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Note: Not to be confused with Loboto's Mind

Loboto's Labyrinth

My mission? Drill down into Caligosto Loboto's mind, and root out whoever hired him to kidnap Truman Zanotto!

–Raz's journal notes

Loboto's Labyrinth is a level in Psychonauts 2 that acts as the game's tutorial. It takes place inside Dr. Caligosto Loboto's mind, but does not represent his mental world in its usual state, as it is in large part influenced by a mental construct created by Sasha Nein.


Initially, Loboto's Labyrinth takes place entirely inside of Sasha Nein's mental construct, which is meant to look like (a false version of) the headquarters of the Psychonauts. It resembles a generic—though very large and oddly structured—office building, complete with motivational posters, conference rooms, and dozens of filing cabinets. As part of the construct, various office workers resembling real-world members of the Psychonauts can be seen standing around or working at their desks. Soon after Dr. Loboto becomes aware that something is amiss, however, he manages to gain control over the construct. As the level is traversed, more and more of the office space comes to reflect Loboto's fixation on dentistry: teeth jut out everywhere, dental equipment is scattered about, and walls and floors become covered in fleshy gums.

Points of Interest[]

  • Office Construct: A mental construct created by Sasha to trick Loboto into revealing his employer’s identity. It quickly falls apart when Loboto realizes the truth and starts merging it with a mental world of his own.
  • Trashcan: A room Raz and Oleander end up in soon after they begin chasing Loboto, after an enormous version of him finds them and tosses them out into a trash can. The first figments in the game are found here.
  • Central Office: A large room in the construct with a wall-height animated portrait of Loboto on one wall. Raz repeatedly ends up in this room as he tries to navigate the labyrinth, and each time he does, the room looks less like an office building and gets more teeth and dentist instruments in its decor.
  • Conference Room: A room initially reached through a teeth zipper in the wall of the Central Office. It does resemble a conference room, with a long table and adjacent chairs, as well as whiteboards and projectors displaying some semblance of "business". However, the room is impractically long and zigzags off into the distance. The table inside follows the shape of the room until it turns into a tongue at the end, leading into a mouth and an area made of more teeth and gums.
  • Poster Gallery: A series of hallways covered in motivational posters urging Loboto to keep quiet, left by his employer's intimidation tactics. Lili attempts to burn the posters to try to convince him to talk. It also contains a few more large-scale portraits of Loboto. One of the hallways leads to a luxuriously decorated boss's office.
  • Dental Void: A large cavernous place dotted with some gum platforms and enormous dental instruments. Milla reminds Raz to use Levitation to get around this area and reach a giant sink at its end.
  • Asylum: A wide open area with gum platforms that float around the very top of a mental version of Thorney Towers, sitting in the middle of mental Lake Oblongata. At the top of the tower, where the real one used to be, is a memory of his old lab. In the distance, only endless pine forests and some lights that must be Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp can be seen around the lake.

In Psychonauts 2[]


Two eyes scaring Loboto.


Coach Oleander taunting Dr. Loboto about his vacation

As Razputin explains in the intro of the game, Dr. Loboto was captured by the Psychonauts after the events of Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin. Psychonauts 2 begins with Raz and his allies on a new mission: interrogating Loboto about the identity of the person who hired him to kidnap Truman Zanotto, which they attempt to do by implanting a false reality inside of the doctor's mind. In this mental construct, all of them are colleagues at the Psychonauts headquarters.

Inside the construct, Raz and Lili pretend to have a normal day at work and attend the "Morale Corral", during which Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello name Caligosto Loboto the new employee of the year and award him an all-expenses-paid tropical vacation. To claim the vacation, they tell him he only needs to have some documents signed by his employer. As the doctor sets off, the Psychonauts get into position to tail him, the plan being that he should lead them directly to his memory of the person who hired him. Loboto quickly catches on to the fact that Razputin is following him, however, and immediately realizes that his award is a fake. The doctor runs off and rapidly begins taking control of the construct, giving him the ability to warp the space around him as teeth and gums begin appearing everywhere.

Razputin makes his way through the office construct, which becomes increasingly distorted and dentistry-themed as he goes. One by one, he meets his allies along the way, who remind him of the various psychic abilities he has at his disposal as they all try to defend themselves against Loboto and salvage the mission. Partway through the construct, Raz and Lili discover a hallway that's covered in posters discouraging the doctor from speaking, seemingly left in his mind by his employer's intimidation tactics. It becomes more and more apparent that Loboto regrets what he has done, but that he's terrified to reveal who was behind the plan.

Finally, Razputin ends up at a wide open area that resembles the outside of Thorney Towers. With his entire team ejected from Loboto's mind, he continues to follow a rambling Loboto up the stairs leading to the mental representation of his old lab. There, he witnesses a shadowy figure who reminds the dentist of his orders, and threatens him with a vision of "her": a cackling woman with intimidating purple eyes, who Sasha later identifies as Maligula. As soon as he gets a look at her, Raz is ejected into the real world.

Raz can revisit Loboto's Labyrinth through the Collective Unconscious once he gains access to the Brain Tumbler, but Loboto is no longer present in this region of his mind if he does, and neither are any of the NPCs that were there before. Several of the areas are also disconnected from each other, and can no longer be moved through as they were the first time, instead needing to be accessed separately through the PSI-Popper Generator.



There are 80 figments in total, most of which are themed around dentistry or things that could be found in an office.

Figments of Interest[]

Among Loboto's figments, some that are especially interesting include:

Emotional Baggage[]


  • Bag: Located in the final room of the Poster Gallery on the left atop a bookshelf.
  • Tag: Located at the beginning of the Dental Void. Platform across some dental mirrors and glide with Raz's Levitation ball on the first updraft towards the platform with the tag.


  • Bag: Located in the Central Office on the opposite side of the room from the Loboto painting on top of a photocopier.
  • Tag: Located in the Central Office between the computer desks.

Steamer Trunk

  • Bag: Located in the Asylum section of this mind, turn around after teleporting with the PSI-Popper Generator and use the Mental Connection ability to go to a floating island.
  • Tag: Located at the end of the Dental Void, use the Mental Connection ability to cross the mental nodes near the second dental sink.


  • Bag: Located in the Poster Gallery, use the Pyrokinesis ability to burn down the second painting of Loboto on the left side to reveal a hidden room with the bag inside.
  • Tag: Located at the beginning of the Conference Room around the first corner on the right side of the winding table.


  • Bag: Located at the beginning of the Conference Room, use the Pyrokinesis ability to burn down the poster of an open mouth, revealing a hidden room with the bag inside.
  • Tag: Located at the beginning of the Asylum section of this mind. Platform across some teeth to collect the tag.

Memory Vaults[]

Nuggets of Wisdom[]

The Nuggets of Wisdom in this level are shaped like Loboto's old teddy bear from his childhood.

  1. Located in the Trashcan behind the zipper teeth door. This Nugget can only be acquired after completing the mind for the first time.
  2. Located behind the painting of Loboto in the Central Office. This Nugget can only be acquired after completing the mind for the first time.




  • Razputin's cubicle and various other walls around the mental construct have documents pinned up that feature a tooth as the Psychonauts' logo, an immediate hint that the scene does not take place in the real Psychonauts headquarters.
  • On Loboto's Employee of the Year award, the date is listed as "12-4".
  • Using the Levitation upgrade to charge your Levitation ball's jump height, you can glitch into the memory of Loboto's Lab on top of Thorney Towers in the Asylum section of this mental world to see Loboto talking to the true antagonist of Psychonauts 2.
  • In the Central Office, there is a chandelier above the large painting of Loboto that looks exactly like Gristol Malik's crown. It becomes larger and more dilapidated as the construct breaks down.
  • Though most of the posters on the walls of the office construct only have unintelligible scribbling in place of text, the phrase "Gigi is so cool" can be read among the scribbles on one poster. The Gigi in question is no doubt Gianna "Gigi" Ruggiero, senior concept artist on Psychonauts 2.
  • Among the office construct's wall decorations is a strange painting of an old woman in a blue dress with a yellow pattern. Tim Schafer has owned this painting, "Granny" by Lolly Jones, since at least 2000, and it has hung in the Double Fine office since the development of the original Psychonauts. It can be seen many times in the background of the Psychonauts Retrospective documentary, The Color of the Sky in your World, on the Double Fine Youtube channel.[1]
  • Using the "plucky" pin in Loboto's Labyrinth will pick up a large, unmarked box (presumably containing files).


  1. The painting appears near Tim Schafer's workstation in footage from 2000, and can also be seen at 11:45 hanging in Double Fine's original office, and at 13:00 behind Scott Campbell during his interview for the 2015 video.