The Luchadores are wrestler mini-bosses in Black Velvetopia. Each must be defeated to obtain one of Edgar's missing queen cards. Their introductions are narrated by the Wrestling Announcer. Their defeat besides Razputin earning their respective cards, leads to the access via the tower of cards to the 7th boss of Psychonauts but the final boss of Black Velvetopia. Once defeated they will remain on the Secret Garden gardening, said area is located close to the Collie's alley on the upper part.
Each and one of luchadores are in charge of protecting a specific type of card: With Tiger guarding the first card encountered in Black Velvetopia, being the Queen of Clubs card, followed by Dragon protecting the Queen of Hearts card, Eagle taking care of the Queen of Diamonds card and lastly Cobra defending the Queen of Spades card.
The wrestlers are manifestations of Edgar's former teammates from his high school wrestling team. Each wears an outfit themed after Edgar's black vest animal symbols, and while all of them shares a similar appearance; the brick-shaped with a slight bit of chubbiness body followed with the fairly small arms and legs, truth to be told, they present a very different color scheme and patterns on their wrestling uniforms. Tiger with his typical orange fur with black stripes on the arms and the back, Dragon with red skin and white lines trying to mimic the shapes of the fire, Eagle having part of his front body with white and violet and his back pure dark with some violet lines representing feathers; lastly and most importantly Cobra showcasing a skin like the one of a real cobra but with a horseshoe symbol on the back. Additional to all that stuff, they also wear wrestling belts that presents their own animal symbol minus Cobra since he presents the same horseshoe symbol from his back.
The Luchadores are aggressive and their voices reveal an insulting yet sinister type of attitude. Tiger speaks using a thick Russian accent and is dramatic and over-the-top in his speech patterns. Dragon is aggressive and prideful, speaking on a gravelly Arkansas accent. Eagle is capable of only speaking one word (ca-caw) and thus has little-to-no personality, although he does express surprise if Raz uses Invisibility to hide from him and disappointment right after hitting Raz from what he was gonna say to him in the pre-fight cutscene.
Cobra’s demeanor is that of an obnoxious bully, arrogant, prideful and rude. He is convinced that Raz is Edgar Teglee, despite how many times the former tells the latter otherwise. The reason they dislike Edgar so much is because they are convinced that he let them down in the high school wrestling semi-finals, which in reality it wouldn’t be this over-exaggerated for the real teammates, but since the guilt of Edgar himself is a part of what's holding him back that much this manifestations are representing that guilt and hatred he has towards his persona. They don't view Raz to be much of a challenge, the latter ultimately is what causes them to underestimate Raz when he unleashes his psychic abilities on them. Though they turn their defeats into something positive, they are indifferent to Raz, only responding with a grunt if he tries to speak with them.
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about Tiger.
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about Dragon.
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about Eagle and his.. ca-caw.
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about Cobra.
While the Luchadores have different signature moves that requires different strategies to defeat, the fights in general are typically the same. Raz can use Invisibility to sneak up on the wrestlers and hit them, use the Shield to block attacks, or use Levitation to jump above and Palm Bomb them. Telekinesis can be a secondary option as well by the fact that it stuns them for at least 2 seconds since they are forced to sit on the ground. Cobra, however, is the big difference in the group. He can only be defeated by breaking his concentration with a Confusion Grenade, then attacking while he is vulnerable.
Attacks and Health[]
- Feline Fury Paws (Tiger): When Raz is close, Tiger will swipe his arms 4 times in a row (although for most of the time the final swipe will always be missed). This attack attack can slowly push raz backwards and to his health bar it deals 4 hit points.
- Tiger Charge (Tiger/Signature Move): Tiger gets on all fours, aiming at Razputin no matter what his current position is or if he is moving. This charge takes 3 seconds to be finished and when he’s done pounces very quickly at raz; if damaged it will deal 3 hit points and raz is knocked out for about 4 seconds. On the other hand, if tiger missed he gets knocked for the same amount of time as Raz’s.
- Sizzling Fists (Dragon): Performs two swipes in succession, by doing them he jumps semi-high and finishes with bringing his hands together to generate a big concentrated fireball. This attack only deals 4 hit points.
- Dragon Roar (Dragon/Signature Move): Dragon stands still and releases a large conflagration that sticks Raz to the ground. This attack takes 4 seconds before dragon strikes and launches himself towards his target. It will deal 3 hit points and raz is knocked out for about 4 seconds, but unlike tiger if dragon misses he won’t get stunned in any sort of way.
- Winged Clobber (Eagle): Eagle will do 2 sets of doubled ear claps towards Raz and finishing with him jumping into the air releasing multi-kicks. Though it deals 4 hit points there’s a rare chance that if Raz is way to close he will receive 5 hit points.
- Eagle Dive (Eagle/Signature Move): He charges quickly and jumps up into the air, staying in there for about 5 seconds before dropping down onto Raz. Like past signature moves it only deals 3 hit points but the time of knocking out Raz will be around the 4 and 5 seconds, but as a repayment; by using shield before landing it will knock out eagle for 4 seconds.
- Biting Punches (Cobra): If raz is any close to him, he will release 3 sets of punches that resembles the way real cobras attack. Funnily enough this attack only deals 3 hit points but it is performed much quickly than the other luchadores main attacks.
- Confusion Hood (Cobra/Signature Move): Cobra grabs and lifts his head up, causing confusion that reverses the controls and turns everything green for a short period of time, it can also randomize Razputin’s PSI-Powers in the process. He finishes this attack by firing himself while carrying his head in front dealing a total of 3 hit points and knocking out Raz for about 4 seconds.
- Dash: All the luchadores will occasionally rush towards Razputin in a very quick speed, in an attempt to harm him with any of their own attacks and the well known piledriver move.
- Piledriver: A second move that the luchadores perform consists on them grabbing Raz and positioning him upside down so they can slam him into the ground headfirst. This deals 3 hit points and knocks Raz out for about 4 seconds.
- Throw: A variant similarly performed as the piledriver, the luchadores grab Raz but rises him high, dumping him into the ground and knocking him out for about 4 seconds and also dealing 3 hit points.
Similar to Den Mother their health varies on the PSI-power it was used on them, for instance: When using the average PSI-Punch it only takes 16 hits, by using Pyrokinesis it requires a total of 61 burnts (6 times using the ability on them), If charging Palm bomb enough with either Levitation or not it only takes 7 hits and lastly by using the reflection damage of shield takes 27 hits. In comparison to most other bosses for being just mini bosses they have a solid amount of health.
Before Battle[]
- (Tiger Introduction) "Good, because it is bedtime for you, snack-size."
- (Tiger Introduction) "You will fight me for my card, yes?"
- (Tiger Introduction) "Then, small fry, I am afraid the Sandman is going to have to bend way over to reach you because you are so awfully itty-bitty and then--"
- (Unused) (Tiger Introduction) "Perhaps Wee Lord Puny would like to make me shut up?"
- (Unused) (Tiger Introduction) "It occurs to me that I'd like to see someone so tiny make me shut up."
- (Unused) (Tiger Introduction) "Honestly, you and what Lilliputian army could even--"
Dragon talksprite.
- (Tiger Introduction) "Then I will shut up, but only so I can enjoy the microscopic spectacle of your attempts to make me shut up."
- (Unused) (Tiger Introduction) "Yes, it is fine."
- (Dragon Introduction) "That smells like fear, boy!"
- (Dragon Introduction) "That’s fear! RAWRRRR"
- (Dragon Introduction) "That's sulfur. It's part of the dragon costume, kid."
- (Unused) (Dragon Introduction) "Enjoy it while you can, kid. The next odor you smell is gonna be all FEAR!"
Eagle talksprite.
- (Eagle Introduction) "Ca-Caw."
- (Eagle Introduction) "Ca-caw. Ca-caw."
- (Cobra Introduction) "Hey Edgar, nice headgear. Freak"
- (Cobra Introduction) "What? You suck, Teglee. You can’t beat me. Coach says I can’t be beat. Coach says I got mental toughness. You can’t break my concentration, wimp."
- (Cobra Introduction) "Yeah, you’re gonna wish you’re not Edgar when I’m through."
- (Cobra Introduction) "You’re an idiot, Smeglee. Coach says your psycho girl-crazy lack of focus cost you states."
Cobra talksprite.
- (Cobra Introduction) "Well since you’d have to break my concentration to even touch me, and since you can’t break my concentration, I guess you won’t be too disappointed then."
- (Unused) (Cobra Introduction) "Hey look Smeglee - a girl! Why don't you curl up and have yourself a good cry?"
During Battle[]
- (Tiger): (while Raz is invisible) "You are so tiny, I cannot even see you anymore."
- (Tiger): (if Raz shows him a painting) "AHHH! Your foul art is more painful than your teensy fists!"
- (Dragon): (while Raz is invisible) "Is this some kind of trick?"
- (Dragon): (if Raz shows him a rose) "Ah, the sweet smell of FE...wait a minute, are you trying to give me a flower?"
- (Dragon): (if Raz shows him a painting) "Did you paint this? Let's find out if it's more valuable when you're dead."
- (Eagle): (while Raz is invisible) "Ca-caw?"
- (Cobra): "My head will never get all clouded up and confused like yours!"
- (Cobra): "Cuz I didn't! You can't hurt me at all!"
- (Cobra): "Because the coach taught me how to concentrate on not feeling the pain."
- (Cobra): "Not like you, Schmeglee!"
- (Cobra): "You feel everything!"
- (Cobra): "Like when your girlfriend Lana dumped you for that cheerleader guy."
- (Cobra): "You felt that so bad, you blew the state semi-finals!"
- (Cobra): "You let all us wrestlers down!"
- (Cobra): "That's why we hate you!"
- (Cobra): "Give it up, Schmeglee."
- (Cobra): "Does that hurt, little Edgar?"
- (Cobra): "Feel that?"
- (Cobra): "Does that hurt 'ums feelings?"
- (Cobra): "I can't feel a thing!"
- (Cobra): "Aw, does that hurt?"
- (Cobra): "How 'bout that?"
- (Cobra): "The coach says if you stay focused, you can't be beat!"
- (Cobra): "You'll never break my concentration!"
- (Cobra): "I'm telling you, it's impossible!"
- (Cobra): (Line 1 Using the confusion head) "You got confused, Edgar! You let your guard down!"
- (Cobra): (Line 2 Using the confusion head) "And then you got torn apart like this!"
- (Cobra): (while Raz is invisible) "Where’d you go, Smeglee?"
- (Cobra): (if Raz shows him a rose) "Oh, yeah, sweetheart. You're really dead now."
- (Cobra): (if Raz shows him a painting) "Nice picture. Now put it away or people are going to have to x-ray your colon to look at it."
- When Clairvoyance is used on them, Tiger sees Raz as a weak antelope, Dragon sees Raz as a wimpy warrior wearing cardboard armor, Eagle sees Raz as a worm, and Cobra sees Raz as a nerdy version of Edgar holding his hands up as though to prevent an attack.
- When Raz asks Saint Bernard where to find the four queen cards, he warns Raz to not bother because they are guarded by some "nasty figures", by which he is referring to the Luchadores.
- The invincibility cheat doesn't work during the Luchador bossfights.
- All four Luchadores are a palette swap of each other. They all have the same model figure, but have different colors and patterns.
- Dragon may be a reference to Mr. Satan from the series Dragon Ball, as he has a similar voice to the FUNamation dub portrayal and refers to superhuman abilities (invisibility) a "trick".
- The animals they each represent are present on Edgar's jacket.
- "La Lucha" in English means the struggle. lucha libre, the paricipants of which are called luchadores, is a form of mexican masked wrestling
- Cobra can take off his head.
- When Raz asks Ford Cruller about Eagle, they have an argument about whether or not "Ca-caw" is a hyphenated word, or if it is actually two words. The two continue to exchange the hyphenated words "half-wit" and "back-breaking".
- Tiger appears in the Psychonauts recap animation at the start of Psychonauts 2.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (26:02, 28:30, 30:39 and 32:26 for the fights)