Franke Athens |
–Franke, when Raz picks her up using telekinesis
Franke Athens is a ten-year-old psychic camper at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. She can always be found near her witty girlfriend[1], Kitty Bubai.
Franke likes to hang around her witty girlfriend, Kitty. She is not very clever on her own, but carried a happy demeanor.
Franke's head is shaped like a rounded cube, and her eyes are very low set on her face. She has four fingers on each hand. She has orange-red hair, pink skin, and yellow eyes. She wears a brown turtleneck sweater underneath the standard Whispering Rock camp t-shirt. She sports baggy purple pants with a green and brown star pattern. Her pants have large cuffs. She has white sneakers.
Razputin meets Kitty and Franke right after Basic Braining. They ask for one of his arrowheads as a fee for letting him through to the main campgrounds, explaining the concept and origins of the currency in the process. They then leave peacefully.
The girls spend most of the rest of the day on the terrace near the Main Lodge, telekinetically making friendship bracelets for each other (or at least, certainly not for Raz). After Levitation training, both de-brained Franke and Kitty can be found sitting alongside Dogen in the TV room. Vernon keeps them company, telling a story about the Civil War.
After being re-brained, Franke and Kitty choose to sit in their cabin, tending to their fingernails together.
Psychonauts 2[]
Franke appears in the Psychonauts recap animation in Psychonauts 2.
Psychic Powers[]
- Telekinesis: She enjoys creating friendship bracelets using telekinesis.
- Franke was the second camper to be designed, right after Dogen Boole (who was the first character sketched.)
- Using Clairvoyance reveals Franke sees Raz as an annoying fly (as do Kitty and Elka Doom).
- Franke's favorite band is t.A.T.u.
- On her Campster page, Franke expresses interest in meeting Anne Lennox
- Psychadet rank: Psychic Scout
- Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
- She has Telekinesis as shown when making bracelets.
- When Franke was originally designed, the developer team wasn't sure if she'd be a boy or a girl.
- According to her old Myspace page, Franke's zodiac sign is Virgo.
- Looking at their Campster profiles, it is discovered that Vernon has a crush on her, but her feelings for him seem to be ambivalent at best.