Psychonauts Wiki

Lizzie Natividad

Uh, what are you doing, weirdo?

–Lizzie to Raz

Lizzie Natividad[1] is a Junior Psychonaut and former Psychonaut intern stationed at the Motherlobe.


Lizzie has purple skin, a pink nose, dark blue hair, blue lipstick, yellow sclera, and brown pupils. She wears a gray beanie, a sleeveless gray shirt with a pattern of snake scales and roses, a dark blue and black skirt with pink detailing, and black boots that match her top. Several pins are attached to her vest, which appears to be made of leaves. She wears an assortment of stylish beaded belts, wrist warmers, charms, earrings, and spiked bracelets, along with a hazard tape belt and hazard tape wrist bands. She has numerous tattoos along her arms and legs, one being a skull and another an atom diagram.


Lizzie is cold and reserved, however she is slightly nicer than her sister, Norma. She is sarcastic, pessimistic, moody and speaks very brashly with little regard for how other people will feel. Even still, she isn't outright malicious and is even helpful at times.


Hollis Forsythe[]

Hollis Forsythe is Lizzie's teacher at the Motherlobe.

Razputin Aquato[]

Razputin is Lizzie's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. She likes to tease him, for example by telling him a scary story about an evil witch just as he's about to venture into a dark forest; or by adopting his family nickname upon hearing it and calling him Pooter from then on.


Norma is Lizzie's sister and fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe, although their personalities are almost polar opposites, just like their PSI powers. In a cut audio, Lizzie says that although her sister is a "pill", she still loves her.

Lizzie's parents[]

Norma briefly mentions her unnamed parents during the battle against Lady Luctopus by saying: "Agent Forsythe, when my parents-", which would also be Lizzie's parents.

Compton Boole[]

Compton is Lizzie's mentor in the intern program. She is supposed to bring him an animal, and over the course of the story, she attempts to catch a few in a not very gentle manner.


Gisu is Lizzie's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Adam Joseph Gette[]

Adam is Lizzie's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. They seem to be closer than the other interns, as they are seen making cocktails at the bar on the Lady Luctopus mission, and talking afterwards near the Psychonauts history exhibit.

Sam Boole[]

Sam is Lizzie's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Morris Martinez[]

Morris is Lizzie's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.


Lizzie first appears with the other interns, when she helps Norma trick Raz into giving them his clothes and getting locked in a closet. Afterwards she can be found talking to Morris about his planned pirate radio station.

She is present for the discovery of Nick Johnsmith's body and attends the Mental Connection class afterward, where she is the first to encourage Raz to alter Hollis's mind so they can go on the casino mission.

On the mission, she can be found at the bar with Adam. The two of them show up briefly at the Maternity Ward during Hollis's Hot Streak before they're both taken by the Lady Lucktopus. Later, Lizzie and the other interns assist Raz on the mission.

Upon returning to the Motherlobe, she tries to find an animal for her assignment from Compton near the history board. She watches Raz reunite with his family and makes fun of them. Raz later gets caught in a trap she set up in the Forgetful Forest to catch an animal, and she tells him the story of the "Green Needle Witch". Afterwards, she can be found trying to catch a goat with Telekinesis.

Like the other interns, she helps Raz during the Maligula fight and is promoted to Junior Agent afterward. During the post-game she can be found talking with Norma in the Motherlobe.


  • Telekinesis: Lizzie is seen using telekinesis during Hollis' lecture. Her PSI-color is purple. Her Telekinesis power is rather weak, as she was unable to catch a goat in the Questionable Area.
  • Astral Projection: Lizzie can astral project into minds using a psycho portal.
  • Cryokinesis: Lizzie uses Cryokinesis to help Raz skate.
  • Hydrokinesis: Lizzie uses hydrokinesis in tandem with her cryokinesis ability.
  • Levitation: Lizzie can be seen using levitation multiple times.


  • "He IS clumsy. He'd probably get us all killed."
  • Raz: "Did someone say something about pirate radio?"
    Morris: "No."
    Lizzie: "Yes. Morris is doing it and it's totally against the rules and he's gonna get kicked out of the Psychonauts."
  • Adam: "Kid's got some spirit!"
    Lizzie: "I think he just doesn't want us to see him cry."
  • Lizzie: "(Gasp) Has nobody told you? About the GREEN NEEDLE WITCH who haunts these woods? Her mother was a banshee, and her father... was a PORCUPINE!"
    Raz: "Let me guess. She hates children and kills them on sight?"
    Lizzie: "No. She LOVES children. She follows them through the forest, and when she catches them, she gives them a BIG HUG..."
    Raz: "That doesn't sound so-"
    Lizzie: "IMPALING them on her needles! FILLING THEM WITH HOLES!"
    Raz: "Okay, if you could just let me down now-"
    Lizzie: "Children beware! She's there! She's there! The Green Needle Witch has waited. She wants a hug! Don't dare! Don't dare! Or soon you'll be perforated!."
  • Maligula: "Gah! What dares block my FLOW?"
    Lizzie: "I dunno, lady. Have you tried eating prunes?"
  • "You should feel lucky, Raz. She's [Norma] been "helping" me my whole life."
  • (If hit with PSI-Punch): "You're dead, new kid!"
  • (If hit with PSI-Punch): "I'll remember that, Pooter!"
  • (If picked up with Telekinesis): "Just what do you think you're doing?"
  • (If using the Otto Shot): "Don't bother. I don't show up in mirrors or on film."


  • Lizzie's levitation hand has a spiked bracelet on it.
  • Lizzie is a master of Cryokinesis, while her sister, Norma, is a master of Pyrokinesis.
  • Lizzie, along with her sister, are two of the red herrings in Psychonauts 2 implied to have a connection with Maligula. For Lizzie, it is her similar eye color and shape along with the "eye" decorations across her outfit and her skill in hydrokinesis.
  • If Raz uses Clairvoyance on Lizzie before completing Lady Luctopus casino mission, she will see Raz as a naked version of himself. After completing it, she will see Raz as a punk version of himself.
  • Lizzie is the second tallest intern, with her height being around 6 feet without the hat. Her height is only surpassed by Adam.
  • While trying to catch a goat, Lizzie mentions she should work on her TK.


  1. Last name discovered in a cut audio.