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GPC and Wilderness

The GPC and Wilderness is an area in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. It is where the Geodesic Psychoisolation Chambers can be found. The Scavenger Hunt can be redeemed here by speaking to "Ranger" Cruller. Although technically off-limits, other campers can be seen here throughout the game as well (plus this is where Sasha's secret lab is located).


Nah. The staff hasn’t put any kids in the GPC since the 50’s. Bobby threw me in here.

Maloof Canola

After Raz does incredibly well in Coach Oleander's Basic Braining, Agent Sasha Nein notices Raz’s talents at his young age and asks him to come to his secret lab for advanced training. With now full access to the rest of the camp, Raz makes his way into the GPC while keeping the red button that Sasha gave him. After reaching the place, Raz liberates a 'crying-for-help' Maloof, that was lock into one of the chambers by Bobby; and shortly after Mikhail arrives just to ask to the two if any of them has seen a "gigantic bear with skin". after the conversation, Raz goes into the chamber where Maloof was and inserts the button in its place: which provokes that a secret door opens that leads to the secret lab.

Raz must revisit this place and more specifically the secret lab each time he has to exit the Brain Tumbler Experiment by the lack of skills with certain PSI-Powers and bigger obstacles that initially, are out of his hands.

Points of Interest[]

  • Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber: One of the main points of interest of the location, shows a large barbed wire fence with many warning signs about staying away from the area; and inside it includes a set of Psychoisolation Chambers along with a large metallic platform to reach each one of them. One of these chambers however, has a required red button to open an entrance to another sub-location.
    • Sasha's Underground Lab: Below the GPC, lies the secret lab of Sasha Nein which is notable by the Bauhaus style featured around the walls and the structure of the stairs. Many boxes and paperwork are accommodated on various points of the lab, nearby the constantly working Sasha, the Brain Tumbler stays intact.
  • Wilderness: Like the rest of the camp, this is the classic forest area with its long trees, beautiful environment and barely human-made structures. Aside from the GPC the only none part of the nature feature to notice is the abandoned cabin which Ranger Cruller is stationed nearby for most of the game.

Scavenger Hunt Collectibles[]

  • Glass Eye: Near the Geodesic Psychoisolation Chambers, the eye is located inside a grate at the river (requires Telekinesis to take it out of there).
  • Golden Acorn: Among the surroundings that composes the GPC throughout the right of the woods, there’s a golden acorn near a tree which is being guarded by a Squirrel (requires Invisibility to catch the item without being caught).
  • Miner's Skull: Behind the GPC and past a PSI-Bear the miner’s skull is stuck on a geyser. (requires Shield to unstuck it by blocking the other end of the geyser).
  • Pirate Scope: Somewhat close to the cave that leads to the Boathouse and Beach, Raz must jump through the rocky formations to reach the top. There are some roots that Raz can use to make it to the object but Levitation can offer some extra help (and to an extent is required).

PSI Cards[]

All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open)
1.– Turn to the right from the entrance and follow the path. Above the cave that leads to the Boathouse is the card. Use the rocks next to the cave to reach it.

2.– Near the cave entrance is a set of rocks. There is a tree up the slope near these rocks. Continue to jump up the left side of the slope until you reach the card.

3.– Follow the path until you end up around the outer edge of the fence. Keep going around and you'll see a psi card close the fence.

4.– Right near the previous psi card is another next to a nearby tree.

5.–Keep going around the outer edge to find another card on a tree limb on the ground.

6.– Next to the bear on the outer edge is yet another card on a tree limb.

7.– From the previous card, just a little further along is a rock formation. Climb the first rock to get this card.

8.– Further up the rock formation is another card. Just jump from rock to rock to reach it.

9.– There is another large rock formation nearby. Climb to the top to reach this card.

10.– From the cabin, turn to the river and follow it up stream away from the domes to reach this card on the left bank.

11.– On top of the large log in the center lies this card. Use the small chunk on the side to reach it.

12.– Under the domes, near the back fence is where this card is.

13.– Use the spikes on the central dome to reach the top, where this card can be found.

14.– From the central dome, look to the east to see a card on a branch. Jump to the tree and climb the vines to reach the branch.

15.– Follow the branch, using another one to swing across the gap. After sliding down the next one, climb the vines to reach this card.

16.– Once you reach the top of the last tree, where a challenge marker lies, use the nearby branches to reach yet another tree. Climb down the vines to reach this card.

17.– Return to the large rock near the cabin. From the top of the rock, use the two branches to reach the top of a tree. Swing to the nearby ledge, where the card is waiting.

18.– From the ledge, follow it until you reach the large log that slides down. The card is in the log, just slide down to get it.

Information obtained from this GameFAQs page.

PSI Challenge Marker[]

  • From the entrance from the lodge, go straight through the large log ahead. Hang a left after you go through and there is a large rock formation. Climb to the top and turn to see a nearby cabin. Double jump to the cabin and through the hole in the roof to reach this challenge marker.[1]
  • Behind the central dome is a tree with vines going up it. Use the vines to reach a branch, which you need to follow. Use another branch to swing across the gap and climb the vines on the next tree. Jump across to reach another tree with vines and follow this to the top, where the challenge marker is waiting.


Psychics Often Found[]

After Basic Braining and Before the Brain Tumbler Experiment[]

After Sasha's Shooting Gallery and Before Milla's Dance Party[]

After Milla's Dance Party[]

After Recranializing Campers[]

  • "Ranger" Ford Cruller


  • The shallow streams in the wilderness are safe for Razputin to walk in. The Hand of Galochio will not appear.


  1. Information comes from the guide of GameFAQs.