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Overall, distractions can plague us much like other enemies throughout Psychonauts 2–pulling us from the story, our mission, or even our train of thought. The variety of conceptualizations do a great job of displaying the manifestations of real life distractions, where they call our attention and demand to be given the time of day.

–PsyD Sarah Hays description in The Art of Psychonauts 2

Distractions are a type of enemies planned at some point for Psychonauts 2, yet, never made it into the final cut. The only known media about them is some concept arts from the official art book of Psychonauts 2; while appearing alongside plenty more early ideas for enemies, Distractions distinguish for having the most out of them and that one of the concepts was repurposed into the Enabler.


The early sketches reveal that the enemy had a lanky shape and mostly a wacky look for itself. One of the initial concepts (which also is the one introducing the enemies section of the art book) shows some sort of vehicle with trumpets, horns and other instruments, the very first concept art (Distractions #1) was mostly a tall figure with 2 or 4 arms, the second concept (Distractions #4) has the same idea of the enemy being stuck on the ground however featuring much detail: aside from the many floppy arms, two sketches shows that the enemy could have received some sort of spotlights on the top of its head or using one of its hands while carrying a sign with the title "OVER HERE".

The last two concepts (Distractions #7 and #12) instead of one individual enemy, shows that the enemy would evolved into a marching band composed of different critters with different shapes and forms (probably an idea like the Censors to have more than one variant of the same enemy). Most of them carried horns, being the two more noticeable a sketch of a flying variant somewhat similar to the (Regrets) and another with the top of its head on fire and having in its body a large battery which would play with some drum sticks.


General concept information from the art book[]

"Hays says, “if I were tasked with envisioning what a distraction would look like, this is what immediately comes to mind. I love the idea that it’d grab Raz, and I imagine it’s a loud and bright enemy that demands to be seen. Perhaps it even talks, calling for him innocently to never mind the rest of the enemies–look over here!”" (Distractions #1).

"“The variety of visual distractions and incredible in this early concept piece–where things like light, accessories, signs, and arms contribute to the general energy. I appreciate the consideration of how to attack Raz where they grab and eat him instead of just pulling his attention away from other things. In life, it feels distractions can eat up our time or energy too.” Hays explains" (Distractions #4).

"Hays says, “As a person with ADHD, I relate personally to this set of concepts. The wrong kinds of sound will completely pull me from the ability to focus or even remember what i’m trying to do. Like a marching band, these baddies call for lots of attention and would definitely be a distraction for me!”" (Distractions #7).

"“My favorite distraction here, and the most unique in the set of music-based concepts, is concept A. I imagine it running around, setting the environment ablaze. For the player, that means we have to stop what we’re doing collect any drops from the damaged surroundings. That would definitely be an immediate distraction, much like how life’s inconveniences distract us from our tasks and require quick attention,” Hays explains." (Distractions #12).

To see the notes and concept arts from the book you can check out this video.


  • It is possible that the last concepts for the Distractions were repurposed for the Enabler, mostly because of the marching band theme both enemies have.
    • The spawning animation of the Enabler it could be another hint since it consists shows some mellophones playing a horrible tune like if it was the beginning of a parade.