need not shush you again!"
- (After Shushing Dialogue 5) "There. That’s better."
- "And not much of a writer if you ask me!"
- (In honor of Mindswarm variant 1) "I think what MINDSWARM would say about this situation is…"
- (In honor of Mindswarm variant 2) "In words made famous by the award-winning MINDSWARM…"
- (In honor of Mindswarm variant 3) "I’d like to borrow some words from MINDSWARM, if I may…"
- (In honor of Mindswarm variant 4) "As it says in MINDSWARM…"
- (In honor of Mindswarm variant 5) "To quote from the best-selling book, MINDSWARM…"
- (Mindswarm quote 1) " "If you read this book, there’s no limit to the things you could BEE." "
- (Mindswarm quote 2) " "You can be whoever you want to be, whenever you want to be, or all of them all at once." "
- (Mindswarm quote 3) " "Once you’ve read my book, there is nothing you can’t accomplish!" "
- (Mindswarm quote 4) " "Why use only 2% of your brain? Would you use 2% of a parachute?" "
- (Mindswarm quote 5) " "Look at all these bees!" Okay, so that’s not a real quote, but I mean, look at them!"
- (Mindswarm quote 6) " "Sometimes a MASK is all you need to MULTITASK." "
- (Mindswarm quote 7) " "Send your thoughts swarming out into the universe so that they may produce the honey of enlightenment!" "
- (Mindswarm quote 8) " "Don’t shut your thoughts up in the hive! Let them SWARM!"
- (Mindswarm quote 9) " "Used properly, ever cell of your brain could be as busy as a worker bee!" "
- (Mindswarm quote 10) " "Tear out this coupon for 25% off your second copy of MINDSWARM!" "
- (Mindswarm quote 11) " "This book changed my life! Incredible! –Metropolitan Review of Books." "
- (Mindswarm quote 12) " "Each new problem requires a new YOU to solve it!" "
- (Rumble Dialogue 1) "I just remembered a book I wanted you to read. It’s somewhere in these shelves…"
- (Rumble Dialogue 2) "I will keep this library safe if I have to tear it down to do it!"
- (Rumble Dialogue 3) "You like dangerous books? I’ll show you how dangerous books can be!"
- (Rumble Dialogue 4) "Ooh, you make me so mad I just want to punch books!"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 1) "Who left all this garbage in my library?"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 2) "How did I let my desk get so messy?"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 3) "This mess is why we shouldn’t let kids in the library."
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 4) "Isn’t it nice to have a clean workspace?"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 5) "Oh goodness, what a mess!"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 6) "That’s a little cleaner. Still smells, though."
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 7) "There. Now I can think."
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 8) "If you won’t clean up after yourself, I WILL!"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 9) "Out with the trash!"
- (Super Silencer Attack Variant 10) "A clean library is a SAFE library."
- (When using Pyrokinesis into the Die-Brarian Variant 1) "Hm, who’s smoking in the library?"
- (When using Pyrokinesis into the Die-Brarian Variant 2) "RESPECT the PAGE, you brat!"
- (When using Pyrokinesis into the Die-Brarian Variant 3) "You little pyromaniac!"
- (When using Pyrokinesis into the Die-Brarian Variant 4) "Fire in the library!"
- (When using Mental Projection Variant 1) "Afraid to take me on alone, eh?"
- (When using Mental Projection Variant 2) "Did you bring a friend?"
- (When using Mental Projection Variant 3) "Which one of you is the smart one? This one, right?"
- (When using Mental Projection Variant 4) "Ugh, they’re multiplying."
- (Attacking with Telekinesis Dialogue 1) "Who threw that?"
- (Attacking with Telekinesis Dialogue 2) "Have you no respect for private property? No, of course you don’t."
- (Attacking with Telekinesis Dialogue 3) "Throwing things? In a LIBRARY?"
- (Attacking with Telekinesis Dialogue 4) "That was uncouth AND painful."
- (Attacking with Telekinesis Dialogue 5) "Let’s have no more throwing things!"
- "OW!"
- "Aaugh!"
- "Agh!"
- "Ah!"
- "Oof!"
- (When falling into the ink pool Dialogue 1) "Ashes to ashes, ink to ink. When it comes to fighting, you sure stink."
- (When falling into the ink pool Dialogue 2) "Careful! It’s deep over there."
- (When falling into the ink pool Dialogue 3) "You’d better not track that ink all over my library!"
- (If Raz loses against Die-Brarian Dialogue 1) "Annnnnnd…SAFE!"
- (If Raz loses against Die-Brarian Dialogue 2) "The library is closed for the day."
- (If Raz loses against Die-Brarian Dialogue 3) "Oh, that must be a painful way to die. HA HA HA HA!"
- (If Raz loses against Die-Brarian Dialogue 4) "Nice and quiet."
- (If Raz loses against Die-Brarian Dialogue 5) "That’s so much nicer."
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 1) "I almost wish I COULD feel that. Just out of curiosity."
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 2) "Sorry, but I’m safe from your attacks. You see, safety is what I am all about."
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 3) "Eh ha ha! Oh, that tickles!"
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 4) "HA HA HA HA HA!"
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 5) "Heh heh!"
- (If trying to use PSI-Blast while Die-Brarian is invincible Dialogue 5) "Ah ha ha ha!"
- "Oooh… I feel a little… dog-eared…"
- "What’s going on? Who’s in here?"
- "You? The self-righteous little "writer?" What are YOU doing in here?"
- "Arrgh!"
- "I’m just going to take a quick break to… make some… tea."
- "I’m not asleep! You’re asleep!"
- "Oh no, not you."
- "Okay… we got ’im on the…(cough) on the run."
After Battle[]
- "Oh no. No no no. Something’s not right."
- "You! Oh no. I can’t handle all three of you at once."
- "Ahhhhhhhh!"
- "I can’t believe I failed! Again! I guess…"
- "I guess I’m… not the real Cassie."
- After the Die-Brarian’s shush attack is used for the first time, Raz will point out that librarians do not actually shush people; it is only a stereotype, to which Writer Cassie will remark that Cassie O'pia was never a real librarian in life. Teacher Cassie will add that she was never much of a teacher either. At this, the Die-Brarian will insultingly remark that she was not much of a writer either in her opinion, much to Counterfeiter Cassie’s teasing amusement.
- Some of the leitmotifs used in her boss fight theme come from the combat song used in both Ford's Follicles and Lucrecia's Lament. Adding more depth into the impact the Deluge of Grulovia had upon the Psychic Seven.
- This is later revisited in the boss theme for Truheltia Memonstria "Battle at Sea" where part of it and even a new segment are used for the intro cutscenes for the Final Boss of Psychonauts 2.
- She’s amongst the bosses with the bigger amount of quotes in both Psychonauts.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts 2 - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (27:20 for the fight)