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Dion Aquato

Don't worry about helping out, squirt. We're already used to gettin' by without you.

–Dion to Raz

Dion Aquato is a member of the Aquato family. He is the older brother of Razputin Aquato.


Dion has brown hair, blue eyes, and yellow skin. His hair is styled up, and he also wears a low ponytail. He wears a blue vest with a large collar and designs resembling the hand of galochio, patched brown shorts, green ankle boots, and white and green striped leg/arm warmers. He has a blue ribbon tied around his right ankle and a red sweat band on his left wrist.


Dion is the eldest child of Augustus and Donatella Aquato. He grew up in the Aquato family circus and was taught complex acrobatic tricks and performer stunts. He was also raised to hate and fear psychics for cursing the family to die in water.


Dion has a tough exterior and is often rude to his siblings, though obedient towards his elders. Dion is the most averse to psychics and psychic powers of the Aquatos due to the perceived harm they have done to the family. He believes a lot of misinformation on psychics on their practices and how they harm society, viewing them as untrustworthy overall.



Dion appears in Raz's memory vault, Razputin's Getaway. He is observed performing circus tricks with his family on stage.

Psychonauts 2[]

Dion arrives at The Motherlobe with the rest of the Aquato family and their caravan to visit Raz. Once they move to The Questionable Area, Dion is found attempting putting up the Aquatodome. Here he expresses bitter resentment towards Raz for running away to Whispering Rock and exposing the Aquato's family history of psychics and claims that the family is better off without him.

If Raz helps Dion put up the Aquatodome, he will begrudgingly admit that Raz's powers did save some time.

Later, Dion accompanies the rest of the Aquatos to form the devil's fire hose to fling Raz into Maligula's cyclone. In the post-game, Dion can be found conversing with Gisu near the reverse waterfall. He becomes more open-minded about psychics as Gisu educates him, though he still has some animosity towards Raz.


Augustus Aquato[]

Augustus is Dion's father. He dismisses his father's newfound interest in psychic powers as simply a phase.

Donatella Aquato[]

Donatella is Dion's mother. He is shown to do whatever she asks of him.

Frazie Aquato[]

Frazie is Dion's younger sister, whose psychic powers creates a divide between them.

Queepie Aquato[]

Queepie is Dion's younger brother. Dion seems to believe everything he says, believing Queepie's stories about "fortune-tellers" without questioning it.

Razputin Aquato[]

Razputin is Dion's younger brother. Dion sees Raz as a punching bag, and demonstrates a condescending and hostile attitude towards him for running away and embracing his psychic powers. Dion does show some guilt when he sees how hurt Raz is by his insults.

Mirtala Aquato[]

Mirtala is Dion's younger sister.


Nona is Dion's great-aunt.

Gisu Nerumen[]

Gisu and Dion share a look when first meeting and can be found hanging out in the Questionable Area after the story. The two appear to be interested in each other.


  • Dion had a single ear-piercing and knee pads in concept art.
  • In a cut audio, Dion mentions he plays the oboe.
  • Dion has an unused voice line in Psychonauts 2 where he apologizes to Raz for acting aggressive, and also tells him he loves him.
