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Lungfish Navy

The peaceful city of Lungfishopolis is under attack tonight by a hideous, gigantic monster the terified citizens have named, "Goggalor".


The Lungfish Navy are the armed forces of Lungfishopolis, which work as the main defense for the metropolis but also working as the main defenses for the mental implant along with Kochamara, put to the Lungfish incase there are foreign entities to the mental world. Their true purpose is to keep the past mentioned implant working properly as it should and to an extent they work as a secondary layer of censors but fighting back those thoughts that try and attempt to liberate Linda.

Varieties of Vehicles[]


Armies of the city under the control of Kochamara. With tanks, trucks, vessels, airplanes and turrets too, they’ll stop at nothing until either Raz falls or they do. Despite the title of "Navy" big majority actually work on different branches of the armed forces including the military and the air force.

Lungfish Navy Tanks[]

The navy has responded quickly and decisively, dispatching its entire tank division to neutralize the creature.


The basic and most common weaponry from the Navy of Lungfishopolis. For the most part these tanks resembles generic military tanks, however, other than the muddy brown painting applied to the vehicles the most funny yet interesting thing is the metallic dorsal fin spotted on the back part where their turrets are. The tanks main ability consists of using its cannon to shoot missiles that goes on a straight direction, though there’s another variant that shots homing missiles.

Despite their ability, Razputin can fight these vehicles with most abilities; stomp, burn, shoot and whack them. Or even just picking them with Telekinesis to throw them at other tanks.

Lungfish Navy Electro-Trucks[]

Well, they’re in for one nasty hangover! Our beloved navy has come up with a high-tech new invention: trucks armed with HYPER-ELECTRICITY!!


The second land-locked vehicle that appears in Lungfishopolis and another somewhat common from the Lungfish Navy. These 'dark-green' trucks presents big turrets with 'gray mixed with white' color which can fire an electrical laser at Raz at considerably long distances, being able to keep shooting it for 5 seconds until having to recharge for a total of 3 seconds. Similar to the tanks most abilities work on these type of vehicle, although now there is an extra option by using Shield against the laser since it reflects it back.

Lungfish Navy Vessels[]

Goggalor, come in! We have commandeered these vessels in your name! We can put them in position to help you cross Kochamara Channel, to get to Kochamara Island, and destroy Kochamara Tower!

–Lungfish Zealot.

Technically the only navy vehicles of this entire army that fits the name. They can be seen in the upper city past the dam mostly because it’s the point where the bigger oceans are present unlike the lower city where Goggalor himself could walk through the rivers with much ease. These ships presents a 'red with black' colors and the evident implementing of the small turret; from this part they can shoot missiles similar to those specific tanks which presents homing missiles.

PSI-Blasting or even using pyrokinesis to their turrets work and is more convenient since they are PSI-Powers with distant capacity. If trying to use the basic punch it will destroy the turret yes, but at the cost of the vessel sinking and making Raz vulnerable to the Hand of Galochio.

Lungfish Navy Airplanes[]

Buddy, you'll be happy to know that the Navy has decided to pull out what they're most famous for: AIRPLANES! So, rest assured, we can all look forward to Goggalor’s imminent death.


The air force itself which can only be seen at the end of the entire metropolis at the Skyscraper Island before reaching Kochamara’s island. These airplanes feature an off white color and at the front part featuring a typical smiling face which midly looks like a cartoony characterization of a shark. They fly overhead and try to hit Razputin with bombs and try to stop the resistance boats from docking; considering this, shielding and PSI-blasting are the main abilities that could fight back these lethal airplanes (shielding specially since they can perform a kamikaze technique).

Lungfish Navy Turret[]

Though it loathe violence in all its forms, the navy has no choice but to activate its anti-monster turrets, which it guarantees are one-hundred percent monster-proof.


The biggest and deadliest Lungfish Navy weapon of them all. Revealing on its appearance a cylindrical appearance with multiple vertical lines around it, some sort of red and white zigzag patterns, a characteristically large cannon like any other turret and lastly; four large spikes on the top which features a symbol. This complex machine is in charge of protecting the entrance to the upper areas of Lungfishopolis as well as being in charge to destroy any monster hence the title of “Anti-Monster Turret”.

This turret shoots rockets at rapid speed which not only are near impossible to avoid but also are extremely powerful to the point it can defeat Raz with zero problems. Shielding at the correct moment or evening using Invisibility are elemental, otherwise It’ll be complicated to face this vehicle.


  • The vehicles seeing in this mental world indirectly references the memory vault of Oleander's Shame
    • This can be the case since first: the one behind the implant besides Dr. Loboto is Coach Oleander himself and second: the vehicles seeing in the mental world are based of the military and its branches that Oleander attempted to join in (Military, Navy and Air Force).