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Note: Not to be confused with Loboto's Labyrinth

I think it's time we sail for NEW WATERS!

–First Mate Loboto

Loboto's Leviathan is the mental world of Dr. Caligosto Loboto in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]

Loboto's Leviathan[]


Fighting against Monstroboto.

Raz enters the mind of Dr. Caligosto Loboto using Coach Oleander's Psycho-Portal. Loboto's mind appears as a wide ocean (actually being a bathtub). In the tub, Raz meets three mental figures: First Mate Loboto, Crackers, and Monstroboto. Raz finds himself tied to the mast on a ship belonging to First Mate, who explains that he has lost his compass and is stranded out at sea. He explains his ship is being terrorized by a monster living in the water's dark abyss, Monstroboto, and Raz offers to help defeat him. Together they manage to defeat Monstroboto by burning his shower cap and Psi-Blasting his exposed brain.

Little House in the Psyche[]

Main article: Little House in the Psyche

Once Monstroboto is defeated, a Memory Vault falls onto the boat, which First Mate opens to find a stereoscope inside, and brings it up to his eyes. Raz uses Clairvoyance to access the memory inside the stereoscope.

Inside the Memory Vault is a small dollhouse, fashioned out of a similar material to the boat. On the house's porch are patchwork doll recreations of Caligosto's parents, who are seeing a young Loboto off for an unknown procedure. The two refer to Loboto as a "devil child" and a "little monster" before heading back inside the house. A younger Loboto then appears to the side of the dollhouse, which Raz uses Clairvoyance on to access more memories.


View inside the dollhouse.

The next scene involves a young Caligosto hiding inside a closet while his parents argue about his future. His mother stresses over her son's "unknown condition", and the two agree to send him off for an icepick lobotomy. His mother initially voices concerns about the dangers of the procedure, but eventually declares she doesn't care if it hurts him or not. Raz then uses Clairvoyance again to move to the next memory.

The following memory takes place in the Lobotos' family kitchen, where it is revealed that Caligosto's "condition" is that he is a psychic. His mother calls his father into the kitchen and presents him an assortment of spoons, which have all been bent by Caligosto using telekinesis. His mother is so disturbed by this revelation that his father has him taken to his hospital immediately to have tests run on him.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin 20190501195353

Doll recreation of Monstroboto in the bath.

The final scene is of Caligosto as a baby, laying in a crib. His parents come into the room and dote over him, wistfully discussing his future. Caligosto's mother removes the teddy bear in his crib because the "eyes aren't childsafe" and berates his father before both of them leave the room. Baby Caligosto then uses telekinesis to move the teddy bear back into his crib, and removes the compass from his crib mobile, sending it back to the boat. Raz pieces together the truth of Caligosto's background, realizing that he was a psychic and was lobotomized by his parents to remove his abilities, which ultimately led him to become mentally unwell. Raz then uses Clairvoyance to travel to the final room of the dollhouse, the bathroom, which shows a sad patchwork doll of Monstroboto in the tub. The compass is returned to First Mate and Crackers.

With the compass restored to the boat, First Mate declares it's "time we sail for new waters", to which Crackers pops out of his clock and declares "it's about time". First Mate and Crackers then happily sail to safety far away from Monstroboto.


  • Censors do not appear in Loboto's mind in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin because he suffers from mania and childhood trauma. Mental figments and emotional baggage also not appear inside his mind in the game.
  • The Psycho-Portal bounces off of Loboto's showercap in Psychonauts, preventing Raz from entering his mind. However, it does not bounce off in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin.
  • In terms of collectibles, Loboto's Leviathan is one of the emptiest minds only have a single memory vault.
  • Along with PSI King's Sensorium this is one of the few mental worlds where the memory vault has a slight or way different appearance than in any other mind.
  • The boss fight with Monstroboto along with the Gluttonous Goats fight is one of the only fights where Raz has to cooperate with another character to face the main threat.
  • While Time Bubble gets introduced till Psychonauts 2, technically the concept or at least a similar idea of it gets introduced in the Rhombus of Ruin first.