Frazie Aquato |
–Frazie, Psychonauts 2 "When Raz comes out of the Psychoisiolation building."
Frazie Aquato is a psychic member of the Aquato family. She is the older sister of Razputin Aquato.
Frazie has curly red hair, blue eyes, and freckled, yellow skin. Her hair is styled into three low ponytails. The side ponytails stick out in a manner almost resembling wings, and the middle ponytail is straight and reaches all the way down to her knees. She wears a brown hairband that has a red feather and a blue feather in it and sports a tarnished silver hoop ear ring in her right ear. Under her outfit, she wears a ribbed, cotton jumpsuit with blue and white stripes. On top, she wears a blue shawl over a white shirt with poofed sleeves and blue polka dots. She also wears a brown, pleated skirt with two blue stripes, blue leg warmers, one blue wrist warmer, and indigo shoes. Her clothing is tattered and covered in patches.
Frazie is generally upbeat and athletic, much like the rest of the Aquatos. She has a mischievous side, and is prone to teasing and throwing pine cones at her siblings if they annoy her. However, she harbors a secret: like her father and younger brothers, she is psychic. She hides it from the family due to their mistrust towards her kind and seems somewhat ashamed at that part of herself, even after her father comes around on psychics. She believes that revealing her psychic abilities to her family would break their heart the way Raz did when he ran away. She does, however, show an interest in exploring her abilities at Raz's urging, so long as they are able to convince their mother.
Frazie is the daughter and second-eldest child of Augustus and Donatella Aquato. She grew up in the Aquato family circus and was taught complex acrobatic tricks and performer stunts. She was also taught to fear and distrust psychics, but discovered at some point that she was one herself. She has kept it secret from her family, with Raz being the only exception.
Frazie appears in Raz's memory vault, Razputin's Getaway. She is observed performing circus tricks with her family on stage. She was also raised to fear and hate psychics for cursing the family to die in water.
Psychonauts 2[]
Frazie arrives at the Motherlobe with the rest of her family to visit Raz. They introduce themselves with a brief acrobatic performance outside the reception entrance. After they leave the Quarry, the family moves to the Questionable Area, where they set up their living space in the campsite.
After a trip to the Psychoisolation chamber, Frazie taunts Raz, throwing pine cones and rocks at him as he follows her to the abandoned quarry. Raz talks with her, and she becomes annoyed with him for suggesting she should tell their dad about her psychic abilities. She runs off, but continues to throw things at her brother and guilt trips him into visiting the family at the campground. She joins with the rest of the family when Donatella has them all demonstrate the Devil’s Firehose.
Later she can be found at the top of the Funicular tracks where she and Raz can talk. She will mention not being ready to admit to being psychic. When Raz suggests she join the Psychonauts and become an intern like him, she brushes it off but says she’ll consider it.
In the final conflict with Maligula, she performs the Devil’s Firehose with her family to launch Raz at Maligula. Post-story, she can be found in the campgrounds trying to explain the Aquato family tree to Mirtala.
Psychic Abilities[]
- Telekinesis: Frazie uses telekinesis for circus tricks and throwing pine cones and rocks. Her aim is quite accurate, even over long distances.
- Levitation: Frazie uses levitation for circus tricks and getting around the campgrounds.
- Telepathy: Frazie and Raz used to play mind games when they were younger. They still communicate telepathically when not within close proximity.
Augustus Aquato[]
Augustus is Frazie's father.
Donatella Aquato[]
Donatella is Frazie's mother.
Dion Aquato[]
Dion is Frazie's older brother. She is subjected to his domineering presence as her older sibling, but is not afraid to lash back at him.
Queepie Aquato[]
Queepie is Frazie's younger brother.
Razputin Aquato[]
Razputin is Frazie's younger brother. As she and Raz are both psychics, they shared a close bond as young kids. Over time, Frazie distanced herself from her psychic powers due to the family's hatred of psychics, and the two drifted apart as a result. They do still care for each other, and Frazie agrees to consider training with the Psychonauts at Raz's urging if their mother changes her mind on the topic. However, she often teases Raz and throws pine cones and rocks at him when he annoys her. She sees Raz as a whiny toddler.
Mirtala Aquato[]
Mirtala is Frazie's younger sister. The two seem relatively close, and Frazie is shown to take the time to explain the family's complicated history at the during the post game, showing a degree of patience for the young Aquato.
Nona is Frazie's great-aunt.