Psychonauts Wiki

Fortune Teller

Razputin, your journey has made you much wiser, so why do you still horde your goods like a miser? The items you've scavenged, the webs, cards, and brains -- just to redeem them is all that remains!

–The Fortune Teller

The Fortune Teller is a mental figure found near the entrance to the big top in the Meat Circus that allows Razputin to redeem his items that he cannot otherwise redeem after reaching The Point of No Return in Psychonauts.


The fortune teller looks similar to the Knife Thrower, only female with long eyelashes, and she is found in a fortune-telling machine.


After the point of no return, she is the character that helps Raz rank up. She collects his PSI Cards and Figments and pledges them into ranks, and collects his Brains to increase his Mental Health. UPON entering the Meat Circus she asks him if he wishes to redeem any of his collected items.


  • If Clairvoyance is used on her, she sees Raz as a circus visiting boy with snacks and a balloon.
  • When Telekinesis is used on her, the hand appears above her, but she doesn't move.
  • Raz cannot lift the fortune teller, however he has a unique animation where he will try to physically lift the base of the machine.