Psychonauts Wiki

Gisu Nerumen

Okay, you can actually borrow my board for a whole week for that shot! Woo!


Gisu Nerumen[1] is a Junior Psychonaut and former Psychonaut intern stationed at the Motherlobe.


Gisu has Tuscany skin and brown eyes. She also has brown, curly hair that's worn in a ponytail with one loose lock hanging to the right of her face. She wears a pink, hooded cloak, blue jeans, a striped red and blue vest, black and white sneakers, and a red shirt with a T. rex skull on it. She rides around on a skateboard powered by two levitation balls.


Gisu is an engineering expert who is very good at skateboarding. She is energetic, high energy, and has a bright personality. She is passionate about inventing gadgets with her mentor, Otto Mentallis, but delegates the work he's assigned her to Raz.


Psychonauts 2[]

Raz first meets Gisu in the Motherlobe intern wing with the other Psychonaut interns.

In Hollis' Hotstreak, she can be found in Cardiology with Sam betting on the races before getting captured by Lady Luctopus. They are the last two interns that Raz frees, and she joins the other interns in helping Raz break into the Deluginist's hotel room.

When the interns are introduced to the Aquato family circus, Gisu expresses interest in Dion before the Aquatos move to the Questionable Area.

Gisu spends her time in the tree house with Morris to help him run his pirate radio station, and passes off her assignment to vent Otto's psychoseismometers to Raz. After completing the assignment, she can be found skateboarding on the dragon mural in the Questionable Area.

Gisu arrives on her board with Norma to help Raz fight Maligula in Nona's mind, using her levitation powers to suspend the platform above the water to temporarily deprive Maligula of her source of power. This buys Raz some time to further weaken Maligula before she sends her water serpents to take out Gisu and Norma.

Gisu and the other interns are promoted to Junior Agents by Hollis the next morning.

In the post-game, Gisu is found with Dion near the reverse waterfall, where she addresses his misconceptions on psychics.


Otto Mentallis[]

Otto Mentallis is Gisu's assigned mentor. She works with him at his lab.

Hollis Forsythe[]

Hollis Forsythe is Gisu's teacher at the Motherlobe.

Razputin Aquato[]

Razputin is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. Like the other interns, she initially sees him as a scared kid in his underwear, but accepts him after the Lady Luctopus mission. However, she still dumps her assignment from Otto to vent the psychoseismometers on Raz, despite knowing how dangerous it is.

Lizzie Natividad[]

Lizzie is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Sam Boole[]

Sam is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Adam Joseph Gette[]

Adam is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Norma Natividad[]

Norma is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. Though the two can be seen conversing on a few occasions, Gisu outs Norma for suspecting Raz as the mole.

Morris Martinez[]

Morris is Gisu's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. She helps him with his pirate radio station, KLOB.

Dion Aquato[]

Gisu and Dion share a look when first meeting and can be found hanging out in the Questionable Area after the story. The two appear to be interested in each other.



  • Gisu is a fan of All Paul.[2]
  • Gisu is a Persian name meaning "One that has tall, luscious hair".
  • Like most of the other interns, using Clairvoyance on Gisu before completing the Lady Luctopus Casino mission reveals Raz as a naked and embarrassed kid. After completing it, she sees Raz as a skateboarder.


  1. Last name discovered in a cut audio.
  2. Gisu wears an All Paul pin on her bag strap.