–Tincan Zanotto Introduction.
–Raz's notes
The Gluttonous Goats are the mental representations of Compton Boole's Psychonaut colleagues or bosses (Hollis Forsythe, Ford Cruller, Otto Mentallis and Truman Zanotto). This is the introduction of more than one major enemy fought as an enemy boss type, fulfilling the role as second boss fight in Psychonauts 2 seen in Compton's Cookoff. Raz and Compton have to serve them food for judgement in the game show 'Ram it Down'. Once completed all three dishes, Both Raz and Compton reach the final point of the show known as 'Double Down which in it, the three main judges are battled together while Tincan leaves the area to start commenting on the progress of the fight.
Once Razputin enters the mind of Compton Boole and gets greeted by a ferocious Judge inside a room with a giant bell on the middle, he defeats the latter, making the judge crash towards the bell revealing that both Compton and Raz were inside a dinner bell which gets grabbed by 'Faun Cruller'. Then both gets once again greeted, but this time by the judges, audience and the compere of the show of 'Ram it Down', Tincan Zanotto. The last one tells to the audience what the contestants have to do, what ingredients do they need (which involves "people" from the audience participating in the preparation of dishes) and additionally from time to time he tells hilarious commentaries about what is happening while in the making of the dishes or after making them and presenting them to the three judges.
The three judges for the most part don’t say much except when the past mentioned dishes are completed and presented to them. After completing the three rounds and on each one having the approval of the three judges, Tincan tells the two contestants that they’ve impressed and won over the audience and the judges, shortly after Compton saying that he couldn’t have done it without Raz the latter says that Compton can totally do it by his own; making Tincan announce the next and final point for the show which once again involves on making dishes for the judges but now with Compton preparing them with his own hands. After making each judges overeat and explode into pieces minus Faun Cruller, Compton takes control of his own mind again, reflected by him preventing the ford puppet to explode and taking it off his hand.
Like the name implies and by looking at their appearance, they’re hand puppet goats with many factions and features that makes them resemble a lot to their real counterparts: Faun Cruller has 'Cocoa' color nose with 'Woodland' skin or fabric in this case, small brown horns and like the rest of the puppets an oval shaped body with slim arms ending with black hooves, unlike the real Ford however this version has the head much larger in height and the left eye is lower than the right one. Headbutt Forsythe has 'Cafe Noir' fabric (skin color), her hair stays in the same color and it is shared with the nose color too, much of her appearance isn’t different from the real Hollis except for the evident horns and goat ears that comes out of her hair, as well as the part of her mouth now having a muzzle. Otto Meatallis has his head shaped to a more cubic form and he has 'Ocean' color fabric with the exception of the stomach having a same color as the Psychonauts uniform.
Tincan Zanotto presents a brownish fabric skin, each side of his head shows long ears much larger than any other of the puppet goats, his large curly beard from his real counterpart stays nearly the same although slightly tinier and for the most part he’s holding a small microphone which uses it when talking or giving the word to any of the contestants. Each one of them notoriously yet obviously has an arm holding them which is from none other than from Compton's himself.
For the most part they act with an irrational attitude, moderately harsh yet attempting to pull off a "professional judges" attitude. Their way of thinking of the three main judges seems to be followed by their hunger and expectations of high quality dishes from the chefs/contestants; part of the reason why they rate Compton and Raz’ dishes from decent to average. They’re highly rude towards Raz but specially Compton, demanding them to make more dishes with commentaries implying to stop lazing around or to get going right away, or even not giving much care about their explanations of how the food was made despite that being their main purpose and point to criticize before eating.
Tincan Zanotto on the other hand is energetic and witty, while not as cruel as the other three he can be quite cynical with his commentaries like when he torments compton by saying that the final dish could produce a byproduct and even a possibility of a deadly swarm of killer bees or interestingly mocking to the judges after exploding by being over-served. Other than that his only purpose seems to be looking to put on an entertaining show for the audience.
–Razputin to Compton before the fight
A thing to point out before anything else is that: they’re invincible to any attacks so they cannot be harmed in the same manner as many of the other boss fights of the series. They follow the philosophy of immune on the outside, weak on the inside; since their only way to defeat them is by over-serving each one until reaching their limit and exploding in the process, but, for that Raz must help Compton on giving him the correct ingredients that are signed in the screens near two sucking ductworks. Unfortunately this ain’t easy task since all judges will be vomiting in different patterns and in some cases there will be ingredients covered in vomit that Raz must gather by using Telekinesis and throwing them at said ductworks: these judges will also launch themselves at Raz or even spawn hordes of enemies once all ingredients are given so bringing Pyrokinesis and Marksmanship is suggested.
By taking down a judge, a new hand holding a cooking tool will appear (these being a mixer and a spatula respectively). A way to decrease the challenge of this fight is using Levitation specially since avoids the damage of the remaining vomit on the battle arena and as a plus there will be sometimes small greenish blobs with positive mental health energy inside. Once taking care of these wicked judge goats, Compton can deal with his anxiety and will task everybody of the audience to clean up the mess.
Attacks and Health[]
- Pukeballs: Faun Cruller spits 5 balls of vomit towards Raz at a quick speed in lapses of a second which splashes by impacting on the ground. There’s another variant which instead of damaging they work as the origin of the ingredients Raz most pickup to continue the preparation of the dishes. Getting directly hit or touching the splash before vanishing can deal 1 hit point of damage to the mental health, though if receiving all the balls of vomit this will deal a total of 5 hit points (one and a bit of another brain).
- Throw up: The main attack of the boss fight. Each goat will vomit; leaving tracks of vomit goo into the ground by trying to sweep it at Raz and the very end of the battle arena. The vomit itself and touching one of these tracks of vomit goo only deals 1 hit point, in some cases the three or just two of the judges will throw up at the same time attempting to attack from different perspectives to make it hard to avoid.
- Ram Attack!: At first phase Otto and Forsythe will slam their bodies into the ground and after charging for 2 nearly 3 seconds they launch themselves towards Razputin. While charging they can aim at Raz and where is he moving: this pattern stays the same on the other phases only with the addition of Cruller replacing Otto in second phase and in the final phase being done by Cruller himself alone. This attack deals 2 hit points (If getting crush by the judge slamming their body into the arena and also receiving the damage of the ram itself).
- Fountain of Throw up: During phase 2 sometimes Faun Cruller vomits for nearly 15 seconds straight and in the process the vomit in a very slow motion will attempt to chase Razputin. However not only does that happen but also three little censors are spawned to take down Raz. If Raz stays in the same spot receiving all the vomit damage this will affect him with 5 hit points.
- ZigZaggin’ Puke: In any of the phases but most recurrently in the final phase, Faun Cruller vomits and moves it with his head on zigzags all over the arena. The only way to avoid it is by moving to the opposite side of where the vomit is heading with levitation or getting on top of the fish or tin cans. The damage might depend but generally is 1 hit point (per puddle of goo).
- Mixer Spinner: On phase 2, once the mixer replaces the now exploded Otto Meatallis, this one will have three sets of attacks and one of which is this one. The mixer gets in the middle of the arena and starts spinning all over it, starting with a small one, following with a medium and finishing with a big spin; hot scratches will be left in form of tracks when the mixer is moving into the floor. The damage can vary but the approximation is 2 hit points (1 by the mixer itself and 1 by the hot scratching).
- Mixer’s Puke Drops: In the first variant the mixer positions on the middle of the arena and turns on just after Faun Cruller starts vomiting at it: producing a rain of vomit for most parts of the arena making it complicated to avoid unless not stopping on moving with levitation around and keeping distance with the tool. The alternative variant the mixer positions near Cruller’s mouth and the latter starts vomiting however the puke drops follows Raz to where he’s currently at. Each puke drop can deal a 1 hit point so being hurt by a lot of them can result on heavy damage.
- Spatula Attack!: For the final phase now that only one judge remains this instrument takes the ability of the 'Ram Attack!' but much more efficient. With only one second of charging if Raz gets hit by this tool not only does it deals 2 hit points by being crushed and swiped out but also an extra hit by getting thrown high enough to get damage by the falling and not using the PSI-Float (making it 3 hit points unless the falling damage is disabled).
- Goat Rage: While it doesn’t damage Raz directly it reverts part of the progress in the fight; if Raz doesn’t serve the judge he’s tasked to (having 20 seconds in total), the judge in question will shout in anger and move its entire body to throw the dish out of the way, making the same hordes of enemies reappear again.
- Enemy Spawning: After Compton has been given all the ingredients, the gluttonous goats will make hordes of enemies appear, these ones consists of Regrets, Doubts, Stamping and Little Censors, and in the final phase two mid-bosses get spawned (Heavy Censor and a Chef Judge).
Unlike most bosses in Psychonauts 2, the gluttonous goats does have an specific amount of hits without varying the PSI-Powers attack stats since it can only be harmed or hit by throwing them chunks of food until over-serving them. Counting the times they have to be served and the TK plate throw Raz does at the first two judges in total it takes 39 hits to take this boss down. Curiously enough the same as the Blueprint Brain Brain and funnily enough having the same amount of resistance.
Before Battle[]
- (The three judges if being hit with PSI-Blast): "Baa!"
- (Tincan Zanotto if being hit with PSI-Blast): "Looks like Chef’s cracking under pressure and lashing out, folks!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Well, Chef, it looks like you’ve won over not just our judges, but also our audience."
- (Tincan Zanotto): "How do ya feel?"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "That’s great to hear, because it’s time for–WHAT, audience?"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "That’s right, it’s time to DOUBLE DOWN!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Chef will be cooking alone in our ISOLATION STATION, completely dependent on his SOUS CHEF to gather the ingredients he needs for the final three dishes."
- (Tincan Zanotto): "What do you think, Judges? Ready for another course?"
- (Otto Meatallis): "No problem (hrrk)"
- (Headbutt Forsythe): "We’re (hrrk) professionals!"
- (Faun Cruller): "We might have to (hrrk) make a little room…"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Okay, first dish is Vegetable Medley. Ingredients on the board. I’m gettin’ out of here before things get messy!"
During Battle[]
- (Variant 1 of the three judges throwing up): "BBBBLEEEEECCCHHH!!!"
- (Variant 2 of the three judges throwing up): "BBBLAAAARRRRGGHH!!!"
- (The judges reaction when Compton is cooking or their dishes are ready): "EAT! EAT! EAT!"
- (Faun Cruller throwing up): "BARF!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Can the sous chef get his partner what he needs? What do you think, audience?"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Oh, you never want to see how the food really gets made, do you!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "I think I might never eat again."
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Oh, this is horrible to watch, in so many ways!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "This young boy reminds me of a dog I used to have-used to love to roll around in vomit. Ha ha ha."
- (Tincan announcing the spatula 1): "Spatula attack!"
- (Tincan announcing the spatula 2): "Here comes the spatula"
- (Tincan announcing the spatula 3): "Someone’s about to GET FLIPPED."
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the correct ingredient 1): "That’s better!"
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the incorrect ingredient 1): "It seems like the Sous chef has picked up the WRONG INGREDIENT."
- (Tincan announcing when taking too long on obtaining an ingredient): "Perfect choice! But is it too late?"
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the incorrect ingredient 2): "Oh no, he’s got the wrong ingredient again."
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the correct ingredient 2): "Ooh, looks like he’s got a good one! Relatively speaking."
- (Tincan Zanotto): "The ingredients are so nice, he’s using them twice!"
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the incorrect ingredient 3): "Why is he picking up the wrong ingredient, I wonder?"
- (Tincan announcing when obtaining the correct ingredient 3): "He did it!"
- (After Compton finishes the first dish commentary 1): "As you know, in the "Double Down" round, the chef’s assistant must serve the dish to the judges."
- (After Compton finishes the first dish commentary 2): "Let’s see if this young man has a passion for service!"
- (Otto Meatallis): "Arrghh (explodes)"
- (After blowing up Otto Meatallis): "Oh, it looks like our judge liked that dish, perhaps a little TOO much."
- (Once the Mixer joins the battle): "Oh, but it looks like someone’s ready to get back in the MIX"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "That’s gonna be messy. I’m outta here. Second dish is Royal Borscht! Good luck!"
- (After Compton finishes the second dish commentary 1): "Look at THAT, ladies and gentlemen!"
- (After Compton finishes the second dish commentary 2): "It looks INCREDIBLE, but will the judges say it’s INEDIBLE?"
- (After serving Headbutt Forsythe): "All right, let’s see if our second judge can exercise a little more modera-"
- (Headbutt Forsythe): "Hhhhnnnnggg (explodes)"
- (After Blowing up Headbutt Forsythe): "Uh oh! Someone’s been OVERSERVED."
- (Once the Spatula joins the battle): "And it looks like they’re getting ready to FLIP OUT."
- (Tincan Zanotto): "But our final dish is no laughing matter!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Mess up these Jam Tarts and you’ll find yourself in a… STICKY SITUATION."
- (After Compton finishes the third dish commentary): "Well, who are these jammy fellows?"
- (The three judges when eating): "Nom… Nom… Nom… Nom…"
- (Variant 1 when hitting the judges with any PSI-Power): "The judges are not gonna like that."
- (Variant 2 when hitting the judges with any PSI-Power): "Oh, that’s not going to help the Chef’s final score."
- (Variant 3 when hitting the judges with any PSI-Power): "You need to SERVE the judges, Chef, not attack them."
- (Variant 4 when hitting the judges with any PSI-Power): "Attacking the judges is not part of Double Down."
After Battle[]
- (Faun Cruller): "Hrrrk!"
- (Tincan Zanotto): "Run for the hills, folks!"
- (Faun Cruller): "HHRRRRKKK!"
- (Faun Cruller): "(Deflates) Oooh…"
- Faun Cruller is the only puppet judge that doesn't explode at the end of the show.
- Otto Meatallis is considered the "nice one" of the three Gluttonous Goats ironically.
- Tincan is the only puppet goat that doesn't attack Raz nor that it is involved in the boss fight other than giving the commentary on what is happening.
- If Raz attacks the judges directly, Tincan will remind Raz that he is supposed to be serving them.
- This is also said when attempting to attack the hands grabbing the cooking tools strangely enough.
- Headbutt Forsythe and Faun Cruller dishes in their boss fight are actually food recipes while Otto’s literally is just a bunch of food dump.
- This is the boss fight with the largest moveset of both Psychonauts 1 and 2.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts 2 - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (15:47 for the fight)