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Supports negative thoughts

–Raz's notes

It's, like, they are not necessarily the worst thing in the world, but they are not necessarily helping the situation either, and sometimes actually making it worse.

–Psychonauts 2 Art Director Lisette Titre-Montgomery

Enablers are an enemy encountered in mental worlds in Psychonauts 2. Their specialty is protecting other enemies, such as censors, from taking damage.


They resemble small gremlin-like creatures wearing uniforms similar to cheerleaders and marching bands. The uniform jacket and cap have a large, winged "1" adorning them. They're also seen wielding twirling sticks similar to a drum major, the individual who marches at the front of a marching band to keep time.


Enablers will keep their distance from Raz while providing their comrades with protective shields, making them immune to all damage. They're very quick, and can dodge PSI-Blasts in quick succession, faster and more frequent than Censors. If Raz attempts to get close for melee, the Enabler will instantly pull out an air horn to damage and knock him back.

Because of these things, PSI-Punch and PSI-Blast alone is not advised, and requires the use of multiple other PSI-Powers to dispatch.

Raz can use Time Bubble to slow them down, but this doesn't stop them from performing their dodges and repels; just makes it easier to damage them. Throwing objects with Telekinesis will stun them, leaving them open to attack and stopping them from protecting their allies. Commanding Raz's Archtype to chase the Enabler with Projection will also distract the Enabler into using its airhorn on it instead of Raz, but it depends on who reaches the Enabler first. Arguably, the best approach is to use Pyrokinesis, which will cause them to panic and stops them from protecting other enemies or reacting to attacks. Not only does this stop the Enabler from doing any actions besides running in panic, but also does damage over time on top of whatever attacks Raz throws at it.


Supporting Censors[]

  • "Censors know when something's wrong! Kill the thoughts that don't belong!"
  • "When he says no, you got to go! When he says no, you got to go!"
  • "That bad thought has got to go, Censor tell him no, no, no!"
  • " Censors, censors, clean the mind! Kill the thoughts that aren't our kind!"
  • "Get him outta here, Censor!"
  • "No one says NO like you!"
  • "Censor that bad thought!"
  • "Woo, Censors!"
  • "Censors are the BEST!"

Supporting Bad Ideas[]

  • "Bad Ideas are really good! They're just misunderstood!"
  • "There are no BAD ideas!"
  • "People judge who have not met you! Bad ideas, they just don't get you!"
  • "All ideas are good!"
  • "Who's a good idea? YOU are! Yes, you are!"
  • "Bad Ideas have always met, violent opposition... You bet!"
  • "I think your ideas are wonderful!"
  • "You're doing the right thing!"
  • "They say you're bad but you look good to me!"

Supporting Doubts[]

  • "Think, and think, and think some more! Doubts will stick you to the floor!"
  • "We need MORE Doubts!"
  • "I DOUBT you're NOT the best!"
  • "Without doubts, we'd all just jump off a cliff!"
  • "Doubts rules! Confidence drools!"
  • "Never fear! Your DOUBTS are here!
  • "Scream and shout if you love doubts!"
  • "Doubts make everything better!"
  • "Can you be sure which way to go? I doubt so! I doubt so!
  • "Don't you cry! No, don't you pout! It's good to think and good to doubt!"

Supporting the Die-Brarian[]

  • "Bees, bees, do as they please! If they don't like you, fall to your knees!"

Supporting Regrets[]

  • "You bear a precious burden: The weight of a lesson learned!"
  • "Regret! Regret! You've made some big mistakes I'll bet!"
  • "Fly like an Egret, beautiful RE-gret, o'er the wetlands of my shame!"
  • "Woo! Let's go, REGRETS!"
  • "Sour high on the wings of REGRET!"
  • "You'll never learn if you FORGET! Choices made you now REGRET!"
  • "Fly high, brave Regrets!"
  • "Yay! The Sky is filled with REGRET!"
  • "My Regrets are my best friends!"


  • "You do you!"
  • "I think that's a GREAT idea!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "Don't listen to the haters!"
  • "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
  • "Stay true to your dreams!"
  • "Be aggressive! B-E aggressive! B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!"
  • "Follow your bliss!"
  • "You can do it!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Don't let the jerks grind you down!"
  • "You gotta break a few eggs if you wanna build Rome in a day!


  • An "enabler" not only refers to a person who makes something possible, but more notoriously refers to a person who encourages negative or self-destructive behavior.
  • The attitude of the Enablers is a call-back to Whispering Rock campers Clem Foote and Crystal Flowers Snagrash from Psychonauts, who are both constantly up-beat, practicing and performing rhyming cheers to pump-up their fellow camp-goers.
  • When using Clairvoyance on an Enabler, they see Raz as a barricade.
  • Occasionally, Raz will mockingly imitate enablers after defeating them by saying “They say nice things in happy verse, but enablers just make things worse!”
  • Enablers are voiced by Kari Wahlgren, who also voiced the Lady of the Lake.
  • The Panic Attack and Bad Moods are the only enemies which are never support by the Enabler
  • Despite the Judge being helped by the Enabler two times in Psychonauts 2, it doesn’t have unique lines and instead uses the default dialogues of when no enemies are around.