Hollis' Mind is the mental world of Hollis Forsythe. It serves as the setting for two of Psychonauts 2's levels.
Under normal circumstances, the area of Hollis' Mind that can be visited is known as Hollis' Classroom. In this state, part of the world serves as a relatively ordinary classroom for teaching interns about PSI-Powers, notably Mental Connection. Though the students are not meant to be able to exit this area, Razputin's unusual way of using Mental Connection allows him to reach far above the classroom, and follow Hollis into a different part of her mind, which resembles a neurological hospital, as a mental representation of Hollis' past as an intern at the Our Lady of Restraint Neurological Hospital. This area, in particular the parking lot, is very ordinary-looking compared to most other mental world locations seen in the series.
After Razputin imprudently abuses Mental Connection to create a direct connection between "Money" and "Risk" in Hollis' Mind, she becomes afflicted with a gambling addiction. The level that follows is known as Hollis' Hot Streak, during which the entire hospital section of the mindscape now takes on the looks of a bustling casino. Nurses take on the roles of dealers in several wards turned gambling lounges, and a variety of hospital patrons play one of the games to obtain the health care they're after. Once Razputin restores order to Hollis' Mind at the end of the level, both versions of this mental world can be revisited through the Brain Tumbler.
Points of Interest[]
Hollis' Classroom[]
- Hollis' Classroom: An area of Hollis' Mind reserved for teaching interns. Despite the fact that the area Hollis lectures from is shaped like her own head bisected horizontally, and that the floor underneath opens up to an empty space with crisscrossing lines representing neural connections, the classroom is otherwise functionally pretty ordinary.
- Hospital Parking Lot: The entrance parking lot of Hollis' mental version of Our Lady of Restraint, the hospital where she once interned as a neurology student. It is located in an area of Hollis' Mind completely separate from the classroom, and Raz only accesses it by following Hollis through a mental ambulance she drives into this area. The real world hospital's statue of an angel holding up the sign with its name looks like a statue of Hollis herself.
- Morgue: A location inside the mental Our Lady of Restraint. It's a large circular room with walls covered in mortuary coolers, and containing a few autopsy tables and lights.
- Chapel: A location inside the mental Our Lady of Restraint that's no doubt based on the chapel of the hospital in the real world. The inner version of Hollis often goes here to think about pressing concerns and how to deal with them. Its walls can collapse open to allow Hollis full access to her own thoughts.
Hollis' Hot Streak[]
- Shattered Classroom: The Classroom area, but in total disarray, each element of its previous layout thrown about randomly in space.
- Casino Parking Lot: This area is identical to the Hospital Parking Lot, but it is set at night instead of during the day, and is covered in neon lights all over. The bushes are now dotted with glowing card suit symbols, and the statue of Hollis is replaced by a neon sign that looks like Hollis' skeleton with angel wings.
- Morgue: The same morgue from Hollis' Classroom, though it now serves as a hub. At its center is a large die Razputin can walk on, and each side features a mortuary locker that leads to one of the other areas in the hospital-casino.
- Maternity Ward: An area at the casino-hospital (behind door 1) where maternity is turned into a game of roulette. A back room to Hollis' thoughts can be reached in this area, through the back of the roulette wheel.
- Doctors Only: A small and fairly empty storage area behind door 2 of the Morgue that consists of no more than a hallway with some objects strewn about and a few health posters.
- Pharmacy: An area at the casino-hospital (behind door 5) where rows of slot machines are lined up, and the centerpiece is a game of "Pillinko". A back room to Hollis' thoughts can be reached in this area, through the back of the Pillinko board.
- Records: A storage area behind door 4 of the Morgue made up of a few hallways that contains some garbage bins, some slot machines, and a doctor's desk.
- Cardiology: An area at the casino-hospital (behind door 6) with a bar where staff members sit around drinking as patrons gamble on the outcome of a race between humanoid card suits that takes place on a patient's heart monitor. A back room to Hollis' thoughts can be reached in this area, through another heart monitor's screen.
- High Roller's Lounge: What used to be the Chapel, and is now a place for the inner Hollis to hide out from the outside world and gamble without worry. This is also where the Lady Luctopus is lurking.
- Backrooms: Areas that contain mostly aleatory objects floating in an empty space (Though this objects can depend in which backroom of the three main casino sets Raz is in). Their main purpose is to keep far from reach the main thoughts that are causing Hollis current behavior and way of thinking thanks to Raz original tinkering. Cardiology Backroom has a main hazard of electrifying platforms, Maternity Ward Backroom has roulettes with big chips that work as platforms but also big bad idea lightbulbs, and lastly Pharmacy Backroom being the most basic by featuring shattered walls and floors but also heart trampolines.
In Psychonauts 2[]
As part of his first day in the Psychonauts' intern program, Razputin is expected to attend class with the other interns. He enters Hollis' mind to join them as they learn to use Mental Connection, a PSI-power that allows the user to manually link a person's thoughts together and trigger ideas they wouldn't organically have. Since Razputin arrives very late, however, Hollis leaves Norma in charge of explaining the power to him, then heads off to deal with other matters.
When Raz attempts to demonstrate Mental Connection, he inadvertently does so in a much more physical way than intended due to his acrobatic background, using the ability as a tether to jump from thought to thought instead of merely linking them together from a distance. This allows Raz to connect thoughts more directly, as well as to reach areas of Hollis' mind he isn't supposed to be able to access. The other interns immediately goad him to poke around elsewhere and try to use Mental Connection to change Hollis' mind about letting them all come along on an official mission to the Lady Luctopus casino set to happen later that day. Raz is doubtful, but relents soon after.
After leaving the classroom area, Raz finds himself in an ambulance driven by the inner Hollis, that soon after parks at her mental version of Our Lady of Restraint Neurological Hospital, where she intends to have a think about the Psychonauts' financial concerns at the chapel. Raz follows and ends up tinkering with Hollis' thoughts, disconnecting "Risk" from "Death" (a connection that made Hollis concerned for the interns' personal safety), and linking it instead with "Money". The "Risk"-"Money" connection causes Hollis to have an epiphany about how to solve the financial problems she'd been stuck on, resulting in a massive cascade of new connections that kicks Raz out of her mind.
Back in the real world, the interns are allowed to join the mission, but things quickly turn sour when Hollis abandons her post as mission control to gamble at the casino. Razputin pursues her to try to set things right and uses his Psycho-Portal to dive back into her mind.
Inside, the areas seen previously are now completely different. Hollis' classroom is destroyed, the ambulance has no driver, and the entire neurological hospital has been transformed into a bustling casino covered in neon lights, as Hollis now has a gambling addiction. Raz heads back inside and hurries to the Chapel, but it, too, is different, as it's now the casino's "High Rollers' Lounge". Raz is not a "high roller", so he is swiftly ejected by Hollis' Censors. Hollis herself peers out of the door to tell him the lounge is only for patrons with at least "three gazillion dollars" in their possession. Undaunted, Raz sets off to explore the rest of the casino and obtain the required amount, tackling three sections in any order.
- In the Maternity Ward, Raz comes across Adam and Lizzie, who soon disappear out of sight, and a huge roulette wheel where patrons can play to win a baby. A rich couple keeps playing the game, but the wheel is rigged so the players can never win. The couple promises Raz a gazillion dollar reward if he can help them obtain a child. Raz enters a back room through the back side of the wheel and makes it through an obstacle course to swap Hollis' mental connections from "Defiance"-"Useless" to "Defiance"-Effective" to dissuade her from the belief that she no longer has the power to change things about herself or her life. Afterwards, the roulette lands on the rich couple's spot, and Raz is given the gazillion.
- In the Pharmacy section, Raz goes up to the bar to play Pillinko, a game where he has to stand on an oversized pill and go down a pachinko board shaped like Hollis' insides to reach the stomach. However, it's unreachable due to the Hollis' heart literally being in the wrong place on the board, blocking the entrance to the stomach. Morris and Norma show up, but as Raz complains about the rigged game, they are swiftly carried off by an enormous neon-covered tentacle behind his back. Raz decides to try to un-rig the Pillinko. Before he can reach the back room on the back of the Pillinko board, he has to talk to the players in the room, who each have their own ideas about how to win at the slot machines, to obtain more mental connections. He removes some unhealthy connections and connects "Quitting" with "Judgement" to remind Hollis quitting is always an option, and from there can head into the back room, where he has to change the connection "Hide"-"Feelings" to "Share"-"Feelings", to convince Hollis not to keep all her inner turmoil to herself. At this point, the Pillinko game is fixed, and Raz can play it to win its gazillion dollar prize fair and square.
- In the Cardiology Ward, Raz meets Sam and Gisu, the latter of which is gambling on the Cardio Racing game—a game in which humanoid card suits race on a patient's heart monitor. Gisu complains that the odds of hearts winning are a gazillion to one, prompting Raz to realize winning the game would yield a gazillion dollar prize. As Sam and Gisu are dragged offscreen by a huge neon tentacle, Raz plays the game for himself to confirm hearts isn't about to win, then heads into the locker room to talk to the runners personally. Hearts turns out to be injured, but has to race anyway. Raz offers to take their place in the next race, and heads into another back room thorough a heart monitor to get changed. Here, he swaps "Help"-"Losing" for "Help"-"Winning", reminding Hollis that she does not have to solve all of her problems completely alone. With that out of the way, Raz can run the Cardio Racing course in place of hearts and win himself the gazillion dollars.
Once Raz has obtained three gazillion dollars, and in the process reinforced various healthier thought patterns in Hollis, he can enter the High Roller's Lounge. Going up to Hollis, he tries to explain what he's done, but is quickly cut short by the blue neon tentacles crashing through the chapel's stained glass windows. The Lady Luctopus, a massive octopus modeled after the casino in the real world, but with Hollis' face and the "Risk"-"Money" connection in its eyes, makes her appearance as the physical manifestation of Hollis' gambling addiction and reveals she has the other interns trapped in her playing cards.
Razputin fights Lady Luctopus, exploiting the Bad Idea lightbulbs she spits at him by plugging them into open sockets on her tentacles, which cause her to short-circuit. By doing this, Raz is able to free his fellow interns, who escape Hollis' Mind with their Smelling Salts, two at a time and jump into the back of the Luctopus' head to physically punch the bad connection at its core apart.
When he manages to damage it enough, the Luctopus explodes, dissolving the entire area around her and making Raz fall out of the sky into the bushes on the casino-hospital parking lot. There, he finds the inner Hollis, who now finally realizes how wrong her mental landscape looks. Raz admits that this entire situation was his fault. Hollis is furious, but Raz immediately tells her he's ashamed of himself, conceding that he might not be ready to be a Psychonaut, and tells her he'll simply pack up and leave the organization. At this, Hollis tells him he can stay. While she does reprimand him for his selfish and irresponsible actions, she also tells Raz that she made a similar mistake once. As she decides to give the boy another chance to be more conscious of people's boundaries in the future, she suddenly realizes with a start that the mission is still ongoing. Back at the real world casino, Hollis takes charge once more, allowing Raz to check out the suite they've come to search and enlisting the interns to back him up.
Upon revisit to Hollis' Mind via the Brain Tumbler, both states of the world can still be returned to. The inner Hollis can be found in (the original version of) her classroom, explaining that while the cause of the problems was removed, many of its effects are still around, and she's still in the process of cleaning up her mind. Raz offers to help with the cleaning, which Hollis tentatively agrees to, as long as he's careful.
Hollis' Classroom contains 42 figments, most of which relate to medicine and hospitals, while Hollis' Hot Streak contains 106 figments, with many combining the medicine theme with elements of gambling and nightlife.
Figments of Interest[]
Some of the more interesting figments in Hollis' Mind include ones shaped like:
Hollis' Classroom
- Hollis' degree, framed
- Thought clouds reading "Tiny Hat", "Tuna Salad", and simply "Idea"
- Several nurses, who may have been past co-workers
Hollis' Hot Streak
- Several different kinds of octopuses
- A die surrounded by branches, representing probability
- A sonogram of a fetus holding another die
Emotional Baggage[]
Hollis' Classroom
- Steamer Trunk
- Bag: Located in the Hospital Parking Lot, climb on top of the roof of the Emergency Room and look behind a large air conditioning unit to find the bag.
- Tag: Located in Hollis' Classroom, jump over to one of the intern's desk areas.
- Hatbox
- Bag: Located in the Hospital Parking Lot on the righthand side next to a dumpster.
- Tag: Located in the Hospital Parking Lot, climb on top of the roof of the Emergency Room and platform across some air conditioners and vents to collect the tag.
Hollis' Hot Streak
- Dufflebag
- Bag: Located in the Maternity Ward on a tower to the left of the roulette wheel. The Dark Thoughts upgrade to the Mental Connection ability is required to reach this bag.
- Tag: Located in the Maternity Ward: Back Room, platform over to the first set of spinning poker chips and the tag is on the left.
- Suitcase
- Bag: Located in Cardiology on top of one of the booths in the main room.
- Tag: Located in the Casino Parking Lot, climb on top of the roof of the Emergency Room and look behind a large air conditioning unit to find the tag.
- Purse
- Bag: Located in the Records room down the first corner in front of a dumpster.
- Tag: Located in the Maternity Ward, after exiting the tunnel use Mental Connection to follow the nodes onto the top of the tunnel.
Memory Vaults[]
Hollis' Classroom
- Dr. Potts is the Pits - Located in the Morgue through the hallway that leads to Hollis' Sanctuary.
Hollis' Hot Streak
- Breaking Dr. Potts - Found in the Doctors Only section, follow the looping hallway to find the vault.
Hollis' Classroom
- Found in the middle of the Morgue.
- Found in the Morgue on top of a platform that requires the use of Mental Connection to reach.
Hollis' Hot Streak
- Found in the Shattered Classroom, use Mental Connection to go to a floating platform near the main platform.
- Found in the Shattered Classroom, use Mental Connection to go to a floating platform higher up in the room.
- Located in the Maternity Ward: Back Room, after the long purple tunnel atop a tower of dice on the right side.
- Located in the Cardiology: Back Room, after going through the first doorway turn to the left to see a couch. Use Levitation to jump to this couch and turn left to collect the Half-A-Mind.
Nuggets of Wisdom[]
The Nuggets of Wisdom in Hollis' mind are shaped like the Caduceus, a common symbol for medicine.
Hollis' Classroom
- Located in the Hollis' Classroom section on top of a floating platform. Use Mental Connection to reach it.
- Located in the bushes in front of the ambulance in the Hospital Parking Lot.
- Located in Hollis' Sanctuary on the left side sitting on a pew.
Hollis' Hot Streak
- Located on top of the casino signage in the Casino Parking Lot.
- Located in the Records room, take the second bend in the hallway to a computer desk and use Pyrokinesis to burn down the poster on the wall in front of the desk.
- Located in the Pharmacy: Back Room, look around near the beginning for some Dark Thoughts Mental Connection nodes and follow them to the Nugget. Requires the Dark Thoughts upgrade for Mental Connection.
- Located in Cardiology, after leaving the tunnel turn right and go into the room on that side. The Nugget will be behind a door that requires the Projection ability to open.
- Bad ideas
- Cardio Racers (Mid-Boss Fight)
- Censors
- Heavy Censors (Mid-Boss Fight)
- Little Censors
- Stamping Censors
- Lady Luctopus / Lucky (Boss Fight)
- Dr. (Jack) Potts
- EKG Patient
- Heart's Content
- Hollis Forsythe
- Nurse Staff
- Lady Luctopus / Lucky
- Lost Baby
- Old Patient
- Psychonaut Interns
- Rich Dad
- Rich Mom
- Rich Parent's Baby
- Young Patient
- The 2018 Game awards trailer depicts this level with a section where Raz rolls on a giant pinball. This area is nowhere to be found in the final release and the only time Raz rolls on an object in this level is in the Pharmacy section. It is unknown if this section was eventually reworked into the Pharmacy section, or its gameplay was reworked into Strike City.
- The "Pillinko" machine is a play on a pachinko machine, a Japanese arcade game that's regularly used as a legal method of gambling.
- Additionally, Raz makes a reference to Mary Poppins after beating it.
- The Maternity Ward area contains a particularly strange easter egg video. To see it, the player must pick up the pen that's standing on top of the hallway that leads into the area with Telekinesis and throw it at the "WARD" neon sign. Once thrown, a joke video of a pregnant Raz having to give birth to Dr. Loboto in some surreal ritual that will allow Sasha, Ford, and Milla to defeat him will play that ends with "Psychonauts 2: Pregnant Raz opening is a great idea!". After the video ends, Raz comments, "Ugh, not that dream again!". This was no doubt an inside joke among the developers, and the video was voiced and animated by Pendleton Ward, creator of Adventure Time and long-time friend of Double Fine. The way to see it (throwing PEN at WARD) appropriately references his name.
- The heavy censor in the High Roller's Lounge behaved very differently from other censors, as it didn't try to eradicate Raz, but rather simply kicks him out of the chamber. This could indicate that psychics are able to control their censors' behavior.
- Using the "plucky" pin in Hollis' classroom will have Raz pick up a wheelchair. Using it in Hollis' Hot Streak will have Raz instead pick up a chair designed to look like a jellyfish. This chair resembles those seen in the Lady Luctopus Casino.