Psychonauts Wiki

Hmm... that shouldn't be happening. Darling, do you have some problems with water? Do you want to talk about it?

–Milla Vodello

Hydrokinesis is the psychic ability to control the movement of water.


Like its opposite number Pyrokinesis, which is elemental control of fire, Hydrokinesis gives the user absolute elemental control of water. This power extends to manipulating existing water or else coalescing water out of other sources, like the moisture in the air or ground.

Exceptionally-skilled practitioners can manipulate and form water into shapes. Maligula used this to create serpents of water to attack her enemies.


Raz, believing his family had been cursed by the Galochio family to die in water, subconsciously manifests the Hand of Galochio whenever he comes close to or into contact with deep water, including water that is merely a mental projection. If he remains in close contact for too long, the hand will grab him and drag him under the water, from which he will drag himself a short time later with a small loss of mental health.

The first time he sees the Hand of Galochio at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp is when he goes down to the beach. The hand rises from the water and beckons Raz toward it, at which the boy recoils.

In Milla's Dance Party, Milla creates illusory obstacles and hazards for the children to practice Levitation, including fire, poison, spikes, and water. They are all obviously mental constructions, yet nonetheless Raz subconsciously manifests the Hand from the water. Similarly, Raz can use Levitation to glide over anything in either the physical or mental world, but cannot move over water.

While battling Linda in Shaky Claim, two hands appear in the wall of the mucous-lined bubble if he approaches. In Lungfishopolis, Raz's immense size allows him to stand in the shallow water of the bay, but he will manifest a massive Hand of Galochio if he falls into the deep water above the dam.

Psychonauts 2[]

Even after officially joining the Psychonauts and coming to the Motherlobe, Raz maintains his weakness to water. His grandmother, Nona, warns him - just as she did for his father - to stay away from the water. This serves the same gameplay feature, keeping Raz from exploring the water and returning him to dry land, losing a bit of health in the process.

Through the course of the story, Raz discovers that Nona is not actually his grandmother, but actually his great-aunt Lucrecia Mux, who is a descendant of the Galochio family. He eventually finds the truth that there is no "curse" against his family, but rather a false memory implanted by Ford Cruller to keep Lucrecia away from water and keep her alternate personality, Maligula, submerged.

After coming to terms with the truth, Raz gains control over his fear of water, gaining enough control to come into contact with water in both the physical and mental world to oppose Maligula. After defeating the monster, restoring his great-aunt's sanity, and saving the world again, Raz accepts that the Hand of Galochio is his own creation, a manifestation of his fear of the "family curse". However, he remains unable to swim after his lifelong avoidance of water, so now the Hand manifests to pull Raz out of the water and bring him back to safety, no longer doing any damage to him.



  • It is theorized that the Galochio family have specialized Hydrokinesis abilities, due to the extreme skill shown by their descendant, Lucrecia Mux. This is unknown, however, as Lucrecia and the Aquato family are the only known remaining individuals with Galochio heritage, the rest of the family having died sometime earlier in Grulovia.
  • Lizzie's specialization with Hydrokinesis combined with Cryokinesis combined with her appearance are one of several red herrings in the story of Psychonauts 2, potentially giving players a suspicion of a connection with Maligula. In-game, there are is no stated connection of herself or her sister Norma (another red herring) with Maligula.



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