This page contains a gallery of images and/or videos related to Lori.
Lori, with her old haircut.
"How could Nick let it get like this?"
"He's usually so organized."
"Should I tell somebody? I don't wanna get poor Nick in trouble."
"Where IS Nick? I can't remember the last time I saw him."
"Better get all this mail sorted quick! You're making Nick look bad!"
"I'm sorry I just hate children."
"She's not even my boss!"
Lori, at the hairdresser.
Lori says "Shhh! The mail. Runs. On TRUST" when
Raz tells her "Nick" wasn't really Nick.
"If I nail this, I'm on my way to the top. I think."
"Some of these letters I can just throw away, right?"
"You can do this, Lori. You can prove that dumb
Chet wrong!"
"I know you turned out to be evil, Nick, but you kept the mail sorted."
"This is your chance, Lori. Don't blow it."
"They say Ford Cruller used to work here. I think I smell his cologne, actually."
"I don't think people should be allowed to have their personal mail sent here. Why should I have to sort their junk?"
"There's a letter without a stamp? Maybe I should open and read it."
"I mean most of this is just junk mail..."
"Okay, does "PH" go before "G" because it sounds like "F"?
"And what about numbers? How do you alphabetize numbers?"
"Oh, what would Nick do?"