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Kochamara is the boss of Lungfishopolis in Psychonauts. He was an alter ego of Coach Oleander, but also one of Dr. Loboto´s creations by the implant which brainwashed Linda.


Kochamara does not speak giant monster boy language.


Kochamara was the product of a mental implant that was placed in the mind of the Hulking Lungfish of Lake Oblongata. Ever since Coach Oleander placed the implant in the Lungfish, Kochamara had been reigning over the people of the mental city of Lungfishopolis. His tower, which brainwashed Linda and the citizens of Lungfishopolis, resided on Kochamara Island. Kochamara appeared to be an astral projection of Coach Oleander with an added disguise, as he talked to Razputin Aquato prior, during, and after the boss fight about things only the Coach would or should have known of.


Kochamara resembles Coach Oleander's overall short physique. He wears an orange and teal superhero suit. His gloves, knees, tips of shoes, elbows, eyebrows, and mustache are all orange. His eye mask is violet. He has four fingers on each hand.


If you pay attention to this guy's actions, you can tell how he's about to attack. Wait for him to let down his shield, and then attack.

Ford Cruller advising Raz from the bacon.

Kochamara has two styles of fighting: in the air and in the ground. In these two he will use a shield around himself all the time until performing two specific attacks Deadly Triangle Beam (Flying) and Hard-to-Avoid-Area Attack (Ground). By performing any of these two attacks his shield will be disabled for 1 to 3 seconds. In the flying sections raz can first use PSI-blast however after Kochamara saps all of his Aggression Ammo raz can only use shield to reflect the triangle beams when he starts flying again. For the ground sections raz can dodge the first two attacks he performs, however the special area attack requires shield to block it, after this raz can use his primal PSI-punch and beat Kochamara. Once Kochamara is defeated, the access to the tower is available and raz can climb the tower to trigger the final cutscene.

Attacks and Health[]

  • Mighty Ram: when Kochamara is flying he will occasionally charge, swoop down and try to slam into Raz. If Raz doesn’t use shield or dodge this will deal 4 hit points (1 whole brain for the Mental Health).
  • Deadly Triangle Beam: another attack of Kochamara when he's flying, he will fire a blue PSI-blast which can deal 2 hit points. This one can be dodge easily or simply use shield to reflect it back to Kochamara since this attack makes his shield disappear for a whole second.
  • Mighty Ram Ground Version: basically the same as the flying version except it is performed in ground obviously. The hit points are the same (1 whole brain or simply 4 hit points).
  • Overly Intricate Combination: Kochamara will move quickly while performing multiple kicks and punches. This attack follows raz movements so i doesn’t simply go on a straight line. If raz doesn’t block or dodge this attack this will result in 4 hit points.
  • Hard-to-Avoid Area Attack: probably one of the most dangerous attack from Kochamara, he charges up for a total of 3 seconds and after doing so he blasts the entire area where the battle is being taken. Raz cannot dodge this attack so the only way he can avoid this attack is using Shield, if raz doesn’t cover with shield this will deal a total of 6 hit points (1 and a half brain). On the other hand, if raz uncovers from attack too early this will only deal 2 hit points.
  • Almighty Push: If Raz attempts to reach the broadcast tower, Kochamara will fly on front of the entry of the tower and perform a similar attack to the Triangle Beam except this one deals 1 hit point, however it pushes raz a bit far so he cannot reach the tower.

This boss fight has a total of three different ways to attack it: Marksmanship, PSI-Punch and Shield and to make the boss change from being flying to being on the ground and vice versa it is required to be hit 3 times. Which gives a total of 12 Hits to defeat Kochamara, a bit lower than the boss before this one (Linda) but slightly more than the first boss of the game (Mega Censor).


Kochamara's name is a a combination of "Coach" (as in Coach Oleander) and "Gamera", the fictional giant turtle monster (who is the defender of the people, like what the brainwashed Lungfishopolis residents think of Kochamara). It may also refer to "cauchemar", which is French for "nightmare".


Before Battle[]

  • (Lungfishopolis Live Commentary) "Well, we’re sorry to report that the miserable and incompetent Lungfish Navy is all but sunk."
  • (Lungfishopolis Live Commentary) "Great work, losers!"
  • (Lungfishopolis Live Commentary) "Now Kochamara himself will have to come all the way down here just to save our worthless hides."
  • (Lungfishopolis Live Commentary) "Authorities are calling for a big parade in Kochamara’s honor after he clobbers the annoying giant Goggalor, and if the parade is big enough, Kochamara promises NOT to destroy the city."
  • (Lungfishopolis Live Commentary) "(Brush teeth more often. Don’t drool so much.)"

During Battle[]

  • "Give up while you can, Goggalor!"
  • "Kochamera does not speak giant monster boy language."
  • "Deeeeeeaaaadlyyyyyyyyy…"
  • "Miiiiiiiiiiightyyyyyyyyyyyyy…"
  • "RAM!"
  • "Hmm. So Sasha’s showed you how to save up your aggressive energy, huh?"
  • "Well, why don't I help you…"
  • "Let it all out!"
  • "Bwah ha ha!"
  • "Miiiiightyyy Raaaaam…"
  • "Ooooverrrrrlyyyyy Innnnn-triiiiii-cate…"
  • "Haaaarrrrrrd toooooaaaaavoooid…"
  • "Ahhh!"
  • "Gahhh!"
  • "Grrr!"
  • "Oooff!"
  • "Sorry, but I was made senior facility officer this year, and the senior facility officer has notified HQ that everything is peachy at camp Whispering Rock!"
  • "Ha ha ha!"
  • (Unused) (After Kochamara takes out all of Raz's aggression ammo) "What are you gonna do now huh? Oh no! No ammo! I'm lost without my ammo!"
  • (Unused) "I'm nothing without my cheater PSI-Blast! Oh Sasha, Sasha come help me! I have no defenses of my own!"

After Battle[]

  • "People of Lungfishopolis…"
  • "I’m sorry I let you down..."
  • "Ggggghhh.."
  • "Agggghhh!"
  • "Fine! Take control of this freaky toad! I don’t need him to nab children for me anymore!"
  • "I’ve got the brain of a little girl back in my lab that’s strong enough to power a whole army of Psychoblaster Death Tanks!"
  • "Wha--"
  • "What?"
  • "I said in my lab!"
  • "Good one!"


  • Kochamara is a parody of Ultraman. He is also a parody of Tokusatsu shows in general, shouting the names of his attacks before attacking.
  • Kochamara, being Coach Oleander, is also voiced by Nick Jameson, who has done voices in many Star Wars games.
  • His attack, "Deadly Triangle Beam", is similar in name and usage to the Tri-Beam, an energy beam attack used by Tien Shinhan in the anime series, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.
  • Another hint that Kochamara is Oleander is that they both see Raz as the same thing, a brain, when Raz uses Clairvoyance on him.
  • Kochamara's PSI-Blast color is light blue while Coach Oleander's PSI-Blast color is green.

Video Battle Walkthrough[]


Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-

Gameplay by Gellot. (13:12 for the fight)
