Psychonauts Wiki

Buddy, you'll be happy to know that the Navy has decided to pull out what they're most famous for: AIRPLANES!

Coach Oleander

Lungfish Navy Airplanes are part of the Lungfishopolis Navy in Psychonauts. They fly overhead and try to hit Razputin with bombs and try to stop the resistance boats from docking.


Scale the skyscrapers under the flight paths of the airplanes. Use the Shield to protect yourself from their attacks once you reach the top, then use Marksmanship to PSI-Blast them out of the sky. The PSI-Blast can sometimes ricochet off one plane and strike another.


  • Contradictory to what Coach Oleander states in the Lungfish TV interview, the Navy are most famous for being associated with submarines and Navy ships, not airplanes.


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