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Lazarus "Lazlo" Aquato was the father of Augustus Aquato, husband to Marona Aquato, brother-in-law to Lucrecia Mux, son-in-law of Zalto Galochio, and grandfather of the Aquato children. He died in the Valermo Dam Disaster during a peaceful protest against the royal Malik family.


Lazarus has a black handlebar mustache. He wears a large black cloak and a black top hat.

In his role as circus ringmaster, he wears a decorated ringmaster uniform, presumed to be red with gold decorations.



Lazarus Aquato was born in Grulovia, where he became the ringmaster of the Aquato Family Circus. Despite his family's long-standing feud with the Galochio family, Lazarus nonetheless married Marona Galochio. The two had a son, Augustus Aquato, whom they brought up as a circus acrobat.

Psychonauts 2[]

Lazarus Aquato and his wife led a protest against the cruel and callous rule of Gzar Theodore Malik following the end of a long-running war with a neighboring nation. Theodore ordered his war minister, Maligula (his sister-in-law Lucrecia Mux), to disperse the crowd. She summoned a severe thunderstorm to disrupt the protest, but this made them angrier. This angered her into releasing her full power.

Lazlo was a victim of the Valermo Dam disaster in Grulovia, which killed him alongside his wife. Their deaths drove his sister-in-law over the edge, finishing her transformation into Maligula. With his parents dead, Augustus was placed into an orphanage with the other war orphans.

After Maligula's defeat, Ford Cruller altered Lucrecia and Augustus' memories so that they thought Lazarus was the only one who died in the city's flood, and that Lucrecia was actually Marona, later called "Nona". Lucrecia got Augustus out of the oprhanage, and the two returned to the circus and put their lives back together, mourning Lazarus' death.

20 years later, while searching in Ford's mind, Lazarus' grandson Razputin found out the truth about his family at the hands of Ford, who told him both his grandparents died in the flood instead of just Lazlo. He sees the skeletons of Lazarus and Marona lying in bed together within the mental image of a coffin in a graveyard, indicating that both of Raz's paternal grandparents were actually dead, and that Raz's "Nona" was actually his great-aunt, Lucrecia.


  • Lazlo's role in the circus is shown in a Memory Vault in Lucrecia's mind, which shows Lazlo and Marona standing at the front of the protest against the Gzar. In this memory, Lazlo is dressed in a circus ringmaster's costume, indicating that the couple had just come from the circus to participate in the protest.
    • The full appearance of Lazlo's ringmaster costume can only be assumed, as memories seen in the vault are in black & white. However, using Clairvoyance on Augustus shows Raz in an outfit identical to his grandfather's, indicating Augustus' hope that Raz will return to the circus and one day be its leader. In this clairvoyant image, Raz's outfit is a red jacket with gold piping and tan-colored pants.


