Dingo Inflagrante was a mental figure of a self-obsessed cheerleader/bullfighter in Black Velvetopia. He along with his girlfriend (wife) Lampita Pasionado are the true villains of this mental world, with only Dingo being faced as the eight boss fight of Psychonauts.
Raz first encounters Dingo in his apartment within Black Velvetopia. Raz asks Dingo to help get rid of El Odio, but Dingo refuses, stating that he cannot do so until Bulldog finishes his commissioned advertisement.
After fighting El Odio (who is revealed to be a caricature of Edgar's anger), Dingo shows up to finish the beast. Raz tries to convince Edgar that Lampita and Dingo are just romanticized members of the Junior Varsity pep squad. Dingo starts speaking in an American accent when he and Lampita take offense at Razputin's comment. They both are then revealed to be mental versions of Dean LaGrante and Lana Panzoni, two cheerleaders from Edgar's high school years. Dean and Lana start cheering "Go Bulls" as Edgar's rage consumes him once more.
Dingo is shown to attack the beast, and he takes over as the level's boss. Raz must then protect the bull while fighting Dingo at the same time. When Dingo falls, Lampita rushes to his side, crying. Edgar realizes that the two are too pathetic to hold onto any longer, and the arena opens at his will, sending them plummeting to their doom.
The name "Inflagrante" likely refers to "in flagrante delicto", a legal Latin term (literally "in blazing offense") that can be translated with the colloquial "caught red-handed" and "caught rapid". It is possible that Edgar caught Lampita/Lana cheating him with Dingo/Dean before getting dumped.
–Ford Cruller first advice Raz from the bacon about Dingo Inflagrante.
–Ford Cruller second advice Raz from the bacon once the latter has used confusion into Dingo.
Dingo will often teleport around the arena and slash with his sword. Raz will need to use Confusion on Dingo to render him vulnerable to attacks. Raz can use Telekinesis to throw the banderillas at Dingo. The player can get more Confusion ammo from destroying the rose bouquets on the ground. If everything’s done in the correct way, Raz will take him down to his imminent fall.
Attacks and Health[]
- Estoque Slash: If having Raz in front of himself, it will immediately strike with his sword by slashing it in front of him once. This only deals 4 hit points (1 whole brain for Mental Health).
- Estoque Cut : Once El Odio attempts to run into Dingo he will evade said attack and perform a quick slash into El Odio’s body. If still having the banderillas on the body it will only take 4 cuts out of Dingo’s estoque to finish him off, but 8 if the banderillas are removed.
- Banderilla Impaling : Whenever Dingo has a banderilla impale into his body he’ll remove it (Still conserving the damage) and then once El Odio attempts to run over him, Dingo impales it onto El Odio’s body which can only be removed with Telekinesis.
- Matador’s Mirage: To avoid any sort of direct attacks from Raz (minus Confusion) or right after being damaged by the impaling with the banderillas he’ll teleport to random spot of the arena or even teleport in front of Raz to attack him.
Similar to El Odio, this boss fight has the lowest amount of health out of any other bosses in the first Psychonauts. Only resisting a total of 4 hits to be defeated, although it could be treated as 8 hits if you count the confusion grenade throws to make him vulnerable to the attacks to begin with.
Before Battle[]
- "Ah, you must be the towel boy!"
- "You want an autograph? I don’t just hand those out."
- "And that’s a good lesson for you: anticipate disappointment. Take me: I’m the greatest bullfighter who’s ever lived. Yet my upcoming match against the town bull has received virtually no marketing support."
- "A towering advertisement was supposed to have been painted just outside my window. But, as you can see, the job hasn’t even been started."
- "Hmmm… so instead of challenging the bull before a stadium packed with screaming women, you want me to fight it on the street in front of one dog and one child wearing a crude towel boy disguise. That’s a terrible idea."
- "Here’s a better one: you go get that billboard painted, and I’ll reward you handsomely."
- "Which is how I do everything."
- "As an advance , I’ll give you one of my secret weapons. Use it if anyone gets stubborn."
- "El odio and I will fight some day, in the ring! And he will die!"
- "But not until we have a good media buzz first! So…"
- "Get out there and make that lazy dog paint my billboard!"
- (Before the Bulldog finishes painting the billboard and confusion is used on him) "I had my doubts, but--"
- "But I’m right as usual. Really nice job, genius. Now go back out there and finish the job."
- (If Raz punches Dingo in his apartment) "Ooh, good thing you cannot reach my face. Then I’d be mad."
- (If Raz offers Dingo a Rose in his apartment) "You’re an eight-year-old boy, so, regretfully, I must decline."
- (If Raz shows Dingo a Painting in his apartment) "You know what would look good in that frame? My reflection in a mirror."
- (If Raz jumps on Dingo’s head) "Ow!"
- (Variant 1 If confusion is used on dingo) "Ohhhoo ohhh…"
- (Variant 2 If confusion is used on dingo) "I am the mighty EL ODIO!"
- (Variant 3 If confusion is used on dingo) "I have all the power OF THE BULL!"
- (Variant 4 If confusion is used on dingo) "I do not have time for this nonsense."
- (After the Bulldog finishes painting the billboard) "Hmmm. It’s not great."
- "But i suppose it’s just barely good enough. Come see me if you still want your reward."
- "Really? Then here’s some new advice: I don’t know what you’re talking about."
- "Fine, then. One autograph."
- "Alright! Here! Take this! But i warn you, I won’t be able to sign it."
During Battle[]
- (When attacking El Odio without the Banderillas) "El Odio is a fierce, magical creature. He can only be harmed by the traditional bullfighting weapons."
- "Thank you for preparing the bull, my humble picador. I shall now finish this beast off easily."
- "Um, what’s up with the "Junior?""
- "Gimme a G!"
- "Gimme an O!"
- "Gimme a B!"
- "Gimme a U!"
- "Gimme a L!"
- "Gimme another L!"
- "Gimme a S!"
- "What’s that spell?"
- "Goooooooooo BULLS! Yeah! Wooo!"
- "Ha ha ha! He never learns!"
- "They’re called "Banderillas""
- (Variant 1 If confusion is used on dingo) "Ohhhoo ohhh…"
- (Variant 2 If confusion is used on dingo) "I am the mighty EL ODIO!"
- (Variant 3 If confusion is used on dingo) "I have all the power OF THE BULL!"
- (Variant 4 If confusion is used on dingo) "Look out!"
- (Variant 5 If confusion is used on dingo) "Here comes El Odio!"
- (Variant 6 If confusion is used on dingo) "Ahhhhhh!"
- (Dingo response to Ford Cruller after saying barbed poles in his advice) "Banderillas! Use the word!"
- "Ow!"
- "El Odio is hit!"
- "El Odio doesn’t like that!"
- "Right in El Odio’s butt!"
- "El Odio… is… DYING."
After Battle[]
- "Ooof!"
- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
- A memory vault reveals the real Dingo (Dean) Inflagrante was in fact a male cheerleader who stole Edgar's girlfriend - it is possible to see Dingo in a cheerleading pyramid looking right up Lana's dress in a memory vault.
- The Jacks in the tower of cards all bear Dingo's (Dean's) likeness.
- Dingo sees Raz as a banderillero when Clairvoyance is used on him.
- The Confusion grenade effects vary between his first and second apparition in Black Velvetopia. In his apartment he declares being El Odio but quickly snapping with him saying that he does not have time for that nonsensical gibberish. But in his boss fight the effects last for much longer and in fact he does act at some point like a bull by trying to ram over the true El Odio.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (36:30 for the fight)