Psychonauts Wiki


Harold, you stay put. I'll come back for you when it's safe.

Lili Zanotto

Harold, also known as Hairy Kasparov, is Lili Zanotto's highly intelligent pet rat. He currently lives in the Motherlobe.


Harold was the mascot of a bomber plane. He was stranded in the Rhombus of Ruin when the bomber crashed into the ocean.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]

Lili Zanotto adopts Harold during the events of Psychonauts: In the Rhombus of Ruin. He is initially found inspecting Lili's broken music box, which allows Razputin Aquato to repair it via activating his clairvoyance ability to see through the eyes of the rat. Lili takes a liking to the little rodent and decides to adopt it as a pet, taking Harold with her on the jet at the end of the game.

Psychonauts 2[]

Harold roams free around the Motherlobe and during some point, helps Raz find a secret passageway once the latter finds himself lock inside the Storage room (this is done via Clairvoyance through a duct he was able to squeeze himself into). Afterwards, he can be found playing chess with Compton Boole in his Psychoisolation Chamber, this being one of his last appearances in the game until the post-game. In said post-game, he can be found with Crab Sandwich in Truman's office.


  • Harold wears a tiny brown jacket, likely given to him from the previous passengers of the sunken bomber.
  • Harold has a Steam trading card named Heroic Harold.
  • Harold is named after the fictional mascot of the B-17 Bomber that Lili gets temporarily trapped inside.
  • Harold can understand and talk to psychics who can use zoolingualism.