Psychonauts Wiki

Gunpowder Garden

Oh, hi Raz. Welcome to my garden.


Gunpowder Garden is an area inside the Sunken Bomber. In Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Lili was trapped under a Psilirium induced trance inside the bomber following the Pelican crash into the ocean, but was freed by Raz using music therapy.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]

Lili is trapped inside the cockpit of the Sunken Bomber. The large nearby Psilirium deposit has caused her to enter a hallucinatory trance where she believes that the atom bomb supply is actually a flower garden. Through the eyes of Lili, the area is a beautiful garden full of flourishing flowers and grazing deer. In reality, the room is a storage area for active nuclear weapons and the deer are terrified fish guards.

Puzzle Solutions[]

To snap her out of the trance, Raz must fix her broken music box.

  1. Use telekinesis to move the music box on the table next to Harold, who is stuck inside a hole in one of the box walls.
  2. Use clairvoyance on Harold to reach the fly on the desk.
  3. Use telekinesis to place the fly inside the music box.
  4. Use clairvoyance to see through the eyes of the fly. Once in control of the fly, peer inside the music box and use telekinesis to remove the wood debris stuck between the gears.


  • The fish guards around the area will all tremble in fear as Lili repeatedly strikes one of the bomb's with a hammer.