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Ford's Fractured Mind

Whoever dropped the kablooie on this mind really didn't want it put back together again. And to tell you the truth, there were some parts of this old brain that weren't doing me much good anyway.

–Ford Cruller

Ford's Fractured Mind is the mental world of Ford Cruller. It is unique among other mental worlds because while most minds have one level associated with them, Ford's mind serves as the setting for four separate levels in Psychonauts 2, due to its uniquely fractured nature. Each level reflects one of Ford's aspects, performing different jobs around the Motherlobe.

Exploring all of Ford's mind fragments and "fixing" his psyche is Razputin's main goal in the second act of the game. Completing all four levels will begin the third act, forcing Raz to stay in Green Needle Gulch for plot reasons until the post-game.


Ford's Fractured Mind is, as the name implies, a mental world fractured into various independent pieces, each of which represents a portion of Ford Cruller's memories of the events leading up to the Psychic Six's confrontation with Maligula, and the subsequent shattering of Ford's psyche.

Ford has the tendency to take on various odd jobs wherever he goes, resulting in different personas, and so each fragment is first accessed by using the Psycho-Portal on its matching aspect of Ford, and is themed around their profession. Afterwards, all of the fragments can be reached through the same door in the Collective Unconscious, however.

The fragments Razputin explores in Psychonauts 2 include: a mental version of Whispering Rock, which belongs to Ford Cruller's Agent side—and so, possibly his complete self, though this segment is not considered a level by itself; Ford’s Follicles, belonging to the Hairdresser Ford who runs Cruller's Cuts; Strike City, belonging to the Bowler Ford who runs Astral Lanes Bowling Alley; Cruller's Correspondence, belonging to the Postmaster Ford running the Mailroom; and finally Tomb of the Sharkophagus, which belongs to a gravedigger Ford who isn't seen in the outside world, and is only accessed after Ford's Mind has been reassembled. All of the sections of Ford's Mind are quite distinct, but collectibles such as Emotional Baggage are counted across all of them. In each world, a towering, sentient landmark that resembles Ford overlooks most of the area. Razputin's main goal is to reach them and enter inside their head in order to claim a shard of glass that belongs in a mirror Agent Cruller carries back in the Whispering Rock fragment.

In Psychonauts, Ford was seen taking on other jobs across Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp that are not seen again in the sequel. It's perhaps implied each one would have a separate mental world fragment to match, but Razputin was not able to enter Ford's Mind at summer camp. Since Ford's Mind is unified again by the end of Psychonauts 2, these fragments are unlikely to come up again.

In Psychonauts 2[]

When Razputin visits a recovering Truman Zanotto in his office after a successful mission at the Lady Luctopus, the grand head reveals to him he's been feigning unconsciousness. Finally alone with the boy, Truman gives him a secret assignment: to find Ford Cruller, bring him back to the Motherlobe, and repair his broken mind. Truman tells Raz he's convinced that Maligula will return, and Ford is the only one who can help the Psychonauts when she does.

Razputin proceeds to obtain a piece of Honey Pepper Boar Bacon from Noodle Bowl, and tries the same method he used to summon Ford for advice back at summer camp: waving the bacon by his ear to attract the part of Ford that's stowed away inside his head to keep an eye out for him. Ford's whole body comes out of Razputin's head in pursuit of the bacon, all while Raz tries to explain the crisis to him. Ford himself is reluctant about being back at headquarters, however, as well as distracted by the bacon in front of him. While he is distracted, Razputin asks to enter his mind and see what the situation is like inside, and gets a rather vague agreement in response.

Ford's Whispering Rock

The Reception Area as it appears in Ford’s mind.

"Whispering Rock"[]

Razputin enters Ford's Mind to find himself at a mental version of the campfire at Whispering Rock's Reception Area. He notices a broken wooden torch there, which he remembers as having been broken back at camp, as well. He finds its missing top, reattaches it, and lights the torch using Pyrokinesis to reveal a wood carving of Ford Cruller on its front. Five more torches then drop out of the sky, which when lit reveal carvings of the other members of the Psychic Six. Finally, once all six are lit, a seventh log appears next to Ford's, bearing a likeness of Lucrecia Mux.

The large tree behind the torches opens up in the middle to reveal a path to a mental lake, with one of the canoes from the camp's Boathouse. Raz gets in and sails across the lake for a little stretch, as he finds and reads a letter from Otto Mentallis to Ford in the canoe. In this letter, Otto proposes that they accept Lucrecia Mux as the third member of their research team, to assist in Psitanium mining using her hydrokinesis. As Raz continues on the lake, the moon in the sky gets ever closer to the water's surface until it's a disc right in front of him, which he then gets pulled into.

Razputin's head suddenly pops out of Ford Cruller's torso. The Ford body with Razputin's head is standing in a pine forest, inside the remains of a cabin that looks as though it's in the middle of exploding, with fragments of wood, trees, and small belongings hanging in midair all around. He's holding a broken mirror, and from the one remaining shard of glass inside, the real Ford voices his reservations about Razputin's plan to fix his mind. He argues there's no point in trying, and that things are probably better off this way, before ejecting Raz out of his mind.

Back in the real world, Ford—due to being away from the Psitanium chunk underneath his Sanctuary at Whispering Rock—drifts into separate aspects, which each take on a job at the Motherlobe. Raz locates three: Bowling Ford in Astral Lanes, Barber Ford in Cruller's Cuts, and Mail Clerk Ford in the Mailroom. When he reports back to Truman, the grand head gives him full access to the base and surrounding area. Razputin must now explore the mental world fragments corresponding to the three Crullers in any order and recover a shard of the broken mirror he was holding earlier in each one.

Barber Ford - Ford's Follicles[]

Main article: Ford's Follicles

This aspect of Ford can be reached immediately by simply walking into Cruller's Cuts and requires no additional detours to access.

Ford's Follicles looks like the Grulovian countryside at night, though with most of the landscape made of hair and barber's tools. It represents Ford's memories of the atrocities Maligula committed, as well as his inability to recognize the old Lucrecia in her or make her see reason. Raz must drown Lice with Hydrocide in order to reach a lighthouse that resembles Ford at the center of the world, and climb it. Once he obtains it, Raz returns the Shard from this world to the mirror at the exploded cabin and places a bottle of Hydrocide on its shelf.

Bowling Ford - Strike City[]

Main article: Strike City

In order to enter Astral Lanes and reach Bowling Ford, Razputin needs to obtain a Senior League Membership Card first, which he gets from Compton Boole after completing Compton's Cookoff.

Strike City looks like a foggy 1920s American city inside a bowling shoe inhabited by anthropomorphic germs and themed around bowling. It represents Ford's memories of the first date he went on with Lucrecia Mux, and his feeling that good times never last long. Raz must navigate through the city while balancing atop large bowling balls in order to reach the massive bowling pin shaped like Ford. Once he obtains it, Raz returns the Shard from this world to the mirror at the exploded cabin, and places a bowling ball on its shelf.

Mail Clerk Ford - Cruller's Correspondence[]

Main article: Cruller's Correspondence

In order to gain access to the office inside the Mailroom and reach Mail Clerk Ford, Razputin needs a senior mailroom worker. Nick Johnsmith would qualify, but he is brainless, so Raz sets out to obtain a spare brain from Otto's lab. This leads him into the level PSI-King's Sensorium, after which the spare brain's owner opens the door for Raz.

Cruller's Correspondence looks like an enormous sorting room where Raz is smaller than a thumbtack, with a large mechanical postman resembling Ford sorting mail in the center, a whirling sea of letters at the bottom, and postcards floating all around the area. It represents Ford's memories of trying to reach Lucrecia while she was out defending her home country, losing herself in the process; as well as his tendency to bury his feelings and concentrate on work instead. Raz must follow around an unaddressed love letter and finally get it posted to reach the Mecha-Postman's head. Once he obtains it, Raz returns the Shard from this world to the mirror at the exploded cabin and places a typewriter on its shelf.

Once all three fragments have been cleared and recovered, Ford regains his memories. He tells Raz he has done a terrible thing and chastises the boy for assisting in putting his mind back together. He then takes Raz to one more area of his mind, to show him the full truth of what he's done.

Tomb of the Sharkophagus[]

Main article: Tomb of the Sharkophagus

Tomb of the Sharkophagus is the last section of Ford's mind, accessed immediately after Raz gathers all three Mental Shards. The area first resembles a graveyard inside of a pine forest, similar to the one from the Whispering Rock area, then leads into an underground crypt and finally a set of velvety tunnels inside a coffin. Here, Raz is subjected to the full truth about what Ford has done: Maligula—that is to say, Ford's old girlfriend Lucrecia, was kept alive after her defeat, and Ford used the Astralathe to alter her mind and seal away the murderous parts. He then manipulated Razputin's father, Augustus Aquato, into believing Lucrecia—his aunt—was his mother. Finally, he turned the device on himself, fracturing his own mind.

The reveal that his grandmother has been Maligula all along disturbs Razputin greatly. In shock, Razputin exits Ford's Mind and rushes out to his family's campsite, but he's tackled to the ground by Ford before he can reach it. Ford promises him he can be mad later, but that they need to make sure Maligula doesn't come out first. The two of them then go out to Green Needle Gulch to reinforce Maligula's mental prison using the Astralathe.

The fragments of Ford's Mind can be revisited afterwards despite being put back together again. There is also one Memory Vault at the graveyard in Tomb of the Sharkophagus that can only be collected on a second visit. The Whispering Rock section of Ford's Mind cannot be revisited at all, but it also contains no collectibles.



There are 52 figments in Strike City, 43 in Ford's Follicles, 47 in Cruller's Correspondence, and 20 in Tomb of the Sharkophagus, making for a total of 162 figments across Ford's Mind.

Emotional Baggage[]

Ford's Follicles

  • Steamer Trunk
    • Bag: Located at the Base of the Lighthouse next to a bottle of Victory Shampoo.
    • Tag: After encountering Censors for the first time in this mind in the Town Outskirts area on the right on top of some steps.

Strike City

  • Dufflebag
    • Bag: Near the first ball polisher of the level around a corner.
    • Tag: Just past the Foul Line Overlook behind the massive "Eat At Joe's" sign. When the gravity on the building changes, jump onto the vertical bowling alley lane just to the left of the S in the huge sign. Follow the lane to a rooftop with the tag.
  • Suitcase
    • Bag: In the Construction Site beneath the ramp leading up hidden behind five bowling pins.
    • Tag: After first ball polisher in the Downtown Center on the roof covered in green slime before the start of the Kingpin Express. Head straight towards the end of the roof and turn right to find the tag.

Cruller's Correspondence

  • Hatbox
    • Bag: Located inside the International Dead Letter Office, turn left immediately as you enter this area to see the bag above you.
    • Tag: After leaving the Dead Letter Office turn to the left immediately and swing on the push pin towards a letter with a wax seal. Look to your left again to see the tag.

Tomb of the Sharkophagus

  • Purse
    • Bag: Behind the Astralathe.
    • Tag: On top of one of the sharks made out of coffins. It's easiest to use Time Bubble to slow it down and jump on top of it to grab the tag.

Memory Vaults[]

Ford's Follicles

  • Psychonauts Summoned: In the Town Outskirts section after the short tunnel, in front of the "Did you know there's a war going on?" poster.

Strike City

  • Ford & Lucy's First Date: Immediately after leaving the Alley Interior turn right and go behind the billboard. Follow this path to more bowling pins and the memory vault waiting for you.

Cruller's Correspondence

Tomb of the Sharkophagus

  • Ford Cruller, Cracked: In the first area to the right, in front of the Memory Vault-shaped grave. Only available during a revisit.


Ford's Follicles: In the Town Outskirts section after the short tunnel to the left of the "Did you know there's a war going on?" poster on top of a ledge.

Strike City: In the Construction Site, on the top floor.

Cruller's Correspondence: In the International Dead Letter Office, look up at the shelving after going down the slide.

Tomb of the Sharkophagus: Found in the Mailroom section, on the right of this room.

Nuggets of Wisdom[]

The Nuggets of Wisdom in all of Ford's mental worlds are shaped like pieces of bacon.

Ford's Follicles: At the beginning of this mind, turn to the right to see a swirling button. Shoot the button with PSI Blast and ride the updraft towards the Nugget.

Strike City: After the Foul Line Overlook and after the massive "Eat At Joe's" sign, there is a water tower in front of Raz. The Nugget is on top of this water tower.

Cruller's Correspondence: After leaving the International Dead Letter Office follow the tightrope and push pins to a set of Mental Connection nodes. Follow the nodes to the top of a green lamp to collect the Nugget.


Ford’s Follicles[]

Strike City[]

Cruller's Correspondence[]


Ford’s Follicles[]

Strike City[]

Cruller's Correspondence[]

Tomb of the Sharkophagus[]


  • If Razputin is made to interact with the stump in the campfire area of "Whispering Rock", he will quickly recite some key words from Coach Oleander's speech from the beginning of Psychonauts, while skipping over most of it because he's in a hurry.
  • The torches at the campfire area are placed in the same order they were seen in originally in Psychonauts, but the distance between them is different, in particular the Helmut Fullbear and Bob Zanotto torches, which were originally quite far apart.