Librarian Cassie |
–Librarian Cassie
Librarian Cassie, or simply Librarian, is a mental figure in Cassie's Collection. She represents Cassie O'Pia's "logical" personality. She transforms into the Die-Brarian later in the level.
Librarian Cassie is a paper cutout of a younger looking Cassie O'Pia. She has a green color scheme, wearing a green dress suit, green hair, green glasses, and green shoes. She wears an orange pendant around her neck.
When Raz first meets her, she towers above the rest of the Cassies. After the defeat of the Die-Brarian, she shrinks down to the height of the other paper Cassies.
Librarian Cassie is strict and looks down at her fellow archetypes, seeing them as weak liabilities after Cassie was unable to talk Maligula out of her murderous actions or protect her fellow psychonauts from her. Librarian Cassie believes that she is now the only capable archetype, thus taking control as Cassie's dominant personality.
Psychonauts 2[]
One of Cassie O'pia's "Archetypes", she slowly took control of Cassie's power to "protect" the real one after she suffered an identity crisis.
She locks away Writer Cassie and tasks Raz to find the other two archetypes with the promise she will help Raz with subduing the bees guarding the Astralathe. She betrays Raz, locking him up after he gives her the two books. Teacher Cassie and Counterfeiter Cassie free Writer Cassie as Librarian Cassie resurfaces as the Die-Brarian. With Raz's help, the three archetypes reintegrate and overpower the Die-Brarian.
Afterwards, all four archetypes merge together to form Cassie O'Pia as a whole person in her mind.
- Librarian Cassie sees Raz as her assistant.
- After speaking with Librarian Cassie for the first time, Raz will deduce that she is attempting to take control of Cassie’s mind, and that he should “play along with her plan to avoid suspicion”.