Psychonauts Wiki


Cruel and unusual

–Raz's notes

Judge is an enemy in Psychonauts 2. They are a rare meta-physical manifestation of judgmental behavior within their host minds, be it self-judgement or judged by a third party, though they're not necessary for the host to have Judges. They serve as heavy units in terms of durability and damage potential among other enemies that can be encountered. Wielding a large gavel, Judges will swing at Razputin when he goes to attack, or result to book-throwing without it.


Judge is a rather tall and wide mental figure of reddish mixed with small tints of orange skin and glowing neon yellow-green eyes. He has rather long arms, but his large figure is juxtaposed by his short stubby legs. He wears a large blue cloak with a gold trim, a purple undercoat, and wears a white wig. He wields a large brown wooden gavel.

The Judges that appear in Compton's Cookoff wear chef's attire and carry meat tenderizers instead of gavels. During the boss fight against the bigger judges, a chef-dressed judge will appear along a Heavy Censor, this judge along with his meat tenderizer are partially covered in purple vomit.


Judges act as an overly-aggressive judge, speaking triumphantly and with court-related phrases, including his way of attacking with prejudice. Once disarmed is noticeably less aggressive, but still entitled about his role as a judge. However, he’ll showcase signs of worries and slight intimidation towards Raz by rubbing his own face and moving with caution.

In Psychonauts 2[]

Once Razputin makes his way into the mind of Compton Boole, he finds himself in an ominous metal dome with a giant bell above and in the center of the room. He’s attempt to interact with it gets abruptly interrupted by Compton, saying he isn’t ready; and after pointing his worry for being judge, an actual Judge arrives and confronts the two, forcing Compton to disappear and leaving the little psychic to deal with this mini-boss. After the small yet challenging battle between the two, Raz triumphs and finishes with one final strike that causes the Judge to crash into the bell and produce a loud ringing.

The judge himself is later faced in the commercial segments which takes place after beating round 1 and 2, this unique variant is called the Chef Judge; working entirely the same but presenting a much bigger resistance to attacks and to add more ingredients into the mix, he’s not alone, since he gets the help from some Censors and Regrets. Another one of these is faced during the fight against the Gluttonous Goats along with a Heavy Censor. However this isn’t the last of this enemy, some judges are later seen in other mental worlds that suffer as well from excessive criticism from one’s self or another individual; at the Sunken Motherlobe from Bob's Bottles a Judge appears but only if the mind was beaten already; Lucrecia's Lament has a judge appearing at the Mental Dam along many other mental enemy figures; and at Fatherland Follies makes its final facing with Raz at the areas of The Fall of Grulovia and Infiltrating the Psychonauts


The Judge is common because of his overuse of the gavel, by swinging it or slamming it in close or large range. But truth to be told, despite his great resistance and strength without his weapon he’s just out of luck; by using Telekinesis, Raz can take from his hands the gavel which will make the judge far more vulnerable to attacks, including PSI-Blast or Pyrokinesis which before they would have been reflected or absorbed (in the second case) by the gavel itself. A Judge without his gavel is considerably less dangerous, but can still attack with a melee or ranged move.

On the bright side, by performing any of his attacks he can hurt any other enemies nearby if they fall for any of his deadly attacks and as a bigger bonus, throwing back at the judge his gavel it would deal quite a lot of damage.

Attacks and Health[]

  • Judging Slam: One of the two attacks he usually performs, the Judge rises his gavel (or meat tenderizer in the case of the chef), puts part of it on his left shoulder and holds tight the lower part, just so after 2 seconds he suddenly slams his weapon into the ground. By impact the gavel (meat tenderizer) will produce a small shockwave that deals 2 hit points to the mental health, but by direct damage of the weapon it will deal 6 hit points and squishes Razputin making him unable to move for 3 seconds.
  • Slayer of Judgement: The second ranged attack with his gavel (meat tenderizer); with this move he charges for 2 seconds by moving the weapon to the left side before releasing it with such quickness and brutality horizontally. By receiving the damage not only does it pushes Raz quite far but also deals 6 hit points (1 and a half brain).
  • Space-maker: With one of his hands holds and inverts his gavel (meat tenderizer), putting it in front of him and placing it close to his chin, and right after 2 seconds slams it into the ground. If Raz is in midair he will get push back but if he’s beneath the object he’ll get crush and will receive 2 hit points of damage (It has the same stun effect as the 'Judging Slam').
  • Anti Sneaky: When standing behind the Judge he’ll presence Raz so he immediately rises his weapon and performs a quick swing that pushes and hurts Raz by 2 hit points.
  • Quick Crush: After making appear a new weapon and if Raz stands in front of him at a minimally distance he’ll slam his gavel (meat tenderizer) dealing 6 hit points. Basically a far more dangerous variant of the 'Judging Slam'.
  • The Book: At disarmed state, the Judge will pick a book from inside his cloak and throw it at Raz’ current position or sometimes where he is directing to. This deals only 2 hit points. When using TK to throw it to other enemies instead of stunning them they get pushed back.
  • Scream of Justice: If disarmed yet Razputin puts himself in front of the Judge, the latter will charge for 2 seconds and releases an extremely loud battle cry along with a small area shockwave which besides making multiple generated papers sent fly, it damages Razputin with 6 hit points. Towards other enemies this is the most damaging attack, nearly taking half of a censors health and a quarter of a doubts health.

Since the health system for enemies and bosses is much different from Psychonauts 2 to the one to Psychonauts 1 it is quite difficult to come up with an specific amount of health for this boss fight.


Before Battle[]

  • "Please remain standing!"
  • "If you’re able."

During Battle[]

  • (When spawning variant 1) "Time for Justice!"
  • (When spawning variant 2) "I sentence you… TO DEATH!"
  • (When spawning variant 3) "COURT IS IN SESSION!"
  • (Disarming dialogue variant 1) "(Gasps) My baby!"
  • (Disarming dialogue variant 2) "Counsel must not badger the gavel!"
  • (Disarming dialogue variant 3) "Graaah! NEVER touch a judge’s gavel!"
  • (Disarming dialogue variant 4) "HA! My power comes from JUSTICE, not that little mallet!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 1) "I remind you that you’re under oath!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 2) "Let the record show that the defendant did not cooperate!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 3) "I’m going to hold you in contempt!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 4) "The jury will disregard that!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 5) "Oof!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 6) "Hmmmf!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 7) "Not in MY courtroom!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 8) "Gggrrrrgh!!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 9) "Gah!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 10) "You’re out of line, counselor!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 11) "Grrrr!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 12) "Hmph!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 13) "Hmp!"
  • (Using Wrecking Ball against the Judge variant 14) "GHHHH!"
  • "Rah!"
  • "ROOARR!"
  • "RAH!!"
  • "Graahhh!!"
  • (Using his Anti Sneaky attack version 1) "Ah!"
  • (Using his Anti Sneaky attack version 2) "Pfft!"
  • (Using his Anti Sneaky attack version 3) "D’ah!"
  • (Using his Anti Sneaky attack version 4) "Haa!"

After Battle[]

  • "Bailiff! I… need… you…"
  • "You may… cross examine… counselor."
  • "Let us adjourn… for the day."
  • "This is… a court of law!"
  • "Hostile… witness…"
  • "Mistrial!"
  • "Let us take… a five minute recess."
  • "Let’s take a five minute recess…"
  • "Oof!"


  • Judge is a play on the term "judgmental".
  • Judge along with Enabler and Censors (to a lesser degree) are from the few enemies to talk regularly.
  • Earlier screenshots and trailers showed Judge with purple skin, which has been changed to a more reddish hue.
  • Judge along with most mid-bosses are the least frequent enemies to appear in the entire game, having an appearance at maximum of 3 (rarely) 4 mental worlds.
  • On the Psychonauts 2 gallery on Double Fine's website, Judge is referred to as "Judgement".
  • At the end of the ride of Fatherland Follies one of the pictures has Raz confronting a Judge.
  • Despite the Chef Judge falling in the category of changed clothing and cosmetics enemy, it has a different amount of health compared to its original variant, something that not even the censors with different outfits for specific minds have received or minimally an increase to their attacks damage.
    • This could imply an unique evolved version for the judge only intended for Compton’s mind (like the Deep Regrets appearing only at the last set of minds), or a leftover from an early build where the Judge had more health but was never changed.

Video Battle Walkthrough[]


Psychonauts 2 - All Bosses -No Damage-

Gameplay by Gellot. (13:38 for the fight)


Psychonauts 2 - Chef Judge Boss Fight HD

Gameplay by CondeMarengo.


Psychonauts 2 - All Mini Boss Rush -No Damage- HD

Gameplay by CondeMarengo. (0:00, 2:56, 5:55, and 10:18 for the fights)
