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You are my own creation! I command you to stop! That sounded so much cooler when Sasha said it.

–Razputin Aquato

Holding all the cards

–Raz's notes

Lady Luctopus is the very first boss fight of Psychonauts 2 located in Hollis' Mind (more specific in Hollis' Hot Streak). She is the manifestation of Bad Ideas taking the form of a giant mechanical octopus, mostly noticeable because of the crown made of light-bulbs. She represents Hollis Forsythe's gambling addiction and directly based on the Lady Luctopus casino, where the Psychonauts go on a mission.


Lady Luctopus was manifested when Hollis Forsythe gained a gambling addiction indirectly caused by Raz when using Mental Connection to connect the idea of Money with the idea of Risk. This quite literally was a bad idea, and set off a chain reaction that culminated into further bad ideas connecting and ultimately formed into the Lady Luctopus, who immediately dominated Hollis' mind.

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The Lady Lucktopus.

She served as the boss of the casino that serves as the basis of "Hollis' Hot Streak", and every game she runs is rigged so that all players betting big are destined to loose and the house wins every time. Each game is run by a Bad Idea connection that makes winning seeming impossible unless the ideas are connected in a way that makes a positive outlook. Even reaching Lady Luctopus is rigged to be seemingly impossible, requiring a staggering three gazillion dollars to enter the High Roller's Lounge where she resides. Unfortunately, her hubris allowed that to be possible since the games she runs has a possibility to earn a gazillion dollars if the game rewarding it is unrigged.


The Lady Luctopus, or “Lucky”, is born from Hollis’ gambling addiction: charismatic, playful, but sadistic. She speaks with the charisma of a casino worker encouraging further gambling. Her personality is that of a casino worker and a doctor. Most of her lines has her speaking to everyone as if she's a card dealer, but will occasionally throw in a couple of hospital-themed lines. Though she seems to joke and play a lot with her words, ultimately wishes to see victory and possibly enjoys seeing people loose, especially to her. She claims to be a "fair dealer", but really intends to show no mercy.


Lady Luctopus is a gigantic, blue and purple octopus seeming made up entirely of flashing casino lights. Her head has giant pinkish-purple lips, yellow eyes with blue eyelashes, pinkish-purple hair that resembles Hollis Forsythe's hair, and like mentioned before; a crown made up of golden Bad Idea light bulbs. The mental connection that manifested her form are her eyes and reads "MONEY" on her right eye and "RISK" on her left in blue text. Her tentacles come out of floating, broken windows, have light bulb sockets for suction cups, and some wear a neon-blue tuxedo cuff link also made of lights. The edges of the tentacles where the purple underside meets the blue up-side are adorned with white lights that travel from the tip to the top of her head. These suction cups have a cap in them, but some of them are loose and sparking and serve as her weak points. She also wears a dark-blue bow tie and a name tag that reads "LUCKY".

The inside of Lady Luctopus' head is hollow, blocked off by a breakable mental block and contains a fragile neon-sign heart. This heart might change depending in what phase does the fight takes place: during phase 1 this heart will be entirely greenish, on phase 2 the heart will be red and will feature a crying face, lastly at phase 3 the heart will have the appearance changed to a more realistic heart with a blue line on the middle representing a vein. When stunned, all of the lights (save for the pulsing white lights) turn off on the main body. Her body starts to flash different colors the more damaged she is.


Can you believe we got carded? So embarrassing! We can’t get to our smelling salts! We can’t leave her mind! Don’t let us die in here man! You know what happens when you die in someone’s mind, right? If you die inside a mind… You pee your pants.

–All Interns warnings and supplications when turning into cards.

Her boss fight takes place on a massive blackjack table, and consists of three phases. Each phase requires Raz to stun the Lady Luctopus by blasting off the cap off the tentacle holding the Interns and using Telekinesis to throw a Bad Idea bulb into the open suction cup. Once stunned, the Interns will be freed, escape the mind, and leave behind loose thoughts that Raz needs to use via Mental Connection to reach the poker chip stacks behind the Lady Luctopus. While on those chips, there will be lone Bad Ideas camping there that will attempt to bombard Raz. From the top of the chips, Raz must shoot the weak mental blockage (or even just throw a light bulb from a Bad Idea) on top of Lady Luctopus to break it open.

Once open, loose ideas will come out and Raz must use Mental Connection to get inside Lady Luctopus' head and damage the heart inside. This is done a total of three times and with the pass of the phases the more attacks she’ll use against Razputin. But once razputin takes care of the boss, the latter will be defeated and she’ll explode along with the entire area breaking the mental connection.

Attacks and Health[]

  • Big Light Bulbs: Once she pulls out a card with a red light bulb, she’ll start coughing up big light bulbs: the amount will depend during each phase (3 on phase 1 and 2, 5 on phase 3). These light bulbs will be cough at the position where Razputin was, at a mildly fast speed but, at the final phase they’ll go at a very quick speed. They deal 3 hit points of damage to the Mental Health.
  • Card Shuffle: At phase 2, multiple tentacles will appear at the edges of the table and they all will shuffle cards from one end to the other, indicated by a red line on the table. If hitting Razputin not only will he get pushed back but also will receive 1 hit point (sometimes 2 hit points) of damage.
  • Mega Defibrillators: When she draws a defibrillator card (indicated with a thunder symbol); two tentacles with defibrillators will appear along her side and they’ll electrify the entire table, forcing Raz to use Levitation or stand on the poker chips to avoid getting electrocuted. During this attack she can mix other attacks like her 'Card Shuffle' or the 'Big Light Bulbs'. This attack lasts for about 18 seconds and during this attack if Raz is electrocuted he will receive 1 hit point of damage but in total if he never gets out of the table he will receive a total of 7 hit points.
  • Card Crusher!: While on top of the poker chip stacks behind the boss, if Raz stays on top of higher ones for too long two tentacles while holding pairs of cards will attempt to crush him. If they succeed at that this will cost for his mental health 6 hit points but also getting squished (stunned for 2 seconds).
  • Card Blocker: At phase 2 the tentacle holding the pair of cards of interns will occasionally be protected by another tentacle holding a hand of cards, preventing Raz from blasting the cap off or screwing in a Bad Idea bulb.
  • Invincibility: With the exclusion of the neon heart on the inside of her head and the one suction cup to insert the light bulb, most of the body is immune to any attacks or to even get hurt in the slightest.

For being the first boss it sure has a decent amount of health though as expected it might vary on certain abilities and on what aspects are counted to harm this boss fight. PSI-Blast and PSI-Punch deal the same amount of damage and unlike the mid-bosses the PSI-Punch properties wouldn’t change with each fist. Counting the one shot and TK throw to stun her and the amount of attacks needed to be perform into the heart inside her head it takes 24 hits but if towards the heart is being used the exploding light bulbs it will only take 16 hits to defeat her in general.


"Lady Luctopus" is a conjugation of the words "octopus" and "lady luck".


Before Battle[]

  • "Who are you calling a BAD IDEA?"
  • "I am the sweetest of dreams, the spirit of unbeatable optimism!"
  • "I am the ultimate victory of HOPE over MATHEMATICS! "
  • "But you can call me "Lucky"."
  • "Eh ha ha ha ha!"
  • "it’s time to see what the cards have in store for you!"
  • "But don’t worry. I'm a fair dealer."
  • "Although I do like to keep a couple of jokers up my sleeve."
  • "Get ready to play, this could be your lucky day…"
  • "But i wouldn’t bet on it."

During Battle[]

  • "Aaagghhh I thought you were special, but I think I should just card you like the rest."
  • "I hope you have a system. Gambling without a system is just… IRRESPONSIBLE!"
  • "Ooh, this bottle has my ink sac all a-flutter!"
  • "I appreciate the Gazillions you brought me, but I feel like your streak is over."
  • "He’s so awkward, he’s so weak. Soon I’ll feed him to my beak!"
  • "Better quit while you’re… well, I wouldn’t say AHEAD, exactly. But not dead!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 1): "Ooh, that’s not good. Unless you like bombs!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 2): "A bomb? Well, cheer up. Maybe you’ll get a pair."
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 3): "Well, I hope you bet on "bomb" because that’s what you got."
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 4): "Ooh, you’re in luck! This card comes with a free prize!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 5): "Hm. Why’d you draw that card? You must really like bombs!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 6): "Another bomb? Oh well, could always be worse!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 7): "Ooh, a bomb. Take two of these and call me in the morning."
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 8): "When it comes to bomb, I like to go ALL IN."
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 9): "I don’t think these bombs are working. Better triple the dosage."
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 10): "Ooh, you hit the jackpot! OF BOMBS!"
  • (Light Bulb Card Dialogue 11): "Ha! Time to make it rain!"
  • "This town is prone to excess. I love it!"
  • (When coughing up light bulbs) "Ptooey!"
  • "Bwah ha ha ha ha!"
  • "He he he ha ha!"
  • "HA HA HA!"
  • "Mwah ha ha ha!"
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 1) "Please don’t look at that unsightly feature."
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 2) "Hole? What hole? I don’t see any hole."
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 3) "Oh, were you looking for that ugly hole? I had that removed."
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 4) "There are no holes on me! I am the Lady Luctopus!"
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 5) "Pay no attention to that thing. It looks like a hole, but I assure you it is not."
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 6) "Young man! Don’t you know it’s rude to stare at a lady’s beauty mark?"
  • (When Raz looks at her suction cup variant 7) "Please get away from there. My plastic surgeon said not to agitate that area for six weeks."
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 1) "Looks like it’s time for a fresh deck!"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 2) "Ooh, did someone said HIT ME?"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 3) "Did someone say HIT ME HARDER?"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 4) "Looks like it’s time to DOUBLE DOWN!"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 5) "Hey, have you ever played 52 pickup? Well, this is 52 LAY DOWN FOREVER."
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 6) "Well, go big or go home, they say!"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 7) "Well, the only solution here appears to be MORE CARDS."
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 8) "Hm. This could says, "Send more cards"."
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 9) "All right, let’s get some fresh cards on the table."
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 10) "Wheeee!"
  • (Card Shuffle dialogue 11) "Look at ’em go!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 1) "Where’s my crash cart?"
  • (Defibrillator variant 2) "Oh no! Looks like the patient had flatlined!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 3) "Count your beads, Sisters!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 4) "I can get that ticker kickin’ again!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 5) "Cardiac arrest! Time for the Tentacles of Life!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 6) "Here comes lucky!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 7) "Get me my paddles! STAT!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 8) "Code blue! Let’s move it people!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 9) "Don’t die on me, table!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 10) "Let’s shock the system!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 11) "Let’s kickstart that heart!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 12) "Ooh, did you feel that? That was a good one."
  • (Defibrillator variant 13) "Ah yes! Who’s awake now? I sure am!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 14) "Ooh, that was electrifying!"
  • (Defibrillator variant 15) "Mmm. That stuff’s got a kick to it."
  • "Waaaahhhhh!!"
  • "Aaahhh!!"
  • "Gaaahhhh!!"
  • "I have a… graduate… degree…"
  • "Hit me…"
  • "Ooooohhh…"
  • "I’m… I’m… I’m on a roll…"
  • "Everything… on red…"
  • "House always… wins…"
  • "Go… shooter…"
  • "No… you can’t kick me out… this is… this is my casino…"
  • "Come on… seven…"
  • "Ooof…"
  • "…Hey!"
  • "…Quit it…"
  • "…Oww…"
  • "Hmmm…"
  • "…Who’s there?"
  • (If Raz loses against Lady Luctopus) "Well, at least the drinks are free."
  • (If Raz loses against Lady Luctopus) "Have you learned nothing in my class? The house always wins!"
  • (If Raz loses against Lady Luctopus) "Looks like our player’s luck has run out, folks!"
  • (If Raz loses against Lady Luctopus) "And the shooter craps out. Which is hard because we’re not playing craps."
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Please. I am made of armored neon and dreams."
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "You can’t tilt this machine, sonny!"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Ouch, that hurts… is what I would say if I weren’t INDESTRUCTIBLE and IMMORTAL"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Jackpot! The boy has hit the mental jackpot!"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Ha ha. Younge man, those bombs were meant for YOU, not ME."
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Did you hear something? Like somebody’s mean little dreams falling into the void, unanswered?"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "How did a mosquito get in here?"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Did somebody say, "tink"?"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "Ha ha ha! That tickles!"
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "What do you mean, "Most?""
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "That’s a losing wager, player."
  • (If trying to use PSI-Blast on Lady Luctopus) "I’m sorry. All betting machines at the Lady Luctopus are 100% tamper-proof!"
  • "Ahhh! I’m back! Back in action! How much did I lose?"
  • "Ptui!"
  • "No time to walk away. After all…"
  • "I still have some valuable cards here."
  • "Ooh, I need to cover up that blemish."
  • "(Snort) Okay, that time I was just fakin’ it!"
  • "Right? Right. Hey, where’d everybody go?"
  • "(hrrrk)"
  • "I still have you guys, right?"
  • "Hm. On second thought, where’s my shredder?"

After Battle[]

  • "Why? Why would you destroy ME?"
  • "Me! The answer to all your problems?"
  • "…all your… problems…"


  • Lady Luctopus was indirectly created by Raz, thanks to him meddling with Hollis's thoughts and giving her a gambling addiction.
    • When the fight begins, Raz will say, "You are my own creation! I command you to stop!" mirroring the same quote said by Sasha Nein during the fight against the Mega Censor. Just like in the first game, this fails to have any effect, and Raz states that it sounded much cooler when Sasha said it.
  • Lady Luctopus seems to be a fusion between a Bad Idea and a Mental Connection, where the two connected ideas form an association with gambling.
    • Her meta-physiology also shows signs of these. Her crown is made up numerous Bad Idea bulbs, and here eyes consists of the Mental Connection that formed her.
  • Lady Luctopus is a play on Lady Luck, the anthropomorphic version/metaphor of luck that will grant all those she favors with great luck. Lady Luck is often associated with gambling or anything that heavily relies on chance.
  • Though not confirmed, it is hinted that Lady Luctopus is actually Hollis Forsythe, but "mutated" by the bad mental connection into thinking she IS lady luck. There are several implications throughout the game that would suggest this:
    • The nurses all refer to Lady Luctopus as their boss, and Hollis is the owner of the mind, which would make her the boss of the casino.
    • Hollis and Lady Luctopus are never seen together, and when Lady Luctopus appears, Hollis is immediately gone.
    • Lady Luctopus looks and sounds like Hollis. The actual casino looks nothing like the mental version.
    • Norma threatens to tattle for this incident to her parents to Lady Luctopus, referring to her as Agent Forsythe.
    • Adam calls out her behavior as being uncharacteristic, referring to her as Agent Forsythe.
    • Sam refers to her as “chief”, obviously referring to Hollis.
    • Lady Luctopus mentions Hollis’ class as if it were her own, if Raz loses against her.
    • Evidence disproving this is that Lady Luctopus never refers to her as Hollis, but only simply as "the answer to all [their] problems". However, Hollis in the real world would begin to say that gambling the Psychonauts' money is the answer to their financial problems, and can be interpreted that Hollis thinks that she herself will be the reason their finances will get better; in other words: "she's the answer".

Video Battle Walkthrough[]


Psychonauts 2 - All Bosses -No Damage-

Gameplay by Gellot. (0:00 for the fight)
