–Edgar, before changing into El Odio

El Odio is a neon pink bull who appears within the mental world of Black Velvetopia in Psychonauts. The bull is supposed to represent Edgar Teglee's rage. Other than being an obstacle throughout the mental world for both Razputin in collecting the queens and Edgar in creating his tower of cards (allegorically to reach the path to the truth); he is the seventh boss fight of the game.
El Odio is a massive pink bull with orange horns and yellow eyes. He wears pink boots on all four legs and has sports Edgar's beard.
El Odio first appears as the nemesis of Edgar Teglee, knocking down Edgar's house of cards every time he tries to build it. As Razputin proceeds through the world of Black Velvetopia, El Odio is constantly running through the streets and will drag Raz along if he's caught at street level.
Towards the end of the mental world, it is discovered that El Odio is actually Edgar himself, or the embodiment of Edgar's rage. Raz fights El Odio at first, but must then protect him from attacks by Dingo Inflagrante. El Odio is finally dissolved when Edgar overcomes his rage and puts his past behind him. The attacks that were used to defeat El Odio can also be used on Dingo.
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about El Odio.
During the first fight, Razputin must wait for El Odio to charge at Raz then quickly move out of the way. When El Odio hits the wall, use Telekinesis on the banderillas and throw them at El Odio. Another tactic is to use Confusion Grenades on him so his mind will get clouded when he steps into the confusion cloud. This will make him flex and pose, which is required when you have to make a painting in his path and makes things easier during his fight. During the second fight, simply use Telekinesis again to pull the banderillas out of El Odio, this time now Raz must defend El Odio from the true main combatant and demon of this mental world "The Matador", aka "Dingo Inflagrante".
Attacks and Health[]
- Odio's Patrol: El Odio headbutts you if you are in his way before the boss fight. Deals 4 hit points of damage and also carries you way backwards, inhibiting your progress.
- Odio’s Rampage: El Odio charges for 3 seconds and right after, attempts run into Raz, if misses but he’s far from a wall tries to stop and put his view onto Raz once more. But if he crashes towards a wall he’ll remain stuck in it for about 5 seconds before getting ready again. The more banderillas are put into the bull the more amount of charges he will do: At most with all banderillas stuck before triggering the cutscene to the second fight, El Odio can perform a total of 3 charges in a row. This attack in total deals 4 hit points (1 whole brain for Mental Health).
- Kicks: When becoming Invisible El Odio will start kicking in the air around himself, so Raz won't be able to come near him. If he does this will result on getting push back while dealing 2 hit points
- Headbutt Counter: El Odio will headbutt any enemy blindly charging at him. This attack actually is helpful to you, because it bashes Dingo when he is confused, not you. It doesn't deal any damage but knocks him back and stuns him further, allowing you to hit the enemy more easily.
Thanks to the use of Telekinesis the damage dealt to El Odio is much bigger than an average 1,2,3 PSI-Punching or the constant shoots from PSI-Blast. However, from a different perspective is still a low amount of health compared to nearly all other bosses of the game taking only a total of 4 hits to be defeated. However in the encounter with Dingo once El Odio’s health is restored it takes 8 hits in total before being completely defeated.
- "El Odio" translates directly from Spanish to "The Hatred", further enforcing the connection of Edgar's hateful obsession over what happened and how that obsession was keeping him from reaching his goals.
- When Clairvoyance is used on El Odio, he sees Raz as a traditional red bullfighting cape.
- If Raz uses confusion grenades on El Odio, he will start acting like Dingo, arrogantly posing.
- There’s actually two separate bulls running around Black Velvetopia. Psychonauts developers said that they had a problem getting both bulls to stop when one was confused.[1]
- El Odio appears in the Psychonauts recap animation at the start of Psychonauts 2.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (35:03 for the fight)