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Guten tag! Ich bin Gerda, the pretzelmeister's daughter!


Gerda is a mental figure in Cassie's Collection and is one of many paper characters in Cassie's mind. She is a German girl that loves pretzels and even pushed her adoptive father into a pretzel machine, thinking it was his secret wish. She is located in the Children's Corner.

Gerda is also connected to Lance in Literature Lane, who apparently kidnapped her as an infant and sold her to the Pretzelmeister because she was "creepy."



  • (When lifted with telekinesis): "This is strange. Are you haunting me, Papa?"
  • (When attacked): "Oof! I will throw you into the pretzel machine, dummkopf!"


Raz: "Hi. What's your name?"

Gerda: "Guten tag! Ich bin Gerda, the pretzelmeister's daughter!"

Raz: "Oh, where's the pretzelmeister?"

Gerda: "Papa fell into the pretzel machine!"

Raz: "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry."

Gerda: "Not to worry! It was his secret wish!"

Raz: "Really?"

Gerda: "I think so. That's why I pushed him!"


  • There are books near Gerda's spot with titles that read: "The Pretzeland Murders".