Gruloky is a card game of Grulovian origin. The Aquato family like to play it, with Lucrecia Mux being their best player. Many unused voice lines in Psychonauts 2 reference playing Gruloky.[1][2]
(Guide created by Gisu's Getaway)
The dealer sets 6 cards face down on the table to make the talon. Then they deal 12 cards to each player. Going counterclockwise from the dealer, each player bids or passes.
Whoever has the 2nd card, also known as The High Priestess, is the Povenus. Another player can bid Prevor or Solo in order to steal it.
Povenus exchanges 4 cards with the talon, and discards 4. If no one bids Prevor or Solo they then call for the 19, also known as The Sun. Whoever has the 19 is the partner of the Povenus, but they do not announce this.
Prevor exchanges 3 cards with the talon, and plays alone against the three other players. After they pick up 3 cards from the talon, the player can either discard 3 cards from their hand, or exchange the three initial cards with the other 3 talon cards. If the player does the latter, they can accept the second group of cards and discard 3 cards from their hand, and the 3 talon cards they rejected will be added, face down, to the opponent’s tricks. If they take the first 3 cards back, then the second group of cards will be added face up to the opponent’s tricks. Prevor gets double points at the end of the game.
Solo does not exchange any cards with the talon, and plays alone against the three other players. No one sees the talon until the game is over, and those cards are counted along with the opponent’s tricks. Solo gets triple points at the end of the game.
After this the players can make announcements. “Noodle at the back” refers to playing the noodle, also known as The Magician, on the last trick of the game. If you announce this, you must keep the noodle in your hand for as long as possible, either until the last trick or until you are forced to play it. After announcements are done, each player says mojeek when they are ready to play.
Game Terms[]
-Povenus - They get four cards when dealing. Goes first when the game properly starts.
-Solo - If one bids Solo you play alone against three other players. You exchange no cards from the talon.
-Prevor - If one bids Prevor you play alone against the other three players. You exchange three cards from the talon.
-Mojeek - Signifies everyone is ready to play
-Skeesh - The Fool, 0. The highest trump card.
-Moonth - The World, 21
-Noodle - The Magician, 1
-Thrull - All three of the above
-Major arcana = Grulokes cards
Gruloky unused voice lines[]
-C’mon, Gruloky’s easy! Highest card of the lead suite wins the trick, unless someone plays a Grulokes card. Most points wins the game. Easy!
-Oh also, the Povenus gets more cards. But someone can steal Povenus by going Solo or Prevor.
-Of course you can always bet against them by Flecking, but they might Rare back.
-The skeesh and the moonth are the highest grulokes cards. The noodle is the lowest.
-They’re worth five points each. And if you have all three, that’s a thrull.
-And if you get the Nineteen, you are the partner of the Povenus. Got it?
-Let me just get this out of everyone’s way…
-Well, I guess I no longer have Povenus, easy come, easy go.
-Wow, playing the moonth before the skeesh? Risky!
-I wanted that trick, but you’re my partner, so that’s ok.
-Look at this, I have the skeesh! Yay!
-You jerk, I never get to be Povenus!
-I have Honetti!
-You’re dead, the Povenus was mine!
-Yes, you take that one. It’s too small for me.
-You were supposed to take that, what kind of partner are you?
-Hah! Right into my trap.
-Dummy, the skeesh is still out there and you play the moonth?
-Sorry everyone, the sweetest peach is for the mama.
-Yes, my loved ones, I have the skeesh, of course.
-The moonth? You fool, don’t you know the skeesh is still out there?
-I never forget when someone steals my Povenus.
-I knew you were my partner all along.
-Well children, I am the oldest.
-You would steal Povenus from an old lady?
- Gruloky is based off the real card game of Taroky.