Figment |
Looking for a guide? See the helpful figments guide created by Game FAQ user Syonyx to find the location of every figment in Psychonauts.
–Psychonauts 2 description
Figments are physical manifestations of a mind's imagination which appear all throughout mental worlds. They serve as collectibles in the Psychonauts series.
Figments are floating two-dimensional illustrations that appear in a person's psyche and differ in color and appearance. They typically represent something the host imagines might be present in their mental world, but doesn't currently think about strongly enough for them to be a physical feature or mental figure. Many figments are stationary, but some move about as they float.
Each figment has a number value assigned to it which contributes to Raz's figment-point counter. For every 100 figment points Raz obtains, he receives a PSI Cadet Rank. As the game progresses, the worth of figments slowly rises.
Razputin keeps a thorough record of each and every single individual figment he collects, which can be accessed from the collection tab in his journal. On the main collection page of the journal, figments are in most cases grouped together by the general area they are found in. From there, the full list of figments in the current mind can be opened, which includes a catalog of each individual collected figment and their point values that allows one to spot missing figments in the list.
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]
Figments do not appear in game, but there are new figments seen floating around in the main menu screen that represent Razputin's thoughts. Loboto's mind, the only mental world to appear in the game, does not have any figments to collect, as Raz does not walk through this mind but relies instead on Clairvoyance to look around.
Psychonauts 2[]
Figments return in Psychonauts 2. They are now brighter and less transparent, as well as being animated, to address the common complaint that many figments were extremely difficult to spot in the first Psychonauts.
The figment counter returns as well, but figments are now always worth only one point each. This time, they count towards Razputin's Intern Credits instead of his PSI Cadet Rank. The figments are now also counted across the entire mind instead of in the area Raz is currently in, barring a few cases where the mind is split up into several levels. There is a figment counter in the HUD so it's easier to keep track of progression. Finally, the in-game figment catalog no longer counts each figment individually, but tells the player how much of each type they've collected.
- Waterloo World contains the most figments of all the mental worlds in Psychonauts, with a total of 243, whereas Sasha's Shooting Gallery has the least, with only 69.
- Psychonauts 2 beats both records, with PSI King's Sensorium having 263, and Tomb of the Sharkophagus having a mere 20.
- The Meat Circus has figments shaped like Double Fine's mascot, the Double-headed baby, and one shaped like Muscleman, the strongman from Scott Campbell's webcomic series Double Fine Action Comics.
- There are a total of 1537 figments in Psychonauts, 26 in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, and 1300 figments in Psychonauts 2.
- While Psychonauts has the most figments in the franchise, Psychonauts 2 contains more unique figment drawings at 765, versus the first game's 503.
- Loboto's mind in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin is the only mental world which does not have any figments. However, his mind does have figments in Psychonauts 2.
- Black Velvetopia is the only mental world in Psychonauts that has figments that depict the mind's owner themselves, with figments that look like Edgar's yearbook photo and Edgar and Lana holding hands. In Psychonauts 2, this is much more common.
- Hollis' Hot Streak has a figment shaped like the casino's neon sign, which looks like Hollis' own skeleton. Furthermore, only Strike City has figments shaped like Ford—the other three Ford stages do not.
- In Fatherland Follies, collecting the figments representing tourists waiting in line will cause them to complain about Raz cutting in line. This is the only time where figments are shown to be capable of speech.
- Figments Guide for Psychonauts.
- Each Psychonauts 2 mental world page has its own figment guide.