- A Land without Caviar
- Abandoned Psitanium Mine
- Achievements/Psychonauts
- Achievements/Psychonauts 2
- Achievements/Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin
- Acorn woodpeckers
- Acorn woodpeckers/Gallery
- Adam Joseph Gette
- Adam Joseph Gette/Gallery
- Aerokinesis
- Agent 33
- Agent Orientation Laserdisc
- All Paul
- All Paul/Gallery
- Aquato family
- Aquato family/Gallery
- Aquatodome
- Archway Painting
- Arrowhead
- Astral Lanes Bowling Alley
- Astral Projection
- Astral Projection Layer
- Astral Wallet
- Astralathe
- Astronaut Ice Cream
- Asylum Grounds
- Asylum Grounds/Gallery
- Asylum Lower Floors
- Asylum Lower Floors/Gallery
- Asylum Upper Floors
- Asylum Upper Floors/Gallery
- Atom Splicer
- Audie O
- Audie O/Gallery
- Augustus Aquato
- Augustus Aquato/Gallery
- Axeman
- Axeman/Gallery
- Baby Loboto
- Baby Loboto/Gallery
- Bacon
- Bad Idea
- Bad Idea/Gallery
- Bad Mood
- Bad Mood/Gallery
- Bad Mood/Theme
- Barriers
- Basic Braining (Video Series)
- Basic Braining Sentry
- Bass
- Bathysphere
- Beavers
- Beavers/Gallery
- Becky Houndstooth
- Becky Houndstooth/Gallery
- Bee Smoker
- Beehive Shaped like My Phone
- Benny Fideleo
- Benny Fideleo/Gallery
- Bigelow
- Bigelow/Gallery
- Billy the Club
- Billy the Club/Gallery
- Bird Roast Dinner
- Birthday Cake
- Black Velvetopia
- Black Velvetopia/Gallery
- Black Velvetopia Bosses/Theme
- Blastcap Becky
- Blastcap Becky Cave
- Blastcap Becky Cave/Gallery
- Blueprint Brain Tank
- Blueprint Brain Tank/Gallery
- Blueprint Brain Tank/Theme
- Boathouse and Beach
- Boathouse and Beach/Gallery
- Bob's Bottles
- Bob's Bottles/Figments
- Bob's Bottles/Gallery
- Bob's father
- Bob's greenhouse
- Bob's seeds
- Bob's vine plant
- Bob's vine plant/Gallery
- Bob Zanotto
- Bob Zanotto/Gallery
- Bobbie
- Bobbie/Gallery
- Bobby Zilch
- Bobby Zilch/Gallery
- Bonita Soleil
- Bonita Soleil/Gallery
- Boole family
- Boole family/Gallery
- Bowling Pin Ford
- Bowling Pin Lucy
- Bowling Pin Lucy/Gallery
- Bowling alley bartender
- Bowling alley bartender/Gallery
- Boxcar train
- Boxcar train/Gallery
- Boyd's former boss
- Boyd: Fired Again!
- Boyd: Hired Again!
- Boyd Cooper
- Boyd Cooper/Gallery
- Brain Sneezing Powder
- Brain Storm
- Brain Storm/Gallery
- Brain Storm/Voice Lines
- Brain Tank
- Brain Tank/Gallery
- Brain Tank/Theme
- Brain Tumbler
- Brain Tumbler Experiment
- Brain Tumbler Experiment/Gallery
- Brainframe
- Breaking Dr. Potts
- Brianne
- Brianne/Gallery
- Bulb Bobs
- Bulb Bobs/Gallery
- Bulldog
- Bulldog/Gallery
- Bulletin Board
- Bulletin Board/Gallery
- Bunny Demon
- Bunny Demon/Gallery
- Cafeteria Worker
- Cafeteria Worker/Gallery
- Camp Store
- Camp Store/Gallery
- Campster
- Can of Corn
- Candle
- Cannon Snails
- Cannon Snails/Gallery
- Cassie's Collection
- Cassie's Collection/Figments
- Cassie's Collection/Gallery
- Cassie's Escape Plan
- Cassie's archetypes
- Cassie's bees
- Cassie's bees/Gallery
- Cassie's hive
- Cassie's parents
- Cassie O'Pia
- Cassie O'Pia/Gallery
- Censors
- Censors/Gallery
- Censors/Voice Lines
- Charlie Psycho Delta
- Charlie Psycho Delta/Gallery
- Cheat Code
- Cherry Wood Pipe
- Chet
- Chet/Gallery
- Chloe Barge
- Chloe Barge/Gallery
- Circus Fleas
- Circus Pillbugs
- Circus Pillbugs/Gallery
- Clairvoyance
- Classroom
- Clem Foote
- Clem Foote/Gallery
- Coach's Cruise
- Coach's Cruise/Gallery
- Coach's Jeep
- Coach Oleander
- Coach Oleander's Basic Braining
- Coach Oleander's Basic Braining/Gallery
- Coach Oleander/Gallery
- Cobweb Duster
- Colin
- Colin/Gallery
- Collectibles
- Collective Unconscious
- Collective Unconscious/Gallery
- Collie
- Collie/Gallery
- Compton's Cookoff
- Compton's Cookoff/Figments
- Compton's Cookoff/Gallery
- Compton Boole
- Compton Boole/Gallery
- Compton on his Own
- Concert crowd
- Condor Egg
- Confusion
- Confusion Rats
- Confusion Rats/Gallery
- Cornucopia
- Cosmic I/Smell the Universe
- Counterfeiter Cassie
- Cow Piece
- Cow Piece/Gallery
- Cow horn
- Crab Sandwich
- Crab Sandwich/Gallery
- Crackers
- Crackers/Gallery
- Crane Operator
- Crayfish
- Crayfish/Gallery
- Creepy Patient
- Creepy Patient/Gallery
- Crenshaw
- Crenshaw/Gallery
- Criminal Evidence
- Crispin Whytehead
- Crispin Whytehead/Gallery
- Crow Feather
- Crows
- Crows/Gallery
- Cruller's Correspondence
- Cruller's Cuts
- Cryokinesis
- Crystal Flowers Snagrash
- Crystal Flowers Snagrash/Gallery
- Cutting the Roots
- D'Artagnan
- D'Artagnan/Gallery
- Dalmatian
- Dalmatian/Gallery
- Day Old Sushi
- Deck of Cards
- Deers
- Deers/Gallery
- Defibrillator Nurses
- Deluginaries
- Dementistration
- Den Mother
- Den Mother/Gallery
- Diamond Daze
- Diamond Daze/Gallery
- Die-Brarian
- Die-Brarian/Gallery
- Die-Brarian/Theme
- Dingo Inflagrante
- Dingo Inflagrante/Gallery
- Dinosaur
- Dinosaur/Gallery
- Dinosaur Bone
- Dion Aquato
- Dion Aquato/Gallery
- Distilled Emotions
- Diver's Helmet
- Dog Painters
- Dog Painters/Gallery
- Dogen Boole
- Dogen Boole/Gallery
- Donatella Aquato
- Donatella Aquato/Gallery
- Doubts
- Doubts/Gallery
- Dowsing Rod
- Dr. Caligosto Loboto
- Dr. Caligosto Loboto/Gallery
- Dr. Jack Potts
- Dr. Jack Potts/Gallery
- Dr. Loboto Portrait
- Dr. Potts is the Pits
- Dr. Touch
- Dr. Touch/Gallery
- Drag Me Down
- Dragon
- Dragon/Gallery
- Dragonflies
- Dragonflies/Gallery
- Dream Bunny
- Dream Bunny/Gallery
- Dream Fluff
- Drum set
- Dunce
- Dunce/Gallery
- Dustin
- Dustin/Gallery
- EKG Patient
- EKG Patient/Gallery
- Eagle Claw
- Edgar's Lament
- Edgar's Love
- Edgar Teglee
- Edgar Teglee/Gallery
- Edgar the cow
- Edgar the cow/Gallery
- El Odio
- El Odio/Gallery
- Electric Eels
- Electric Eels/Gallery
- Elka Doom
- Elka Doom/Gallery
- Elton Fir
- Elton Fir/Gallery
- Emotional Baggage
- Emotional Baggage/Gallery
- Enabler
- Enabler/Gallery
- Enemy
- Enemy Surveillance Device
- Enhancement Under the Sea
- Evan
- Evan/Gallery
- Evil Augustus
- Evil Augustus/Gallery
- Expandolier
- Fake UFO
- Fake UFO/Gallery
- Fannie Flats
- Fat Lady
- Fat Lady/Gallery
- Fatherland Follies
- Fatherland Follies/Figments
- Fatherland Follies/Gallery
- Faun Cruller
- Faun Cruller/Gallery
- Feast of the Senses
- Feast of the Senses/Gallery
- Federal Government
- Feel Mobile
- Fertility Idol
- Figment
- Figment/Gallery
- First Mate Loboto
- First Mate Loboto/Gallery
- Fish Guards
- Fish Guards/Gallery
- Fish Skeleton
- Fish market vendors
- Fisher King
- Flamingos
- Flounders
- Flounders/Gallery
- Flowers
- Fluff Pockets
- Fly
- Fly/Gallery
- Food audience
- Ford's Follicles
- Ford's Fractured Mind
- Ford's Fractured Mind/Figments
- Ford's Fractured Mind/Gallery
- Ford's Sanctuary
- Ford's Sanctuary/Gallery