Note: This article is about the chambers themselves. To see the area within Whispering Rock which contains a GPC, see GPC and Wilderness.
- “It's a sixth-sensory deprivation tank. A hermetically sealed metaphysical hotbox. It's solitary confinement for psychics.”
A Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber is a dome-shaped padded cell that blocks all psychic abilities from getting in or out. These chambers are presumably used to train one's psychic abilities, to keep dangerous psychics contained, as therapy, and sometimes as a punishment. Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp is home to several of these chambers.
In Psychonauts, the GPC has its own designated area on the map of Whispering Rock. The chambers are clearly considered dangerous for children, as they are surrounded by a barbed wire fence bearing warning signs labeled "Nein!", "verboten!" and "Eingeshränkt Kein Übertreten" (German for "no", "forbidden", and "Restricted - No Trespassing", respectively). Despite the warnings and the fact that, at least according to Maloof, the staff has not locked campers in the chambers "since the 50s", certain campers do have experiences with them. Sasha Nein's secret lab is located underneath the GPC, and is accessible by applying Sasha's Button to one of the cushions on the padded floor of the cell, which reveals a hatch leading down.
Once Razputin reaches the GPC for the first time, he hears crying coming from one of the chambers. After smacking the chamber, Maloof is released, who tells Raz that Bobby Zilch trapped him in it. Raz then uses the secret hatch to join Sasha Nein in his lab for advanced training.
Psychonauts 2[]

The button order that opens the chamber.
Green Needle Gulch features the first GPC, originally constructed by Otto Mentallis not as a containment system, but rather as a means of performing experiments to expand psychic ability.
The Psychoisolation facility in the Quarry near the Motherlobe features a later improvement on this technology, now using an energy barrier rather than physical padding to dampen psychic powers. Compton Boole voluntarily committed himself here after his breakdown, though later left after being helped through his personal problems by Raz. Later, it was used to imprison Gristol Malik.
- It seems as though Bobby himself has had a traumatic experience involving the GPC, as he becomes hysterical when shown Sasha's Button.
- When shown Sasha's Button, Vernon Tripe remarks that he was once stuck in one of the chambers for three days straight.