Psychonauts Wiki

K-Lobe. We Enrobe The Motherlobe with Music.

–Morris Martinez

K.L.O.B. (sometimes pronounced "K-Lobe") is a pirate ratio station created by Morris Martinez and managed by himself as "C.E.O, creative director and talent", as he puts it, and Queepie Aquato, the first DJ on his roster. Their headquarters are located in a treehouse in the Quarry, where Morris uses Coach Oleander's old transmitter, fixed up and amplified by Gisu, to broadcast. The station's main listener base consists of Psychonauts employees at the Motherlobe.

One of Morris' reasons to start a radio station was apparently that his mentor Milla wanted him to try to "reach out to the world", most likely in the sense of trying to pick up on emotional wavelengths the way she does. Instead, Morris decided that radio was the best way to do so, though he's waiting for his first ratings report to show Milla how effective it is.

During the events of Psychonauts 2, K.L.O.B. had only just been launched, and Morris unfortunately had only one record at his disposal, meaning the station simply played Welcome to My Mind by The Hi-Fives on repeat. This was enough for Queepie, who was a huge fan of this song, to join Morris in his treehouse. While Morris has officially named him a DJ on the station, Queepie mostly just dances to the song on a chair in the treehouse, oblivious even to what a record is.

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The K.L.O.B. treehouse office in the Quarry.


  • The K.L.O.B. office has posters advertising various events and shows. One of these posters advertises a radio show hosted by Otto Mentallis. Another poster advertises free all-ages dance parties at Blastcap Becky's (cave).
    • Another poster advertises a band called "The Firestarters", which was Phoebe's proposal for the name of her and Quentin's band back at Whispering Rock.


